Yeh it starts with ow we need personal loot for disabled people its not fair. Well then how is it fair when I hostile that disabled person and kill there character just cause I have 2 hands? or better eye sight and reflexes? Well I guess we will have to take the ability to hostile people out of the game to what’s next? This hole accessible for everyone b.s will never happen in a game like diablo 2 without making it not diablo 2. You give an inch and it turns into a mile. So many people don’t wanna give that inch because they know it leads to a mile. Welcome to hello kitty diablo adventures.

-Did you get any good loot this season?
-I’m afraid not, I wasn’t lucky this season. Every good loot went to some other player. In fact, I never saw a HR drop once but I heard of people getting them. But hey, at least it was an equal playing field and we all had fun :heart: :heart:.
-Yeees!! equality is such a rush :heart_eyes:!! So much more thrilling than managing to snag a Ber rune in front of 7 other players (not that I have ever done that :crazy_face:).
-Mhmm! Amen to that. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

“Safer way to get items” What the hell does that even mean? You just want to be able to get the full benefits of playing in a party of 8 without the drawbacks.

If you are out there playing to get items for your character, trading or whatever it is then it would be a safer pick to take private loot than battling with others for it. We know that there is already a way to get items for yourself but obviously there are people out there that would like to have the option to have the same safety in random parties.

My problem with personal loot is simple you make items/trading worthless within a matter of weeks.

Consider this: 8 man team running Hell Mf runs of any boss. (Andy,meph,baal)

Boss loot drops 1-3 usually.(Mf depending) Average out at 2 item Per person per run. 16+ uniques/set items could be easily farmed each game, people with decent enough gear could clear 3 boss mf runs in 10-15 minutes

Once you have big groups farming the economy of trading falls fast as gear is so easily farmed.

Only 1 place I wouldn’t mind personal loot is Act 4 Hell forge :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

But everywhere else no personal loot.

Suppose the boss drops 3 items.

a) drop 3 items for each player? NO
b) randomly assign those 3 items across the players? YES

The game assigning is nothing more than a fair split of the items in current D2. Its essentially the players getting the average amount of items they would get by disputing the clicks if everyone had the same speed to do it.

Its the exact same outcome of the perfect scenario in current D2, and by perfect I mean everyone competing in equal conditions.

Saying that dispute was part of the D2 experience is as lame as saying that of walking around with no inventory space. It was there but not a GOOD part of the experience, if anything its one of the negatives D2 had.
I doubt anyone is gonna advertise D2 to his friends because it has an incredible mouse clicking competition, thats NOT what anyone wants to tie the D2 experience to.

And wouldnt that be fine if the other 7 people agreed with me?

Dont feed the trolls.

False assumption.
We are not asking for more loot. We are asking for the same loot, which is simply being split between the players in the game.

Point 1 in the list:

Bring back TCP/IP games with shared loot option. Problem solved.

Yall keep feeding them, if you haven’t already noticed.

The mere fact that they are wishing on hopes and dreams is astounding. We have our argument and they have theirs. They claim numbers on a poll, that Blizzard has not even confirmed. Why, do you ask? Because they aren’t asking the entire player base they are only asking those within the forums…

Going by your system of 3 items drop from the boss, how do 8 people split 3 items? Luck of the draw? If you get 1 do you go to the back of the queue? Then have to wait your turn for another drop?

Does your loot system account for normal items. Certain 3 / socket armours can be worth more late game than most uniques.

3 people get one item each, 5 people get nothing.
Whats the ideal scenario in classic D2? these few items getting to 3 different people at least. Yep, the same outcome.

In the long run its expected that you gonna get a similar amount of items, despite getting these in different games. Just like if we dispute by clicking and some games you get an item, some games you dont.
But with a more fair decision on who gets what per game.

Yes, all items are randomly assigned. You can discuss gold being randomly assigned per pile or everyone getting an equal share, since you CAN split gold.

So let’s say, an 8 person game, myself and 3 others have 300+ MF its lucky of the draw if we get an item? If that’s the case no point of grouping with any MF gear, as not only would I be rolling a dice on what my MF brings, I’d be rolling against 8 other people to see if I actually get any item at all.

I want pLoot fast, so annoying this terrible FFA system

weight according to the mf of each player. Its not a new concept, the only difference is what mechanic dictates who has more chances of getting the items.

All debunked.

Actually there are several survey outside of this forum that support the introduction of ploot and other changes.

Well, first of all we are not asking for efficiency, we are asking for an enjoyable match with likeminded people. If we get less loot that way, so be it. As long as others in the same game are not actively taking loot away from us. If we all agree on a fair 1/8 split, then it is fine with us.

I would say mf should work as it does in FFA games now. So your mf could potentially increase the chance for a unique for another player. I do not see the harm in it. You are also increasing your own chances and you are settling for 1/8 of the loot. So the other 7/8 should not bother you too much.
If you think killspeed is better than mf in that scenario, go with less mf. Your choice.
If you have a specific calculation in mind here, i would be happy to read it.

That is a new idea. Not sure yet whether it is a good one.
On the one hand, the mf player increases the item quality of the entire team, so he’d deserve more items maybe. On the other hand you could run around with a useless mf only build.
Because of this potential abuse, i would say 1/8 split is better. But maybe you can find a good solution for such a variation.

They are not even arguemnts, they are assumptions.

Name something that he posted that you consider a assumption?


You cant give arguments when debating about something you dont know. Yes, all those of you claiming for ploot dont know the game enough, you dont have experience enough and you havent played the game enough to understand how negative would be the impact of your damn ploot for the game.