For Season 4, I urge the developers to consider buffing 10 uniques that represent lore, nostalgia, and rarity with items such as…
1. Tyrael’s Might
Justification: rarest item in D2. It’s a sacred armor with a TC 87 and named after the Archangel of Justice. Tyrael, who is found in-game and is part of the Angiris Council, the ruling body of the High Heavens. It is an extremely rare item, yet so useless (primary use is a trophy item).
Tyrael’s Might
Sacred Armor
Defense: 1322-1502
Required Level: 84
Required Strength: None
+120-150% Enhanced Defense
+50-100% Damage To Demons
+20% Faster Run/Walk
+20-30 To Strength
All Resistances +20-30
Cannot Be Frozen
Requirements -100%
Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add +2 To All Skills
- Add Level 1 Salvation Aura When Equipped
- Add Poison Length Reduced By 75%
- Remove All Resistances +20-30
- Remove Slain Monsters Rest in Peace
- Change Faster Run/Walk from 20% to 45%
- Change Enhanced Defense from 120-150% to 150-200%
- Change Damage To Demons from 50-100% to 200-250%
2. Arkaine’s Valor
Justification: ancient hero Arkaine who turned the tide of the Sin War and drove demons back to the Burning Hells. Those who played D1 remembers this was one of the best armors the player could obtain, yet in D2, easily falls behind compared to Chains of Honor, Enigma, and Fortitude.
Arkaine’s Valor
Balrog Skin
Defense: 1295-1450
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 165
+150-180% Enhanced Defense
+1-2 To All Skills
+0-49 To Vitality
30% Faster Hit Recovery
Damage Reduced By 10-15
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add 2 Open Sockets
- Add +3-297 To Life (+3.00 per Clvl)
- Add +180-210% Enhanced Damage
- Change All Skills from +1-2 to +2
- Change Required Level from 85 to 80
3. Mang Songs’ Lesson
Justification: extremely rare staff, having Asian-themed name. Unfortunately, this item is largely invalidated by the Spirit runeword.
Mang Song’s Lesson
Archon Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 83 to 99
Required Level: 82
Required Strength: 34
+5 To All Skills
30% Faster Cast Rate
-7-15% To Enemy Lightning Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Cold Resistance
-7-15% To Enemy Fire Resistance
Regenerate Mana 10%
50% Damage To Undead
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add +75 To Mana
- Add All Resistances +15-25
- Add Increase Max Mana 30%
- Change All Skills from +5 to +6-8
- Change Faster Cast from 30% to 70-80%
- Change Required Level from 82 to 77
- Change Enemy Lightning/Fire Resist from -7-15% to -15%
- Change -7-15% To Enemy Cold Resist to +15% To Cold Skill Damage
4. The Grandfather
Justification: iconic legendary sword that harkens back to good ole days of Diablo II. Now, it’s a slow sword that is lacking useful end game attributes like Crushing Blow. It gets full style points though.
The Grandfather
Colossus Blade
One-Hand Damage: (62-87) To (164-474)
Two-Hand Damage: (145-203) To (289-649)
Required Level: 81
Required Strength: 189
Required Dexterity: 110
+150-250% Enhanced Damage
+2-247 To Maximum Damage
+50% Bonus To Attack Rating
+80 To Life
+20 To All Attributes
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add Ethereal
- Add 1-3 Open Sockets
- Add 5% To Experience Gained
- Add 25% Chance Of Crushing Blow
- Add 10-990 To Attack Rating (+10.0 Per Clvl)
- Change Life from +80 to +120
- Change Required Level from 81 to 75
- Change Enhanced Damage from 150-250% to 250-350%
5. The Cranium Basher
Justification: mighty thunder maul of Thor. It’s truly a shame this item is rather lackluster, especially with a slow attack speed and very high level requirement.
