Please stop punishing and discriminating non-ladder players

Why do you punish and discriminate non-ladder players in Diablo2?
Why do you allow new runewords only for ladder players?

It’s unwanted and unwished by the absolute majority of the D2 community (looking at a poll i made a few month ago).

Picture of a poll, which shows a absolute clear trend. Half the player base does play non-ladder and the absolute majority of the ladder players, don’t care about ladder content in non-ladder:

Is there a special reason you discriminate non-ladder player?
Have we done something wrong, so you don’t allow us to play the new content too?
Why don’t we get allowed to play the full content too?
Why do you refuse us to equip our beloved characters with new nice runewords (or maybe even new uniques in the future)?

If it’s because you think the game would die without the support of “starting from scratch”, you can becalm, because it already lives since 20 years and people who love this game, will play it another 20 years, even without being forced to start all over and over and over again.

Now do something positive pls, and stop your discrimination of non-ladder players and give new content to non-ladder too, without any “waiting time”.


Because non ladder players have been naughty.

This must have gone through a translator but I do like the use of disparage though.

They had ladder only runewords for ages, I don’t mind it. I usually played ladder, grabbed extras to sell on nonladder.

What is unclear is are the new ones being put into non ladder or new ones coming in next season to add to the pile of ladder ones.

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Because players should be rewarded for starting from zero…
They already ungated the majority of ladder content for you, and you receive all runewords at season end.

Sounds oppressive…


yea, I wanted to use “discriminate”, but google said it’s a synonyme for “different”?
That confused me, so I took a other word of the suggested options.

It worked. Discriminate against would work too, a better option wordwise is “show preference for ladder players over non ladder” or “why do they ignore non ladder players”.

In the end I do believe it’s mainly to make ladder more appealing and have traditional ladder only runewords. Whether or not it’s good, well I don’t care for it anymore but I also will mostly play ladder so it doesn’t effect me much.

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This is not how statistics work.

For it to be absolute you would need 100% player participation

Link your poll then

How many people participated

Was it 100 players was it 27
Was it 50000?

May I please see this poll so I can look at your data?


I think the reason has been to try to hold the game relevant and kept bought, in other words, money.
But the game will always be relevant to players, no matter if non-ladder or ladder player.

Many people can’t invest their whole life into this game anymore (family, work etc), to be able to have the big deals of items and builds going, but still want to archieve it at some day, even if it takes years.

Others just like the hunt for the rank or just a new trading economy and don’t care about the content of non-ladder.

Of course there are people like the second comment, who just want it because they learned it this way and can’t think in a different way and also want to have the “I’m better than non-ladder players, so I want my benefits!” attitute, out of whatever reason.


Can I see your poll?

i dont care about rws being ladder only if i will be able to craft them in NL once the ladder that introduced it has ended

but dont they start with that crap of “ladder only mechanic”…


Just as a heads up… in this sentence you’re asking for people to punish non-ladder players :sweat_smile:

If you can edit the topic, I’d suggest changing it to “Please stop punishing and disparaging non-ladder players”

It’s a small difference but it completely changes the meaning in English, else you’re asking people to stop what they’re doing and start punishing people.


Most likely it is an attempt to push players into playing ladder. Not really sure it is necessary because ladder has a lot of appeal, except when it comes to dueling, which no longer exists. Regardless you should man up and come play ladder iwth us.

Yep, the current system is A LOT better than the older one.

I play NL and SP mainly (SC/HC) and I am fine with waiting one ladder season for the runewords to come available to craft. My only concern right now is that Terror Zones don’t come to SP but it sounded like Pez was hoping they’d get it done in a future patch (assuming 2.6)

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Its your choice to play nonladder lol.

They don’t punish nl players.

They don’t discriminate nl players.

They reward ladder players. If you want rewards, do the deeds


This seems like a recurring theme in online games (applicable to many world issues, too) where the more casual players want to be rewarded the same as the players that are putting in time to start back at nada to work for the new items.

“Everyone feels slighted because we’re not getting a thing we want.”

First and foremost- it’s not everyone. It’s not even close to everyone. You and a small echo-chamber want this change.

The ladder helps keep the game alive and revitalizes the economy. It puts the player in a position to work for the new items that would otherwise be released and flood the server quickly making it no big deal to have one. Releasing all new runewords to non-ladder would drive the game quickly into stagnation.
It clearly can’t be completely without merit or it wouldn’t have worked so well for D2 or POE. New seasons/ladders kept POE alive (this most recent season being the exception).

The next time you’re deep in thought regarding something you consider to be an issue, try to take a moment to think “Ok- but what are the potential benefits to the system working the way it does?”

Enter into local marathon for a chance at prizes, all runners will receive a free water bottle and sweatbands for participating!

OP at home in pajamas on couch: Why are they disparaging those that don’t want to enter the marathon from getting a free water bottle and sweatbands? I’m just as deserving as they are! I paid money to put gas in my car same as them, and I could drive to the marathon if I wanted! They shouldn’t treat me any differently just because I’m opting to sit on the couch and relax instead.


“Some” critical thinking may be required to understand why, but not much. They offer some exclusive items to ladder players…

…to incentivize ladder play? :thinking: It really is that simple.

If you want ladder exclusive items, play the ladder or wait for them to filter down to non-ladder. I’d suggest growing up and leaving the thumb sucking & bed wetting victim mentality with your liberal teachers.


What is Ladder? Is it an economy refresh? Is it a race to be on leaderboards? Is it simply a mechanic aimed at replay value? Is it supposed to be “hard mode” with extra rewards? The answer is simple. D2’s Ladder was merely a means to push the reset button, and get players starting fresh, away from the bloat of hacked and/or duped items and power boosting.

Personally, I wonder how popular Ladder was when 1.10 originally launched. Considering it seems, that many of the high end Ladder only runewords were not added until the second season, assuming as further enticement to get folks to actually play it (and even more interesting, probably were not even developments of the original D2 team, who the main players of were gone before 1.10 went live).

I think the idea got more popular in the years following 1.10s release, as people began to appreciate more having this reset, especially in the onslaught of bots that began to appear once the High Runes had much bigger purpose in the game than originally developed. D3 also had players crying for a seasonal reset in it’s first year, showing people wanted to start fresh in a new economy.

With all of that said, the original game had too much gated behind Ladder, that it almost became a necessity to always reset in order to enjoy the full game, as much of the game’s unique items and half of the 1.10+ runewords, and some cube recipes were all locked behind it. Items like Last Wish, which an average player would never seen, only seen the light of day in the playerbase due to a trading economy; a trading economy dominated by bots, item sellers, and JSP (which seemed to win the bot arms race).

The current system we have now is fine. Drip some exclusives into Ladder, then they float into the core game once the season ends.

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Here’s my problem… I paid for the ENTIRE game. Not half. Not 90 percent. Not 99.9999 percent. I paid for ALL of its content. Ladder players did not pay more than I did. My money is worth the same as every ladder players’. I did not buy the game to “work for something” I bought it play it and enjoy it as I see fit as long as I don’t affect the game for other players i.e. duping etc.
If I pay to join a soccer team, we are all playing the same game with the same rules and same ball, field, nets and refs.


The only reward needed should be fresh economy/ladder rush + new games.
If ladder needs more incentives it means it is obsolete as system.