Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

More garbage from people who don’t play this game. Yea, its baseless conjecture that people who play personal loot are going to get tired after 20 runs and not even getting a 4 os flail.

You REALLY underestimate how bad drop rates are for actually usable items. Splitting them up and making them unavailable for some of the players is just RNG on top of RNG and a really bad form of it.

Argue against what is being presented, not appealing to authority or veteranship. As a superior veteran, you should be able to logically dispel, with argument, why this is a bad idea to implement. But you’re just explaining why you personally wouldn’t play it.

Then don’t use it. This isn’t supposed to be superior to solo mfing.


Why do you claim that people who disagree with you do not play the game?

Speaking for myself, I have thousands of hours played in D2 and lots of hours in D2R.

The fact is there are people who play a lot whose preferences diverge.

This is a waste of time because you’ve deluded yourself into thinking you and others would waste their time in playing this as it currently stands with drop rates as they are and not get frustrated by it. You want to stack RNG on RNG, and the RNG is already terrible. If you don’t think people committed to playing this way aren’t going to try to pressure the Devs to make this playable(aka not like 20 runs for a 4os flail) you just lack foresight because again you haven’t actually played this game enough to know how many runs you need for anything worth anything.

You don’t need to be a genius to see this happening - just have played the game enough and not be so committed to the particular result you want to see at the expense of all else. Just because you promise not to cry about the low drop rates doesn’t mean all of the other newbs who want to play personal loot won’t, especially since they’re likely to be D3 fans where items drop from the sky every 20 minutes as it is and are already miffed about D2 drop rates.

Imagine we were suggesting adding the color green to the chat gem. No one would use that. But so what? Why would I feel compelled to get on here and argue, feverishly, against adding green to the chat gem saying “No one would use it, you’re delusional!”

I wouldn’t. You wouldn’t either. So your concern is not that “no one would use it” because that wouldn’t make sense. You are using that as an excuse to cover up the real reason you don’t want ploot instituted.


This is just a non-example. PEOPLE expect that when you have some sort of game-mode implemented, it not total trash and a waste of your time(outside of the admitted masochists), especially when they’ve had it implemented elsewhere “successfully(D3)” and wonder why they’re not even remotely the same.

If its not going to be successful, people who PREFER to play like this are going to come here and try to make it successful and the easiest way to do that is to raise drop rates. its not hard to see outside of being a committed ostrich and burying your head in the sands.

This has nothing to do with D3. I recognize that you are in defense mode to stop D2 from becoming D3. I get it. But that’s not what this will do. There is no logical reason to demand increased drops either. And if anyone ever asks for that, I’ll be right next to you telling them to shove off. It’s not happening. This baseless slippery slope speculation is not an argument against ploot being implemented.

I actually can tell you that i am not really worried about the Devs making D2:R into D3, so any kind of motivated reasoning in that regard isn’t engaged. The D2:R devs would have to work real hard at making D2:R into D3, and it would take way more than personal loot to do it. I’m not really worried about that at all at this point. I actually have some faith in the D2:R team and if they were making D4 i’d actually be happy about it i think. I’m someone who in many cases would benefit from personal loot as someone who solo mf’s 8 player games.

This really isn’t hard to envision as an outcome. You have a D2:R dev team that is actively trying to listen to the player base. Introducing a game mode that is “successful” elsewhere in other ARPGS will attract people to come play it, because that is in part what they’re used to. I remember when D3 raised the drop rates from what they had before in addition to the changes to itemization they made. When those players get hit with the reality of what D2:R drop rates are(you seem to just not accept this widely accepted understanding of D2’s drop rates, but all you need to do is either play the game OR look at what people have been finding in their published data) + personal loot, they’re going to sit and wonder(or maybe just feel frustrated and looking to vent it) why they hate the outcomes they get while playing this mode. Is it because its different then what they’ve played in the past? and if it is, why? Well, in part its because D2’s drop rates suck - they’re definitely lower than D3’s, so what’s the path of least resistance to fixing it? Well, buffing them of course.

And the Dev team when putting the option(Personal loot) in are going to be committed to making it viable/enjoyable - rather than just telling people 'we added the mode “Aren’t YOU THANKFUL?” and leaving it at that. This is a team that’s competent and wants to make sure everything they do actually works and a huge amount of frustration pointed at this is going to be noticed.You will see people coming here to pressure the dev team to make it a reality, 100%, guaranteed if its just implemented as is.

You’re assuming that this mode won’t actually suck because you prefer to play this way but i really think you just underestimate how bad drop rates are in this game. Maybe it won’t be bad for 2 players, but for more? I think its going to be pretty harsh. I’m someone with enough experience with D2 that i could write the price guides people use - i get asked to price check pretty valuable & rare items by people privately in the big D2 communities. I know what people should be picking up(and more importantly, keeping), and there isn’t all that much especially considering how much time it takes to find it. Reducing the possible ACCESS to those opportunities to get those items is going to be really really punishing for people who play it. I’ve only seen one Ber rune drop in D2:R and i didn’t get it because i was on an undergeared smiter in hardcore while levelling. I didn’t dive into the mobs for it and someone teled in to it. I can guarantee that sort of experience - access to the opportunities already generated by RNG but failing - is going to be far less frustrating than “its been two years and Personal loot hasn’t assigned me a ber yet” with drop rates as they are. People like finding things, but they also like seeing things & the opportunity to get them as well. Having nothing drop for basically forever is going to break the addictive loop this game perpetuates.

