You didn’t offer any evidence! If your going to agree with him don’t ignore my post. Name something that was posted that you consider a assumption? The original developers of Diablo 2 disagree with you.

It’s for both sides.
We don’t know what’s going to happen with the game becuase it’s never been tested yet.

False. We know D2 very well.
Well enough to not enjoy an annoying, unsatisfying feature (to us) anymore.
It’s been 20 years. If you still enjoy clicking frantically to take stuff away from your allies, be my guest. We would rather take care of the minions of hell.


I dont need to show any evidence. All evidence i need is written in your posts, that shout to the world with every phrase that you dont know what you are talking about.

The same applies to you. So what is your point?

David Brevik created Diablo 2 and posted he’d want ploot in the remaster. What would you say to the creator of the game as evidence for why the creator of the game is wrong about ploot in the remaster?

I didn’t ignore you.

  • destroys the economy
  • you are destroying d2
  • you split the community
  • you do not know D2/how to play
  • leechers will abuse it
  • you are too young/old
  • ploot is the easier way to get items
  • i will only get bad items (not sure what that was about)

How is having a closed and open different from the original? Open has opt-in quality of life features. Closed traditional only. Sorta matches the original game doesn’t it?

Careful man, you’re using too much logic, this is about the time the insults and sulking starts happening.

by the way the loot system I recommended blows all those points of of the water.

I countered your weak essay in 10 minutes. You argument was basicly we shouldnt use ours. You are getting more and more desperate as time goes.

we know you have this amazing argument, no need to spam it :sweat_smile:

With amazing argument you mean “ninja loot, ping, not fair, maaaah loot”?

My other questions with personal loot.

Would i see what drops even if I didn’t get any drops myself, Do drops happen map wide act wide?

Example i kill meph act 3, my friends in den of evil, does the loot drop from him and he can’t get it, no drops for him? He get a message saying so & so in act 3?

Other things someone Dcs before boss he gets a drop does it go for a free for all? Or we all see it but no one can take it?

If the loot is map wide, then you would need a D3 feature of gold or green star on the map showing you loot if a guy in your party killed it across the map.

And finally, Lets say…
Cow levels been cleared, you join late, people have come and gone from that server, you there to look for some random gear because why not. Is there a timer on loot, if it dropped for me 20 minutes ago can now anyone take it? Or me and only me unless I trade it to them

If shared loot is “open only”, none of that really matters. You can go whatever direction creatively you want to solve those issues, but the majority of open gamers are going to families and non hardcore players looking for a simple gaming experience.

Is the game not simple?

The game in its entirety might be simple but some elements may be more complex and would benefit from QoL improvements, and all of those tweaks could be opt-in, open only.

What is complex in the game?

Your “counter” was merely a repetition of already debunked “arguments”.

Sorry, i wont waste my time on a clown like that anymore.
The post is there, if you have a real argument, feel free to post it. But your constant ignorant noise has overstayed its welcome with me.

It depends what kind of loot system you’re referring to. PoE has a timed loot system where anything that drops is automatically rolled to a player and they have 5 seconds to pick it up, after that 5 seconds it’s up for grabs.

The one I advocate for is the one WoW used where the item pops up on screen and you can select need or pass. For D2 it would be labelled “Roll or Pass” to stay more logically consistent. Items that trigger this: Sets, uniques, and runes. Everything else drops on the floor FFA style.

For the WoW based item system, I feel like there should be an option for “global” so if a group of friends wanted to, they could split up in different areas and roll for items that drop.

If someone leaves the game or DC’s while a loot menu is on screen then if the timer automatically selects pass, unless they selected the Roll option before leaving.

Yeah anyone can take whatevers on the floor after 5 seconds for PoE system.

My preferences would be:

  • timed loot with visible loot (but not clickable) for allies until it becomes available to them.
  • not act-wide, but map-wide, maybe even with a range of 1-2 screens (but timed loot should take care of that as well)

He isnt there, so he doesnt get the loot.

Same as above. Out is out. For the timeout before disconnect that timed loot would also be helpful.

While it certainly would be helpful, i dont think we need it. You could also miss unique drops that way in FFA. If you dont see it, you dont get it.
Also timed loot should allow others to take it.

My preference would be a configurable timer that goes along with the feature. E.g. more competive players could go for a 0-1 seconds timeout. Others could go for 5-10 seconds cooldown. All depending on how “stressful” you want your game to be.