The Cranium Basher
Thunder Maul
Two-Hand Damage: (119-132) To (560-632)
Required Level: 87
Required Strength: 253
200-240% Enhanced Damage
20 To Minimum Damage
50% Damage to Undead
75% Chance Of Crushing Blow
4% To Cast Level 1 Amplify Damage On Striking
20% Increased Attack Speed
All Resistances +25
25 To Strength
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add +25 To Vitality
- Add 20% Bonus To Attack Rating
- Change Min Damage from 20 to 200
- Change Required Level from 87 to 77
- Change Increased Attack Speed from 20% to 40%
- Change Enhanced Damage from 200-240% to 350-400%
- Change Strength from +25 to +0-149 (+1.50 Per Clvl)
6. Azurewrath
Justification: created by Tyrael and wielded by Izual during the assault on Hellforge to delay forging of Shadowfang.
Phase Blade
One-Hand Damage: (102-114) To (115-129)
Required Level: 85
Required Strength: 25
Required Dexterity: 136
+230-270% Enhanced Damage
+30% Increased Attack Speed
Adds 250-500 Magic Damage
Adds 250-500 Cold Damage, 10 sec. Duration
+1 To All Skills
+5-10 To All Attributes
Level 10-13 Sanctuary Aura When Equipped
+3 To Light Radius
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add Requirements -100%
- Add +250-300% Damage To Demons
- Change All Skills from +1 to +2
- Change Required Level from 85 to 75
- Change Magic Damage from 250-500 to 500-750
7. Shadowfang
Justification: originally part of a quest from pre-release Diablo, where player was tasked to slay demon Fleshdoom and retrieve his demonblade.
Two-Handed Sword
One-Hand Damage: 4 To 18
Two-Hand Damage: 16 To 34
Required Level: 12
+100% Enhanced Damage
Adds 10-30 Cold Damage, Duration: 6 secs
9% Mana Stolen Per Hit
9% Life Stolen Per Hit
Cold Resist 20%
-2 To Light Radius
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add Drain Life -6
- Add Freezes Target +3
- Add Prevent Monster Heal
- Add +6 Life After Each Demon Kill
- Change Light Radius from -2 to -4
- Change Cold Damage from 10-30 to 33-66
8. Spire of Lazarus
Justification: named after Archbishop Lazarus and was an ambassador from the Zakarum Church and advisor to King Leoric.
Spire of Lazarus
Gnarled Staff
Two-Hand Damage: 4 To 12
Required Level: 18
+1 To Sorceress Skill Levels
Adds 1-28 Lightning Damage
+1 To Chain Lightning (Sorceress Only)
+2 To Lightning (Sorceress Only)
+3 To Static Field (Sorceress Only)
+15 To Energy
Regenerate Mana 43%
Lightning Resist +75%
Damage Reduced By 5
+50% Damage To Undead
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add +25-35% Faster Cast Rate
- Change Energy from +15 to +25
- Change Sorceress Skill Levels from +1 to +2
9. Schaefer’s Hammer
Justification: rare item and named after Max and Erich Schaefer, two brothers who were critical to the development of D1 and D2.
Schaefer’s Hammer
Legendary Mallet
One-Hand Damage: (100-114) To (124-338)
Required Level: 79
Required Strength: 189
+100-130% Enhanced Damage
+2-198 To Maximum Damage
Adds 50-200 Lightning Damage
+50% Damage to Undead
20% To Cast Level 10 Static Field On Striking
20% Increased Attack Speed
+8-792 To Attack Rating
Lightning Resist +75%
+50 To Life
+1 To Light Radius
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add Ethereal
- Add 1-3 Open Sockets
- Remove +1 To Light Radius
- Change Lightning Damage from 50-200 to 100-400
10. Messerschmidt’s Reaver
Justification: unique champion axe that prince Aidan used to slay Diablo in classic Diablo.
Messerschmidt’s Reaver
Champion Axe
Two-Hand Damage: 177 To (283-514)
Required Level: 70
Required Strength: 167
Required Dexterity: 59
+200% Enhanced Damage
+2-247 Maximum Damage
Adds 20-240 Fire Damage
100% Bonus To Attack Rating
+15 To All Attributes
- Proposed Buffs:
- Add +5 To Axe Mastery (Barbarian Only)
- Add +33% Chance Of Open Wounds
- Add +15% Chance of Crushing Blow
- Change All Attributes from +15 to +25
For complete discussion, please see Calling to Improve Itemization