Nobody claimed it made them tough. But does it add a sense of reward when there’s actual competition? Yes. In the land of everyone gets a prize, the prize has no meaning. Turning the loot system into something that can easily be leeched upon makes the excitement over getting any gear diminish.


For some. For others, it is actually more enjoyable.

You still have to to kill the monsters. If monsters die faster, you get more loot. There are alot of things you can do in D2 apart from looting items.
You still need to keep an eye out on the items on the ground. Still need to pick the ones you want. The only component that is reduced is the time pressure in doing so.
You make it seem as if there were no items anymore.

So is leeching (which btw is already the default mode in many runs with FFA loot). Still you use it as an argument.

Why? Why shouldnt there be an option for multiple people who want to play with less distraction as a team for split loot? Seems like a no-brainer.
Why should they be forced to play 8 solo games. Sure, they might get more loot there. But that is not their goal. Their goal is to play a relaxing game of diablo 2.

Not really sure what we saw about that in D3. What is your point? D3 has a completely different itemization. There is close to zero leeching. There is an active solo GR pushing scene as well as a team pushing scene. Items can be farmed solo as well as as a team. There is no strong gating for either thing.
If people join a game where you carry, you do not mind them getting loot. It is theirs, you do not lose anything.
Do not compare apples with oranges.

It already is. Leeching for 1/8 of the item is not as lucrative as you might think. It will be far more compelling to actually play the game instead of waiting for every ~8th drop.

Anyways, if you do not like it, place your vote in this thread. If you do, do the same. That way we get where we stand on this board:

Private loot - Poll - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums

Not needed at all.

Keep it as it is !

Nah, i’d rather have it in D2R.

With QoL improvements.

Yes. For all of us.

That is not a solution. But since you said it yourself. We ask for an option. You are not forced to play it either.

Not really. It is asking for adding something that is clearly a missing aspect of the game. Pushing people into solo games is not a solution in a multiplayer game. Especially if they explicitly say that they wish to play in a group.

Seems you are not taking your won advice.

I’d rather play with other people and have personal loot there. I guess it comes down to preference. And an option when creating a game.

You would still do the very same thing in pLoot. With the exception that everyone would have a fair chance to be the one holding the loot.

I have a feeling that you call everyone noobie whos ideas you dont share. You know who does something like that? A noobie at argumentation.

So in the end you are killing the game? Why are you blaming us then?!
Btw, nice self-adulation. Smooth.

Aren’t you tired of spamming someone who has already told you your opinion 5 times?
it’s getting annoying.

Arent you tired of spamming the same argument that has already been refuted? (trade being restricted, leeching increasing, pubs being more efficient than solo play)


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It’s comments like “in the land of everyone gets a prize” or the guy that called someone a “Diablo 3 baby” that warranted my claim that people who want a FFA drop system think they are tough.

If you get a sense of accomplishment by clicking on ground loot faster than the next guy in a video game then you have bigger problems than what can be fixed here.

Almost sounds like that’s the story of the start of a great trade. Quick! go to your stash and clear out everything you have! A perfect Topaz here, 5 low runes there, Heck I’ll chuck in this Green Set amulet that is their class!

You do realize private loot is already implemented into the game right? On August 20th simply log onto Battlenet, create your new character, click play, go and kill monsters, pick up private loot, and viola. Private loot obtained.

Keep up the good fight everyone the maybe 5k purist world wide don’t speak for the 100,000s who want qol, personal loot and and end game!!!

If a purist tells you this makes the game easy tell them to stop lying and the game is all ready easy and a joke!!! Adding a end game to d2 scares them any challenge or change does remind them

Same thing over and over and over for 20 years they can’t handle a challenge

Stand and fight purist take back our game and let’s get an expansion

The alternative of having people stand around you to round robin a percentage of loot for non participation doesn’t sound very appealing. That would drive even more players into private games. Why would players risk losing their chance of a high rune drop to a dice roll? FFA loot provides more direct control and leaves it less in the hands of luck. Players that are oriented with obtaining gear typically go high KPM or MF builds. Players under that new standard of personal loot would just follow others to do their job for them and require no real attention. At a very base level obtaining gear requires you to pay attention and be in the thick of the fight. There are exceptions where players will teleport to another’s location to steal it, but if you are fighting your own group of mobs you have a much higher chance to obtain the gear.

Awesome. Now roll it out to multiplayer as well.
Thanks for your support!

Hey while were at it let’s add micro transactions too!

Dunno about that. It feels a bit off-topic. Are you sure you are still arguing the point?

Assuming that would be the case. You could also say that 8 people standing in a circle around a boss, firing their grab button not fighting the monsters does not sound very appealing. Yet this is how many games feel like.
The difference is that in one game the “abuse” grants you 1/8 of the items, in the other case up to 8/8 of the items. Seems like pLoot is actually the better solution to your “problem”.

In your fictious scenarion they would most likely just join the next run and play with real people like themselves.
They could still play for xp though. You know, the only thing that public runs are there for according to some.

You ask the question and give the reason in the same sentence. Still you leave out a small bit. FFA loot provides direct control to every player in the game, so you are actually not the only one involved in “your luck”. In pLoot it is quite transparent what your chances are. 1/8 for you, 7/8 for the others. If you like that deal, you take it, if you dont, you play ffa. That’s how simple it is.

Why would they do that if they can just do an mf run? Again you are assuming that getting 1/8 of the loot is in any way efficient.

Yes, for you. So do that in your ffa game. For others it might be the base level obtaining gear to share it with their allies.

Maybe people prefer fighting alongside their party when playing a multiplayer game. Just a hunch.

Well, you wanted changes right? That sounds like the perfect topic, hell let’s add cars to drive around the map too.

sorc needs an ak 47, it’s a 20 yo game, it needs change and more action

Hm, let’s check “Please put PERSONAL LOOT”. No plural “changes”, no cars, no microtransactions. Yup, you are off-topic.
Happy to help you in your confusion.

Now let’s hear your best argument again.
a) pLooters are old
b) pLooters are young
c) pLooters never played d2
d) pLooters only want free items

Already running out of arguments. Sad.

Soooo is the game easy or you cant find loot without bot?

FFA loot and personal loot has both pros and cons that are well documented. The addition of a personal loot option for example in a separate realm, does not remove the ability to choose FFA loot in a strict remaster realm for those who are adamantly opposed who have provided their well-justified rationale, showing the myriad of reasons why FFA loot is superior.