First of all, thanks a lot for the job of remastered that legendary game that all the people love! The graphics are awesome! Like so much the work that all the team do.

I think that the only problem, and HUGE PROBLEM, of enjoy the game is the global loot. You are all the time concentrate in get better loot and that is frustrating and also get dissapointed and start to discuss with people because you need that drop to survive, because the game is really hard (but maybe with personal loot that change)

So please the first thing to improve is personal loot, that means when someone kill a mob all the players nearby have a chance to get personal loot (items, gold, etc) i think that will be awesome and appreciate really much all the work that do for that game! Thanks a lot for that!




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as long as it doesn’t increase what the monster would have dropped in FFA (for example if it drops 5 items in total in FFA it should drop 5 items aswell in a toggleable personal loot : 1 items for 5 players , 3 players with nothing)
it could be nice for the reasons you said.

if it increase the overall amount of loot though , no it would be bad to have an option better than the other.

No, wait for D4, this is the D2 experience, get with the program or wait for Modernist D4.


no you’ll get that in d4 for sure be patient

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These guys won’t quit about the personal loot lol. The game was designed to be FFA .

But I do have to add that whoever thought remastering D2 in the Age of Entitlement didn’t think it through or is having the best laugh ever.

i’d guess they dont rly care at first, bringing this game back with just graphic update, wich was the call, was a great and easy money in

but some probably are getting quite the laugh out there myself included xD it’s funny to see so entitle player crying over something that was clear on start and i can’t wait to see them fall apart once they realise they wont have the sh** they are requesting claiming whatever they can

I always played with friends before that game, so this was not a problem. Now that is multiplayer and friends gone with her lifes, get that problem. Maybe because i play with range characters. I have to throw arrows in front of the mob to get good drops lol. Thats the real problem i think


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nop nop

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Yeah im programmer and know that this is a hard to change. Change visual is not so hard, and is so far away of change loot system.

Not just a no but a hell no, if you want personal loot play solo.

Youre the problem, this is how diablo2 works, i cant believe how many people cry about that seriously…
There is a reason why the loot is limited. Its called TRADE


I think that the problem that mentions its a real problem. See post that mention that and have the most higher views. So to think about it.

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So sick of all the D3 babies coming in here complaining about the loot system. THIS IS A REMASTER. Not a new game. You don’t like the mechanics, dont play it. Super simple lol

sums it up quite suffiently

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Yes Plz

Characters :slight_smile:

Didn’t know there was an explicit remaster definition

How many more personal loot threads must we endure? I guess I’ll start muting them all again.

No loot for you … just get over it !!!