Please Nerf Spirit, Grief & Enigma

Grief Nerf - absolutely. Much needed.

Spirit Nerf ? Meh…maybe +1 skills instead of +2 but its fine

Enigma Nerf? I’m not sure about this one.

I’d rather them make other shields +2, like Lidless for example. Taebek’s would be another solid shield if it was +2. Why nerf when you can buff slightly?

Lots of uniques/set would be viable with even just a quick unique pass. The itemization in Diablo games is notoriously bad.

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Cannot like this post enough. Shine up the old items! Add a mode difficult “mode” to play for 90+. And Diablo II finally has a endgame!


If everyone benefits from an item equally is it really op? If one character benefits from an item disproportionately should that item be nerfed for everyone or just the one class that’s abusing it?

If it’s equally beneficial for everyone then the item doesn’t need to be nerfed, other items should be buffed to be viable alternatives, at least in specific circumstances.

If only a specific build is op using a certain item, I don’t think it’s the item that is op. It’s the interaction of that specific build with the item that is broken. In that case that build should be brought in line not the item.

If there is one item only for a specific build that makes the specific build OP the yes that item should be nerfed.

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i agree nerfing is not an option. Its only satisfying the few and making alot of players unhappy and might decrease the playerbase in wich case u might actually kill the game in the end. There are too many great games similar to d2 with much better clearspeed and alot more mobility options. killing enigma would only make even more players choose sorceress. If u look at at big company like Blizzard they are in it for the money how long do u think they will keep supporting this game if the playerbase starts to drop?? Best option is buffing the underused chars so they actually are viable picks vs casters and expand the endgame so u get harder content


Can’t meet you there. Enigma is the item that really breaks Hammerdins. It’s fine for most other classes, but on Paladins it’s ridiculously strong.

Changing the game from boss running MF to dense maps will de-emphasize teleport.

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I vote for removing these whiners who clog the forums with endless threads complaining.


Enigma is used for most builds, hammerdins would fall into the outlier case. Therefore hammers needs to be nerfed, not enigma. I’m thinking RWs for specific builds like auradins which no one else really uses. If they cause either pvp or pve to be imbalance then they need a nerf.

Make Spirit only give +1 to skills.
Make Enigma have 99 lvl 1 charges of Teleport.
Make Grief give 140-200 dmg. Give Last Wish the +200 dmg that are removed from Grief.
Make Spirit, Enigma, Grief ladder only (and offline solo)

But non of this nerfs will happen I guess.

I agree in the sense that - people are FAR more likely to complain when taking stuff away (even if it makes the game better) due to nostalgia.

My hope was that adding a “zod” rune to the caster/blood amulet recipe would spawn a randomized amulet with the “+1 teleport” to it. 95% of the amulets will be crap, BUT… it would open up the space (and is really expensive to craft a lot of these).

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No. Last Wish is one of the most broken runewords in the game. it literally has runes in it that DO NOTHING. what is wrong with you?

I mean, there’s no question it SHOULD be fixed, but just taking damage from grief and adding it to LW is just ridiculous.

Keeping overpowered items in the game to help melee characters remain viable is a bandaid approach to balance. I would rather they fix underperforming skills.


Then only once the melee becomes viable should we consider nerfing things, assuming they’re still overpowered after what would be a drastic rebalance of an entire genre of combat.

Starting with nerfing the only thing not making melee irrelevant is going the complete opposite way of fixing the issue. That’s why everyone is against it.

I think grief is overpowered that removes players choice from other weapons in the game and should be nerfed. The developers are currently working on buffing under utilized skills so they are atleast viable.


Maybe this is an idea for a future ladder (but not the first coming one)

So you’d rather make melee characters even less usable than now just on the off chance that Blizzard buffs melee at a later stage?
Take a step back, and think of all the players who enjoy playing melee now. Don’t you think this would be a really selfish thought on you to want to spoil all their fun on a big “maybe things will get better later”? Wouldn’t this make the game even more imbalance by driving everyone to play casters only?


fk u and quit making the game harder for ppl u jacka$$

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There is one thing to disagree with someone and have a healthly debate. But disrespect and foul language does not bode well for the community.

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cuz ur suggestion is intolerable to debate

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I respectfully disagree. Instead of having a tantrum, why not debate your argument with an intelligent conversation?