Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

lol you mean you’re not D2R 4 life?

As i said, i think people would not use it anyway after short period of time. Capable players want to pick up loot they decide to pick up. Public ploot games would be full of not capable players, these people would struggle and kept joining ffa games again or make private games with capable players who decide who will get loot in fair system. Just waste of time to implement this.

Well i guess it depends of quality of D4.

D3 failed so… So we will see.

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translation: they’re making great arguments in here and possibly making headway. Better shut this sh*t down! lol


I dont mind discussing this hobestly, forum is dead anyway before ladder starts.

I am trying to post some educational content occasionaly but i wish more people would do it as in old times.

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That’s possible. But I think unlikely. I think ploot will always have a utility. I know I’ll be playing both types. Sometimes I get bored of solo mfing, and feel like playing with others. This will be a way to do that, while also continuing to mf – albeit a less efficient way. Which is fine. But even if it’s completely abandoned, there is no harm no foul, as the game will simply just remain as it is now.


more online play? why you don’t say! possible new social interactions/ groupings? Yes please


At the heart of the issue is a simple thing:

Should Blizzard provide an optional loot allocation system where those who only want FFA loot system still can play that way?

My mindset is I prefer options. I am clear that I do not want to replace FFA loot with iloot/tloot. Having a choice is better. I do not want to impose my will on others relative to my preference on the loot system. Live and let live.

Wher is the pala starter guide?
i have never in 20+ years startet a pally from start and never looked up any guide… So i have no ide how to. :slight_smile:

LOL sure you can create fallacies in your brain about what i think, go for it.

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I dont have that one yet :smiley: I only made sorc so far and working on druid under 2.4

For paladin honestly best start with holy fire and switch to hammerdin at baalruns :slight_smile:

Personal Loot in D2 would be terrible. I can’t believe we’re still having people trying to put this !@#$ in the game and this topic has been done to death. People who posted when D2:R came out definitely have put more into thinking about this than what has gone into this thread. Do I have to go revive those threads?

Drop rates are already low, INSANELY low compared to Diablo 3. You’re talking about splitting an already incredibly small pie between people by assigning them particular slices - and not all slices are made equal. Almost all of the drops you’re going to see are garbage or have minor use. One person is going to see two magic rings in an 8 player game. Another is going to be the lucky winner and pick up a 4 os flail. The rest are going to see random worthless rares drop. And you want to carve them up and pre-allot them? You’d get people crying about how low drop rates are - and its very understandable because playing this way there really aren’t many drops at all. Implementing this would be very bad, but might be slightly mitigated by making what drops visible, but no doubt that wouldn’t be enough, because you’re already trying to compete for what are basically no drops in the first place. People might see a ber drop once every few months, and then you want to increase the RNG by making a system who gets to claim it? There’s almost no way to implement this mode without increasing drop rates across the board because they’re already so low any way.

You’re talking about implementing a mode where its almost impossible to get anything good to drop in the first place(RNG) and then having a mode where that drop basically increases your RNG of getting that drop by an exponential factor(your turn).

All-round terrible idea and will get people crying for an increase in drop rates because it would make playing this way incredibly punishing. You don’t need to be a genius to see this coming about - but some people will get what they want if this is put in but then realize it only after since they’re preoccupied with making this game-mode a reality first and then only paying attention to the consequences later.

Again, TERRIBLE idea in this game and if its to be added at all leave it to D4.

This is the same irrespective of the loot allication system. An ultra rare ber drops in an 8 player game. In FFA loot, one player gets it and 7 do not.

In an iloot/tloot game, an ultra rare ber drops. 1 player gets it and 7 do not.

It is the same.

In terms of perception, it may be different but the truth is there is one who will get in and 7 do not.

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We’ve been over this. There’s a massive difference between the outcome of 1 person getting it where everyone had a chance to actually grab it and another between every person having a chance to get it vs 1 person just being assigned it. There’s no agency in the latter.

I’m very happy this garbage hasn’t managed to be implemented, you clearly haven’t played this game enough if you think this is a good idea or you over-prioritize some emotional desire of ‘fairness’ in a video game.

Yes, there is a difference in perception. Reality is 1 gets it, 7 do not.

P.S. I bought The collector’s edition of D2 on launch day.

and that matters a huge deal since the odds of seeing a ber rune are nil. You can tell the next people under your personal loot that ‘oh it will be your turn sometime next year’ as satisfaction/consolation prize.

Terrible system.

So then don’t play ploot games. Others are fine with it, and would now have a viable way to MF in public games. Your entire post is just talking about how you wouldn’t want to use the mode. And that is not an argument against ploot’s implementation as an option for others.

You didn’t read it clearly so i’ll respond to this only once. Your system will, in order to make it playable will require a buff to drop rates. Nobody is going to play the system you’re talking about outside of a committed few masochists because the drop rates it will be using are too low.

No not at all, that’s just complete baseless conjecture on your part.

Seeing is not the same things as collecting.