Drop rates suck in this game(even with a full game - more drops, but… its just more garbage), and making it so you don’t even get to see/have a chance at stuff that’s even worth picking up at all would make this an even more brutal experience than it already is. If you’re willing to accept and play a mode where you get your first 4 os flail in like 35 runs i’m pretty confident those sort of outcomes aren’t going to be appreciated by the majority of the people playing it especially since they’ve done so in other games where drop rates are higher.

You think it’s better that people see what dropped, even though they fail to pick it up.

Other people feel differently, that they don’t enjoy seeing things that others pick up, that they feel they were disadvantaged (lag, latency, distance), or simply dont enjoy the constant frenzied click fest.

It’s okay to come to terms with the idea that other people might enjoy different experiences than you. The Ploot advocates have: they’re not trying to take away your FFA option and force you to play Ploot. Why can’t you do the same?

So far so good…

Players are already complaining about drop rates with FFA loot. So your point is that more players with iloot/tloot will recognize the awful drop rates that are formerly somewhat “misled” by seeing more drops in multiplayer. I prefer players to see the truth and make their opinions known rather than being biased by misperceptions.

Players are already asking for higher drop rates with FFA loot. Will more players ask for drop rate changes if an optional loot allocation system is implemented? Maybe and maybe not. The drop rates in D2 changed historically when they were updating the game with some regularity.

This depends on your mentality. Would you rather see a ber and not collect it or see a ber and collect it. Some people prefer the former and others the latter.

Your argument is really about drop rates and not the loot allocation system



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Nonsense. Blizzard could decrease droprates, that would be okay. Timed Allocation loot should still be added.

Also, the games difficulty should be increased.
Nerf teleport, enigma, etc.

Magic find should work exactly like it does today, so you would not be able to abuse magic find to your benefit in Timed Allocation Loot.

You can also do that with FFA loot.

Indeed. Just an alternative to FFA. It should not be better or worse than that.

It is not meant to make loot distribution fair in such a sense. Nor should it. It is completely fine that the barb gets a magic wand, etc. Would be horrible if that was removed (such as it nearly is in D3 due to its terrible “smart loot”).

Timed Allocation is just a different way to distribute gear. Not more or less fair (at minmum you would need to define what you mean by fair first), or more or less targeted to what you “need”.

Which is exactly what should happen here.
And also what should happen in Diablo 4.

Droprates are pretty fine in this game. Not perfect, but decent, compared to many other A-RPGs.

Timed Allocation Loot would not affect droprates one way or the other, nor should it.


This is why I strongly disliked the daily lock-out systems so prevalent in many MMOs. What if I want to play for 5 hours on Saturday instead of one hour 5 days a week? Blech.

On topic:
If a personalized loot system like in D3 were an option (everyone gets as much of their own separately visible loot as if it were single player), I would play more in hell difficulty public games. As it is: I plan to only join those with a character that is finished and needs no more gear. That has not been achieved yet in D2R for me… and may not be reached for another year or two :rofl:

I mainly play public games through normal and nightmare :grinning:, and then play solo through Hell :confused:.

If the personal loot thing were just a short timer or permanently allocated loot… but still with the currently low amount of (valuable) things dropping staying the same… :man_shrugging:

I get the feeling that some people are under the impression that better things drop in crowded games, but that has never been my experience (anecdotal). I don’t know how it actually works: but it never feels like 8X the loot to me in an 8 player game and it definitely does not feel like anything better than normal drops (what are the odds a person with high magic find gets the killing blow, anyways?).

When I play in groups it is usually for every conceivable reason except for loot. I welcome any change that prevents me from feeling like I am giving up loot when I choose to play in a group instead of alone.


bc thats the nature of it, it makes people come together different from the current ffa mode

but people want to preserve the status quo that favors them

That’s exactly right. 8 player games see less loot per person than they would each generate if doing the same run alone. Also when in a group, the person who gets the killing blow gets their magic find applied to the drops, which often enough means the person with the highest damage and lowest MF.

Besides keeping the bot business intact. There I said it. :slight_smile:


I’m a fan of ploot, but I don’t see it coming to D2R. Just doesn’t seem like the devs want to put any real effort in aside from tweaking some skill numbers etc. Hopefully we’ll get it in D4. (Not D3’s method)

Indeed. Daily routines in games is a horrible, horrible design.
At minimum, make it all weekly. If someone want to do “all the things” in 1 day of that week, they very much should be able to.

How is that an argument against ploot? Nothing changed in regards to the bots.

Yeah, that is the more important topic.
FFA, Timed allocation, and permanent allocation should be the three loot systems in D4.

This is already a dead game now with almost no active games going, do we really need to add another filter to make it more empty?

Well such an option would not empty out the games list, it would increase it. Since people don’t play public games to magic find already as it is – such an option would bring them out of their private games and into public games.


In my opinion Blizzard should be desperate to see D2 live as long as possible. It’s extremely rare to have a successful IP these days. It’s crazy how many die hard fans D2 has.

Compare it to something like Halo. I don’t think anyone really cares to see that series live on. That game hasn’t age well. It’s the same ol’ s*** every game. If they made the latest game a battle royale like everyone thought they would, it would most likely have been better off than it is now. Imagine dropping from ODST pods into a big Halo map with warthogs, mongooses, and being able to find bubble shields, etc. Man wtf were they THINKING!?!!??

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