Ploot is really about

I’m taking item rarity of actual desirable items, not potions, arrows, keys, etc. In D3 you can get your complete set and every item you are looking for in just mere hours and the rest of the time is spent getting improved stats on those items. By contrast, in D2 you may never find every item you are looking for to perfect a build (but you will still be strong). D2 itemization is also much better than D3 as the unique benefits can span across all the classes and they can be traded as well. None of this bind on pickup/account crap like from WoW.

Thats your definition. And your definition doesnt matter at all. They can add ploot and argue that the original gameplay is still preserved. U think not? Take it with a lawyer. I worked as one for several years before i changed direction. I would say they even thought about future seasonal themes and such when they wrote the description. As they were being vague and chosed to call the game resurrected. They got plenty of room to change the game.

Sometimes blizzard is being smart

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Ploot the majority are asking for will in now way increase the drops rates. In fact it will juat add another rng layer to the game. Players are asking for ploot in the way poe does it. Giving u choose of either FFA soft or perma allocation.

Fun fact OG dev david brevik has even said he would add instenced loot. Which he also said would not ruin the game whatsoever. Think a OG dev would know what would ruin the game if added. He created diablo


While i dont agree with your pov(which is fine btw) , Personal Loot DOESNT BELONG in this game . sure does in other games , but lets keep this exclusive feature to d2 , im begging you!

Would totally change how people play and it would affect me cuz i only MP with friends , that knows how to share loot off a boss :stuck_out_tongue:

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And they will value your opinion. Just like they value other ppls opinion. Lately ppl changed their mind about ploot.

They stated it depends what the community wants.

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I bet you didn’t win very many lawsuits. Is that why you “changed directions”?

Thats your definition

No. That is what Blizzard North made this game into back in 2000 when they first released it. That is Blizzard North’s definition.

At this point, you are either; 1) in denial, or 2) trolling

There will be no ploot in D2R. Get over it.

They got plenty of room to change the game.

The changes we may see are;

  • Bug Fixes
  • D2 Clone event changes
  • Stackable Runes/Gems (unlikely)
  • Skill rebalancing (unlikely)
  • New Rune Words (with Ladder)
  • New Unqiues (with Ladder)

Anything beyond that is not gonna happen. Mark my words.

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I won alot. I changed direction cause i wanted to do more. U can bet all u want. If u dont believe me take it with a lawyer. They would say the same thing

  1. Its 2021. North is long gone. They didnt even Contact Brei when they made d2r. Should give u a hint. So yeah gl with that. Again take it with a lawyer if u dont believe me. U cant accept fact is your problem. U just like the other clueless ppl who think u can start a lawsuit against blizz since they got queue. Go educate yourself

Diablo® II: Resurrected™ is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo® II

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

Diablo® II: Resurrected™ is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo® II

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.

Diablo® II: Resurrected™ is a remastered version of the quintessential action RPG Diablo® II

Classic gameplay—the same Diablo II you know and love, preserved.


And u still dont get what is written. Poor kid

Living with the same bugs, d2 clone event, unstackable items, unbalanced skills, same runewords and same items for approximately 20 years I’d day any of the things you listed would be well outside the scope of the “classic gameplay”.

But yeah, pick and choose the shat you want based purely on the fact that you want it. Don’t BS that the things you want fit the script but the things you don’t want would be against the classic gameplay.


Living with the same bugs, d2 clone event, unstackable items, unbalanced skills, same runewords and same items for approximately 20 years I’d day any of the things you listed would be well outside the scope of the “classic gameplay”.

But yeah, pick and choose the shat you want based purely on the fact that you want it. Don’t BS that the things you want fit the script but the things you don’t want would be against the classic gameplay.

Actually, D2 Clone event was designed to get rid of the surplus of duplicated SoJs. This problem doesn’t exist in D2R (currently), however, this was not the only way to summon D2 Clone in the Classic game. The single player method makes much more sense now. Game specific and 1 SoJ.

Bug fixes, Blizzard has already said they have and will continue to fix bugs.

Stackable Runes and Gems is not something I want, personally, but I see the potential for it and many are asking for it.

Skill rebalancing is not something I want, personally, but I could see it happen.

New Rune Words would definitely fit into the Core Game.

New Uniques would definitely fit into the Core Game.

So…what are you talking about? Pick and choosing? The things I listed are very probable and do nothing to the core game, except stackable runes and gems, which would allow you to trade hundreds of them at a time, instead of a max of 40.

You know why D3 has way higher drop rates of legendary and set items, it’s because of ploot, this is also why it has bind on pickup. These two other factors are required to support a ploot system and this was all implemented to fix the game after the real money auction house disaster. If you are unhappy with the amount of loot you are getting a ploot system will not fix it as Reinami outlined earlier. Your best options are to get good or go back to your D3 safe space.


All of those things are not “the D2 I know and love, preserved.” So your arguments suck.

So your arguments suck.

Cool story.

Doesn’t change the fact that there will be no ploot in D2R.


Ploot is for lazy leeches.
Change my mind.


Farm cows. High density, drops almost anything, good source of HRs and they are ALL MELEE.

Literally garbage bin blizz sorc or javason can farm hell cows.

Do more then 10 run before throwing up your arms and coming here “Y NOE DRUPS NED PLOOT 4 BAAL LEECH”

Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy Lazy

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I know why they increase droprate. Its cause they removed trade cause of the issues it caused. And cause they couldnt keep AH. It has nothing to do with ploot. Thats just what ppl who didnt play the game believe. The drops were worse than d2. Ppl complained and wanted d3 to be more like d2. A ez game. Thats why it got easier. Inferno ppl consider being too hard. So they made many difficulties so that the d2 players could play torments on different lvls. D3 was too hard for casual gamers and the grind was too much without trade. Everyone was now forced to find their gears on their own.

More lvl to cater different kind of players. With lower lvls to be rly ez for New players to get into the game. But since there should be reasons for ppl to farm higher torments they increased the drops on higher torments. A symptom turned out to be that ppl who figured out to farm higher torments would be able to get alot of gears. But to get to higher torments u needed gears. Again d2 players were used to beating hell after little effort. They added smartloot to counter the issues with finding proper gears as d3 items have many more parameters, which again worked bad without trade . After that they went away from making the game around farming items to grind for paragon. Made paragon farming much faster and made gr become the endgame. And they kept it like that. So no the ploot isnt a reason. Many games have ploot and still have items being rare.

Ploot = leechers get free loot for doing nothing