Players 8 for Online

I wish that they would increase the flag limit for TL3s.

I am a real person and i dont need a 2nd identity to hide behind.


Of course you areā€¦like most people around here who arenā€™t desperate to push their cuckoo agenda.

Iā€™m trully sadden how greed and envy can bring the worse in humans.

This is what passworded games are for. J ust complete everything up to that point, make another game, and password it. Also, level restrictions can help with this too.

Players 8 online will not happen. The dead horse has been beaten to Hell and back. You have the tools to control your experience.

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Could you actually quote these begging posts? Asking for increased drop rates is not begging for runes and items.

I know for me that a similar claim was a lie started by someone who was lashing out after being caught in a deception. Luckily for me, I can point people to the posts in question as proof.

They are quoted above dude. Everything. Post no. 173. But here you go! The rest you can read them above. Read them and please tell me again Iā€™m exaggerating. I donā€™t usually do stuff like this but I got tired of being accused without proof of multiple identities/rmt/fg and other similar stuff by such an individual. One that had a healthy view of the game and than greed and envy radicalized him.

One post asks for a HR while the other about a trade where an ist is offered. I do not think this reaches the level of

Just read the whole post 173. I rest my case. Not in the mood to expand on it, especially with you. :vulcan_salute:


I read it. Post 173 does not add that he was begging for runes or items beyond the post about an ist trade and second post asking for a gift HR. If this is the best you have, I have reservations about your conclusion.

Please provide quotes of me begging for runes/items without citing my interaction with :trumpet:

I donā€™t care enough dude. Sorry. You can take it personally. Cheers!


Good decision. It would be a waste of your time since none exist even if you count :trumpet: where it was a carefully constructed way to learn the real truth.

And people wonder why the General Discussion forums have degenerated into a cesspool of whining babies.

I mean, THATā€™s your pitch - That anyone who disagrees with you is selfish and greedy?

I dare you to actually do some fact checking of your own statements. For a start, look up who I am. There is a simple forum function that allows you to see my posting history just in case you didnā€™t know.



Similar personal attacks have been made by those on the other side where there are 3 notable offenders.

This is wrong on all sides. Civility is important.

Everything below is for the sake of everyone else; Todd is just a waste of time and space.

This statement doesnā€™t make sense at all.

Oh right, like ā€œDonā€™t like smoking? Donā€™t smokeā€ or ā€œDonā€™t like people carrying firearms in public without a license? Get a license before you buy your own firearmā€? Yeah no, nothing wrong with this logic at all.

The problem with players 8 online is not about loot - though I fail to see how this will curb multiboxers or botters; it will allow these same people to achieve the same ends without the need to multibox - but itā€™s about how this change will influence the habits of real players that play online.

The game doesnā€™t need more features to make it more attractive for solo play. It is already the dominant style of play along with split farming, the latter of which is just a shadow of what ā€œteam playā€ actually is.

You add players 8 online, no one will even split farm anymore.

Making team play more appealing is the way to do this. Everyone has already solo played to death.

Adding features that make it more attractive to play with others will allow people to experiment with new builds and add more variety to the game experience without the need of adding new content to the game.

I actually agree with this sentiment. Just not the methods that Todd is so aggressively pushing for. I wonder if he sees the distinction?

If he had actually done his research, he would see pretty quickly that Iā€™ve made many posts about certain builds being nerfed down to balance the game to more sensible levels.

In that same vein, increased players in the game should scale the difficulty more harshly than what it currently does.

Thereā€™s plenty of ways to add challenge to the game without introducing players 8 online.


botters probably mutlibox and have perma px at whatever number they want i would assume.

makes me think the anti px online crowd want the bots to keep having an advantage so they can sell more stuffs :wink:

By px I assume you mean players x?

They have it either way. Bringing players x online will remove the paywall and reduce the on-going operating expenses for these businesses to achieve the same ends.

Sure, you could argue giving real players players x will give them higher drops to make item sites less attractive, but thereā€™s already plenty of items in the hands of real players and trading in D2R is unrestricted. Want an item? Farm a bit and trade.

But more importantly, adding players x will further solidify the habits of real players to play only solo.

The game should encourage players to play together, not solo.


well we all know that ppl only play together for baals and xp/rushes. the nature of the drops being easily stealable by whoever is closest prevents a lot of ppl from wanting to play together at all. a bit inconsistent with wanting the players to play together.

at the end of the day if i want px i just hijack some pub game and go my own way. only problem is it usually makes someone angry lol

Thatā€™s my point. This sort of thing should be fixed, otherwise many players wonā€™t want to play together.

Would you hijack an online multiplayer game if p8 online existed?

Lets just make the nodrop rate equal to players 2 (partied in same area) across the board. The only thing that increases with more players is difficulty and experience gain.

Playing solo as far as drops:
Trash monsters will be most affected by the boost, but theyā€™re still going to drop trash the vast majority of the time.
Act/mini bosses will get a small drop boost.
Uniques/champs will stay the same as they have been.

That way the choice is clearā€¦ If you want loot, play solo. If you want experience/more of a challenge, group up with others. Itā€™d cut out the nonsense of people sniping act bosses in open questing games.