Frenzy Barbarian on controllers unplayable

So I’m playing D2R on PC using a controller and now that I have the skill frenzy I noticed that I often don’t hit the monsters. Not because I miss but rather because I hit the air a few centimeters in front of the monsters.

I’m already amazed how bad the Auto attack function is, considering how good they made it in D3. D3 was like this: if I aim at a monster with a melee attack and press the button, the character runs up to the monsters so I’m in melee range and attack. No matter how far the enemy is. In D2R the character just swings in the air unless a monster is in my close vicinity. Only then the character runs those few meters to the monster. But frenzy doesn’t even do that. It just swings no matter how close the enemy is. Even if he’s is just a millimeter away from my attack range. Also the character model often get stuck in a high speed jittering vibration which doesnt hit or miss but allows you to be hit.

Double swing is working fine on the controller and Frenzy should work the same way as Double Swing when holding down the button.


I Really prefer it this way i can just stay still and atack… It is way better when you have a horde of monsters surrounding you…

I am having the same issues with frenzy and the paladin zeal. In a hoard of monsters you’re just swinging at nothing while taking damage and not getting leach benefits. Trashy mechanics.


It is a dangerous bug, especially in hell difficulty.
Frenzy should run up to the monsters just like Double Swing when holding down the button. My barbarian died many times because I’m just taking damage and not getting any life leech because my character just keeps swinging in the air.


There must be a consistency on mele attacks. Cannot one mele attack to swing in place and another to run your character to the monster befor swing. This is BS mechanics. The auto aim as well is terrible. If the mob is at your back or side when you swing in the air in front of you, the auto aim must assist you, not just target some random mob 1000000km away from you or just refuse to target the monster hitting you from behind or on your side.

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Just face it, Barb is ruined on console. It sucks and I feel frenzy might be fixed, but whirlwind sucks you can’t do it correctly. It needs to be changed that if you stop holding the button, the Barb will stop whirlwinding.

Also you must be able to control the barb during the whirlwind, not to have fixed position to move at. The console game is totally broken at my opinion.

Yeah whirlwind and Frenzy sucks on Console. This doesn’t mean the Barb is unplayable, but trying either of these builds will lead to disappointing results.

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