The irony is the next post after my so-called begging was Zax who stated that I refused to accept runes from him when he joined my game. It never was about begging or handouts, it was about getting at the truth.
Did you even read this?
More lies. I am not those posters. Please stop with your false accusations.
so you got free Hr/Hrs from me yes or no?
after you was begging. you ditten say no, you took it and ran
Blocked. wont answer you any more. Keep the lying going, and your multi accounts Typing…
Obviously, I did not get a high rune from you at that time as you claimed to have given everything away for free earlier that day.
I never begged. I was proving a point which I illustrated. If you read that thread fully, you will see who others think is credible and who is not.
Yes, I did. I tried to find the exact date but I can not find it. My recollection was it was a month or 2 later.
Since I am a kind person even with our history, I made a forum post to thank you. That is what I am struggling to find that would also give me the exact date.
Toddwick is not me. You need to stop with these false accusations.
I sincerely hope so. I also would prefer you never mention my name again.
I feel like this is going nowhere, you keep arguing about like two sentences guys last 40 posts
Micro you got what you wanted, you can now find HRs easier, even on NM in terror zones. Be happy dude.
Is it easy to find HRs? No, but it was never supposed to be. Can you do it with some game knowledge and dedication? Yes of course. You can trade online so as it might not be so easy to find direct rune you want, you can buy it from others. So as it might not be so easy to find it, its easy to buy it.
Offline you can just spam river of flame superchests and get HR every day…
And yes, you need to play the game to find them…i say its not easy , but its not hard either as there are good ways to find HRs. Finding stuff like griffon or deaths fathom is much harder than find high runes.
But you did get HRs from him. Why are you distracting? Why are you lying?
We all tried to have rational discussions with you but it always ends with you twisting turning distracting and lying. That’s why people no longer discuss with you but call you out as the liar and troll that you are.
The worst part is that you keep following everybody around or keep referring to them in every other post and then blame them for doing that when they reply.
Everybody that reads the conversations with you can clearly see that you are not the good guy in this story.
And I still have you blocked but I can’t stand seeing your blunt lies quoted all over
How does this solve the difficulty issue??? Drops just dont matter other than for abusers (bots/boxers)
The averahe player needs a higher difficulty to keep intetested in the long term. P8 is a start. If it brings the heat it should back to nonladder bnet - more resources will come. And something like a 4rth difficuly may be in the distant future. But thats a real stretch without playerbase that wants to play. And they need something more than “drops” or less no drop chance
I am not going to repeat every reason for why i think p8 should not be on non ladder i already mentioned, just for a heads up.
Both are unlikely to happen in the near future. Even a new difficulty level is unlikely to happen. Just like ploot.
Although Px to BattleNet is the easier solution i do think it will be the foot in the door for a never ending story with devestating consequences in the long run.
I am sure you heard about something like:
If you give them a finger then they’ll take the hand.
If you give them the hand then they’ll take the arm.
Yes, i like challenging content and there are other games out there that fullfill that need for me.
Diablo was never a “hard” game and Blizzard kept that mentality for a very long time now. Make the games accessible to as many people as possible. While the past isn’t a reason to not change something in the future, it is expirience gained over a significant period of time. Good and bad ones. If Blizzard or the Diablo Team realized that they are running a good strategy with that mentality then i highly doubt that they will make an exception for such a game like D2R.
However i would welcome a new difficulty level without any player benefits across the board. No buffs, No XP gain, No “more” loot or better loot.
Do i think that they will do that? No.
It’s natural and logical to want buffs for the classes you play yourself and enjoy playing. If they are the best to play for you then it’s fine but i never enjoyed playing druid or melee classes, except paladin. I do have a level 74 druid on hardcore but i stopped playing with him because it doesnt suit my playstyle.
I take that as a joke because i don’t think you seriously believe that. Hopefully.
That is straight up false!
It may not suit the way you play the game or suit the way you want to play the game but there is no way in hell that you have to be a cheater to be able to play p8 on non ladder.
It’s harder to find people during the ladder, yes, but that was to be expected.
You should not falsely accuse people of lying when you apparently did not read my post fully.
The irony is that I stated not once but twice in the post you quoted that I did receive an HR.
This example is representative. I am truthful and transparent, yet I am accused of lying due to other’s inabiluty to read or failure to fact check for themselves.
Please edit your post and apologixe to me.
Please stop following me around to defame and slander.
For your covennience, I will quote what I stated earlier.
For clarity, it was a single HR not HRs as in plural.
Please stop defaming me as I acknowledged a receipti of an HR (singular) and even thanked him with a forum post at the time.
If you want to combat forum gold then i would suggest to create an in game marketplace to create competition for the 3rd party sites instead of spreading random accusations all over the place.
A place where you could place your offer for something in return and the ability to contact the player who created that offer. After getting in touch with the player, you can create a game to actually do the trading part.
I have seen similar suggestion shortly after release or before the release, not entirely sure when it was.
Along with it you could also combat gold inflation if you put a fixed gold cost per offer on it but that is rather a side note.
Is it necessary because of the current state of trading in D2R?
We can surely discuss that.
RMT will sadly always exist and it requires the help from Blizzard to actively ban users that were / are involved in such activities.
Unfortunatly i havn’t seen you suggesting anything constructive to combat the concerns you have, except complaining about them and accusing certain groups of players repeatedly. I disagree with that approach and i am trying to give you a more constructive method instead. If i missed your topic about your suggestions then feel free to link them.
If that statement were to be accurate in any reasonable way then you would see an absurd amount of complaints in this forum and other platforms. Additionally you would see several content creators make videos on various platforms about it. Known gaming news would also report this all over the place. We have seen this happening with Diablo Immortal for example.
I do however acknowledge that multiboxers exist in D2R but comparing multiboxing with pay-to-win is pretty extreme. Oh and to make it very clear i am strongly against any pay to win methods in any game!
Allowing people to have multiple accounts does not make every game pay to win.
Nothing wrong with what you said however the way of getting the benefits and tougher monsters is a simple mouse click on game creation. As i said previously already in another topic, the indenpendancy players get from that option does not encourage players to play with other players together, except the good will.
I disagree in principle that px online will discourage online mulriplayer.
Of course, some players will prefer solo px in that case.
However, there will be others who are more likely to group up. For example, anyone who required px for their enjoyment was obliged to play single player offline. Now they have an online option that allowd them to group up.