Please stop punishing and discriminating non-ladder players

and thus, the titan falls hard. Don’t start a debate if you have no intention of fulfilling its duties.

I shall now disappear to watch me some Yootoobs.

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So this is what people call an entitled player, not wanting to do the same work others will, but wanting the same reward. This is not how that works, at all.

Because it’s not something for both game modes until the end of the season. Part of the interest isn’t just fresh starts or races to 99, it’s other perks as well. Play the game on ladder or don’t, but stop trying to get them combined into some freakshow of a game. It’s not.

Because they are different. They are not the same game modes, not even close. They have similar content but if I start fresh and you do not, that is not the same content anymore. All ladder characters get reverted to non ladder at the end of every season, that’s all.

It’s the same argument for people thinking hardcore and non hardcore are the same, they aren’t the same, either.

You’re not punished because you’re not participating. Participate, get rewarded. Stop trying to be the kid on the bus picking his nose and thinking it’s cool. It’s not. Either get with the program or don’t. The programs aren’t the same, stop thinking they are.

I have answered your question now. They are not the same, thus they are different. Since they are different, they do not have the same content. If you can’t accept this then you can’t accept it, but it’s not going to change. If that bothers you, oh well, life sucks sometimes unfortunately. Not everything goes our way.


but thats exactly what we are questioning, why isnt?

im sorry but these players totally misunderstood the objective of ladder and as i said (maybe in another thread), those bonus should not be the deciding factor whether or not to participate in the ladder

i dont even know what you meant here

the only meaningful difference are the ladder boards, that are something of a niche, and temporally exclusive bonuses/content
anything else is almost the same as NL, you can emulate a “frash start” if you want in non ladder

they are if you delete your char once you died

you are confusing mere bonus/content with the reward, the reward is the ladder boards and an economy without the influence from NL

thats what we can extract from the patch that introduced ladder

sry but no, you have not

i asked why both modes cant have the same content

you said they are different and yet failed to present those differences
saying they are different bc of something you can do in NL does not represent any difference at all

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where the poll? i havent pick yet

Said it multiple times

The difference between ladder and non ladder shouldn’t be access to stuff

It shouldn’t be access to content nor items nor feature

The difference between ladder and non ladder should be resetting the leaderboard

But for this to be interesting you need to make the leaderboard more interesting by adding multiple metrics and activities

It’s gone since days and even if you’d pick for “ladder items only for ladder”, it wouldn’t change anything, because only around 5% people had this attitude.