Ploot is really about

would want ploot because it would increase my fun

How so? Because you get more loot and get to your BiS quicker? Then what? You can’t stand around in a city and show off your GG loot. So what do you do? Duel? That’s about all there is left to do once you have all your GG items. Or start another character…then you gear him up quickly too… then what?

The game has barely been out a month and everyone wants all the best stuff raining down on them like it means nothing. D2 is all about the hunt for the loot. Anything that diminishes that aspect of game is not healthy for this game.

i dont think you read my post

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this is a remaster not a remake which is why they need to patch and update it with new features and improvements. A remaster of a live service game is a live service game if you just snapshot 1 point in history of the game and release that without updating it, it is a remake of just that one point in time.

I read it, I just didn’t care to respond to the rest because you said, even if it was in a way that did not increase the amount of loot.

So how would that work? Let’s say, Baal only drops 4 items. Well, in an 8 player game, who is going to get those 4 items? The game would randomly decide? Wouldn’t that be more less “randomly distributed loot” rather than personal loot? What happens to those unlucky people who do 20 Baal runs and never get loot distributed to them? Would that be fairer than the system that is already in place, where they have just the same chance to grab the loot as everyone else does?

There are many reasons why ploot doesn’t belong in D2R, but the main reason is the game isn’t, and never was, designed with ploot in mind.

this is a fallacy people keep spreading ffa loot doesn’t give everyone the exact same chance to grab loot.

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A remaster of a live service game is a live service game if you just snapshot 1 point in history of the game and release that without updating it, it is a remake of just that one point in time.

I see you are twisting the definition of remake and remaster now. LOL!

So when musicians remaster their songs, they change the lyrics, huh?

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when has a musician released a song that they said they would update and patch and even released expansions for before?

i mean i know we had to go back to the store and get them to download the new song patch on to our cassette tapes in the 80s… oh wait nope we didn’t do that.

when has a musician released a song that they said they would update and patch and even released expansions for before?

Go look up the definitions of remaster and remake, since you are now trying to twist their meanings around since Blizzard clearly states it is a Remaster and you need that word to fit your narrative.



I am fine about how it’s hard to get high runes or rare unique items in the game.

But I am not fine when I cannot even play ‘the game’ during my relaxing time.

remastering a game that has live updates and feature changes to a new game that doesn’t have that core functionality and calling it a remaster is just a lie. it needs to have updates or it is not the same game you have removed a huge portion of the game and a huge selling point of the original.

thinking hey take away the biggest feature that made the game so popular because that is how you release a remaster of something, by taking away a key feature and huge selling point in the late 90s early 2000s is pathetic.

go look up the definition of remaster it doesn’t say removing a large section of the core of what made the product special.

remastering a game that has live updates and feature changes to a new game that doesn’t have that core functionality and calling it a remaster is just a lie. it needs to have updates or it is not the same game you have removed a huge portion of the game and a huge selling point of the original.

The game is selling just fine. Wait for Blizzard’s end of year report. Hundreds of thousands of people around the world have waited 10 years for this remastered version of the same game they loved 20 years ago.

There is no point in arguing with you. You will change meanings of words to fit your narrative. I will just end this with;

Diablo® II: Resurrected™ is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo® II

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

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yes and as far as i remember over playing the game for 21 years it has had 28 patches and an expansion that have changed various aspects of it. to remove the fact that the game evolves over time would be removing both the classic gameplay and the diablo 2 i know and love.

the fact you only played the game for 1 patch and it never changed during that time doesn’t reflect on my experience with the franchise.

Im not posting in this particular thread to figure out a loot system for this game. I just know a fairer loot distribution would make this game more fun for me personally.

I offered my opinion because imo OP has some assumption of everyone else that are not correct, we are not all just leechers.

I also said Im not even advocating for it, and understand and accept the way this game is. I am mostly a solo self found player and have never complained about the drop rate either. But you just ran with your own assumptions and in this case were not correct about me.

You may have read my post sure, but you added a whole lot of your own thoughts into it lol

diablo 2 without updates would not be diablo 2, to remove that aspect of the game from the game would no longer be making a remaster you would be making a remake if the game is changed that much.

Thats not how remasters work you can’t preserve diablo 2 if the game changes core mechanics away from Diablo 2 LOD. you want a remake like the Final Fantasy 7 Remake you bought the wrong product according to Blizzards advertisement.

yes and as far as i remember over playing the game for 21 years it has had 28 patches and an expansion that have changed various aspects of it. to remove the fact that the game evolves over time would be removing both the classic gameplay and the diablo 2 i know and love.

the fact you only played the game for 1 patch and it never changed during that time doesn’t reflect on my experience with the franchise.

You fail to understand that there becomes a point in a games development when it is considered Finished. All those patches you speak of were bringing the game to the finished state.

There will be no core game changes in D2R.

The most you may see is what I have already stated above and even those are big ifs. Blizzard could literally leave this game as it is now and still make money. All they need to do is modernize the Lobby, Game List and Social Aspects and this game will be perfect enough to last another 20 years.


Since total drops do not change in FFA and ploot, it is identical in that at least 4 players get nothing. It is simple.

Almost everything in this game is RNG ranging from drop/no drop chance and item identity. RNG assigning loot for players in close proximity to the monster kill would be ok.

That is because ploot was not invented when D2 was being developed.

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you are confusing a remaster of a static game with a remaster of a live game. if the game was a game that got updates over time and not just a one and done release obviously you wouldn’t be updating it but diablo 2 is not that it was a live game that was sold using the fact that it could be patched and changed.

patches that change things are CORE to the game. you are changing a bigger part of the core of the game by demanding they don’t change things.

patches that change things are CORE to the game. you are changing a bigger part of the core of the game by demanding they don’t change things.

Troll is obvious.