Ploot & You: A Winning Combination

Well, they can do the cost/benefit analysis for that one. They are fully capable. If they can’t implement, they won’t. Besides, I think everyone is in agreement that the lobby needs to come first before ploot.


Seriously? LOL! Of course they aren’t account bound, whomever even suggested that? Talk about coming out of left field. Yes, there wil probably be bots, but over time, when they no longer can supply as much, they become less profitable. not worth the time of a d2 store operator. Causing less stores to be open, causing less bots in game, causing less spambots advertising …

Man you are out there …

yes! you are seeing the light! not all the way yet but almost. you are right it will change absolutely nothing for anyone except those who choose to play the new option

Other arguments not real, confirmed.

If they implement new areas fix other skills, lobby, add guild system, pvp arena… I am ok if then they will start researching this ploot idea.

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tbh I don’t see how a ploot system would do that, unless you’re talking about instanced loot, and thus multiplication of items entering the economy. Personally, I’m against instanced loot, but I know some others are for it.

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Same amount of people will use bot. same amount of people will still buy bot found items/runes. it will not change anything…

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That is your opinion. You do not have a right to define for everyone what is not needed in the game.

Lets just look at Blizzard. They themselves asked in a survey if players wanted to replace FFA loot with personal loot. If they thiught this was impossible or ovefly time consuming, I doubt that they would have ssked the question in the first place.

Next, the head of the entire diablo franchise felt it necessary to say an optional lootsystem was being discussed. He simply could have stayed silent.

Next, the head of the entire diablo franchise stated how an optional loot system would work if ever implementd. He could have stayed silent.

After the curfuffle quieted AND D2R had launched, the head of the entire diablo franchise ssid that they would discuss optional loot system more.


I mean, that’s fine. I’m just more concerned about reasons why ploot should not be instituted at all.

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OMG I almost fell out of my chair


Yeah, and all those are awesome ideas too

Sure its my opinion, i never said it isnt. My opinion is that ploot is not fair system and we dont need it at all because people who want fair item distrubution:

Can already fairly distribute loot in private games far better than ploot system would ever do.

Well, at first, maybe …

Now, if ploot is a selected option, there will still be a lot of bots in FFA selected games. That is a given. You’ll see bots from same person running as a group to increase a drop and thus basically no real players in that game. Easy to track bots then, lol.

However, if it was a standard feature, well now that’s an entirely different story and really easy to follow the logic.

Why, these i listed are actualy important for game.

because you said this part

I mean it was after the things you wanted but you still said it

I think “fair” can be relative to what one’s guiding principle is on distribution. This idea just streamlines what you can already do: roll on every item. You can then give items you get to others in your party or just wait for the ploot timer on the item to expire. Either way, distribution to need is still available to anyone who wants to allocate that way.

Adding this to public games as an option is a way to better find like minded players to make games like this with. Just like any other game type, i.e. baal runs, trading, rushing.

Yeah because in that time it will be year like 2027 and i will be playing diablo 4 :slight_smile:

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Now that’s some optimism.

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When players were complaining about controllers, I tried one. With a controller, it is easy to get the majority of drops.

That is unfair.

In addition, when I want to ninjaloot using a mouse, I can get way more than what is expected by random chance alone. This behavior is allowed but undermines the game.

I care far more about fairness and willing to give up the benefit of more drops. Most who favor FFA loot think that they get more drops with that system. If you get more, others get less.


i found out it doesn’t matter what side micro is on, if there’s semantics to argue, he will.

i can’t imagine trying to be that type of persons partner in life… constantly fighting over the tiniest detail just to prove the person wrong…

but can this thread get locked already? we can discuss this all we want, but in the end, probably nothing will happen… so… ya. let’s beat the horse guys !

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