Players 8 for Online

no, and then i wouldnt make anyone angry. sounds like a good deal to me lol

I dont justify myself to clear personal attacks and evasion of the real issues, but to a forum poster i respect such as you → i will gladly explain the gray area that months/years of time in posting have done to change that tone.

That snippet was roughly when i was reacclimatizing to the game, it had been around 10 years since previous playthroughs and that was before i jumped on the horking/trav bandwagon. Im ashamed to say it was how i got my start. But once the ball was rolling and found a few highrunes or items to trade rest is history. Im not swimming in bers nowz but ill never need to trade for another item again. Thus the change infocus on my forum postings.

But its pretty obvious that zaman cant despute:

  1. Game too easy
  2. RMT/fg’ers/multiboxers/bots rule the game and game economy. Basically p8 exists in current bnet, but its on a pay to win scale. Which is what a vast majority do.
  3. Real players that arent cheating via #2 will continue to want P8 as current players are paying to recieve it today unjustly/unfairly. Money should not equal advantage.

He will attack me and everyone that speaks about this for everything he blames desirers of P8 for. The is no legitamate reason to disapprove of it because p8 is the game currently but pay to win.

Dont pay to win or FG to win? You dont get the edge. Its wrong. Adding P8 doesnt hurt players that dont want to do it… bc they just dont make that setting the one they play on. So everyone that refuses it is selfish and or corrupt but will never point to it

“Who i am” ? Why does this matter?

It has nothing to do with the game being pathetically easy and anyone who wants it to stay that way has a reason for it. And btw, it would also stay that way with P8 on nonladder bnet.

P8 actually exists currently on bnet. Its called multiboxing → which is pay to win.

So saying you dont like it or want it in your game is like ANY american not wanting GMOs in their food. Too late its already there! Even “organic” food is contaminated, thus wht there is no 100% organic. Closest you can buy is 93%. But most is 70%.

Just like bnet currently. Its a cheat fest. Everything you apparently despise is the game itself and rules the economy.

Dont be in denial. I have a hard time believing anyone thats that far in denial.

Be realistic. Blizzard isnt going to add these features. Look how rough it was for them to get terror zones up? That feature could have been made in a weekend. They arent going to add much.

P8 is realistic, easy to do, and solves many problems

My primary point to you and others is that civility is the best strategy and not to demonize individuals or a group that have a divergent opinion. People have different rationale for how they reach their opinion.

I know if I post, there often will be 1 of 3 people who make baseless personal attacks. One has a vendetta since they got caught in a massive lie and now follows me around saying that I beg for free handouts. He has said it so much, others blindly state the same thing without any evidence whatsoever. Ironically, now he even claims that I am a botter which is irrational. Why would a botter be asking for free handouts?

The fact is if the CM reads this forum, would you rather have them see that those who request online p8 present well-justified arguments with civility and contrast that to several people who are against p8 online who make poor arguments and resort to unfounded personal attacks?

Also, by broadly classifying any group (e.g. anti-p8 online) in a negative light or giving them collectively a nefarious motivation, that will lead to a defense where only one counter example undermines the argument.

Also, I do not know if I would say D2R is easy. It certainly does not require super speedy manual reflexes. One can copy/pasting builds from maxroll or other sites which is a straight-forward endeavor and not intellectually demanding. It does take time and when under-geared, D2R can be challenging. More than anything else, D2/D2R is time-consuming that some confuse with difficult.

I think that many in the anti-p8 online crowd fall into the time-consuming = difficult trap. Does it matter if it takes 450 hours to reach your goal rather than 500?

Anyone els want free hand outs?
Micro cant have any more, since he gladly took it once. even when he claim he dont wanted free hand outs.

Like clockwork… :trumpet:

i blocked you for month, and you still keept qouting me. you desperat. :clown_face:

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Please “block” me forever and stop following me around.

It doesn’t matter to YOU, since you like making unsubstantiated claims to try to support your point of view.

So again, it points to this: grow up.


LETS look at the facts. I blocked you, i told you i blocked you. But still you kept Quoting me, i ditten replay to anything you said for THE longest time. fact is fact…
gave you a 6 chance. and you still keep lying and making up your own stories.

fixed it for you
Now stay away with your lies.
i bet he keep posting to me.

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While creating more problems. That said, I could be agreeable to an online players x command (something set on game creation only) that doesn’t increase drop rates or experience though.

The posts speak for themselves.

Make it harder to get High runes - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

P.S. You recently gave me grief about having a hidden forum profile. Mine is no longer hidden since I have nothing to hide.

her it is again for you

It`s to easy to get and Hrs atm. Blizzard should make it harder to get.
You can find them prety easy.
you can find gear to trade for Hrs pretty easy.
So yer its pretty easy to get… Make it harder.

IT is easy… se how easy you got Hr for free. Thats prety easy i would say.

I just will quote what was posted back then.

[quote=“MicroRNA-1507, post:215, topic:149667, full:true”]
I just will quote what was posted back then.

this is you

keep begging . you might get more

Yes, I said that, since I was trying to illustrate how silly your claim was. But hey, you gave all your gear away that morning so…

keep making you self look even more stupid…
You begged. its all her for people to se.
Make up a new lie. cant wait.

why you still keep stalking me. its sad.

If you think that is begging, you are sadly mistaken. I was invesstigated the truth. If someone claims online to own 50 Ferraris, it is not begging to ask to see their garage. When that person says the just sold their house that day and can not show their garage, we all know the truth.

another lie. thats was fast…

ALL can se you begging for it.
No wher do you ask to see anything
Lies after lies
Now. stop following me and qoute me. Thx… you to far gone.
You can still reach me from your todd or Zahrama profile… they not blocked yet