Players /8 command for online char

stop trying to destroy the game. go play something easier with more free stuff and pay to win

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lol you think sony ? i got 88 sorc with 2x SoJ , Ormus 15% 3bliz, arachnid mesh,Nightwing 15%,Deaths fathom,everything socketed frost facets,sorc torch, 4x Lo + ber + Sur + 3 Vex + 8 ists. and iam not boting. iam very well aware of issue ppl ninja loging into 5ppl + games to farm stuff cuz iam doing it myself. there need to be player 8 command for strong characters

I have better chances of getting Shako, enigma and Infinity from a single Fallen on normal than 7 friends, let alone 7 friends who play D2.


I suppose “congratulations” are in order. :slight_smile:

The game already does that. Shared loot is pretty much the reason I never much bothered playing online back in the day. Before I relize Ball died, loot is all gone already.

Great logic there…


Only sith deal in absolutes.

We are being encouraged to play alone already what with all the cheaters and the lack of loot options.


Single player… Multi player…
What’s the point of playing multiplayer if you can simulate multiplayer in solo games?
mul¡ti¡play¡er adj. 1. denoting or relating to a video game designed for or involving several players.

You know what /players X is? It’s basically the equivalent of “MONSTER POWER”
A lot of you know where D3 went. Do you want that to happen again?

Catch me? What are you talking about? :stuck_out_tongue:

Can it simulate playing with friends, rushing, PVPing? It doesn’t simulate multiplayer, it simulates increased monster power of multiplayer.


as said previously it would destroy any incentive to play multiplayer , even exp would be on par or better solo.
only melee characters might play in public multiplayer , or low level / low geared ones.

and would make any high rune and even some unique really really easy, but especially runes , easy to get when they are supposed to be tedious to get.

it’s a no from me.

I agree 100%. I think /players 8 should be available for both online and offline.


If you’re only incentive to play multiplayer is increased XP maybe it’s you. Don’t blame a feature for you beeing antisocial. Most people play multiplayer because they want to play with other people.


with friends yes, not in public though.

I am a real life introverted person. It’s just my personality and nature, so I am always playing solo as it makes me feel better. Other people around me or in games sap my energy quickly and make me want to log off. Having an online character is good for the fact I own the game on both the switch and pc and can play the same character on both. However, I enjoy the benefits and challenge of the /player 8 feature and the quick leveling and loot. If there are others who enjoy playing with friends or whatever more power to them. Granting /player 8 to an online solo player doesn’t hurt anything.


Is it so hard to understand that quite a lot of people will NEVER play in the botting hacking d2sjp discord sandbox. Ever… and if they don’t get an option they will just leave to play a game that’s been set up properly instead. It’s already happening I guarantee it.

Tick tock blizzard better get a move on lol

Fix the game make it work.
Control the children stop them cheating.
Add the options to make the game playable online in public games with random people.

or die. :slight_smile:

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Players/8 is my version of Mayhem mode.

Multiplayer in D2 is cows, questing, and leveling up. How many 8 player Meph runs do you see happening in public lobbies?

You can’t disincentivize an activity that never existed to begin with.


This is laughable. No one plays together for loot, everyone magic finds solo because of the loot system.


also what do you play multiplayer for???. THE ONLY reason im trying to play multiplayer right now is an off chance my real life friend will play with me… -.- idc about anyone else and i would prefer being able to make it player 8 cause i dont want to be spending 500000000000 hours because of a loot system designed in late 1990’s favoring hackers and botters who just go around this sht anyways. Also don’t want to join random azz group of ppl i don’t give a fk about and will ruin my play experience by chance. And F you lol.


it will ruin “multiplayer experience” what a fing joke man. Who wants to play with bunch of random ppl you dont give a f about. literally almost no one. The only multiplayer experience needed in diablo game is to play with friends thats it. FK everything else fk market fk auction fk you guys. literally f you guys. " no i like joining random pub game and hope i reach the farming spot faster. Or "i like the loot being hard to get and take 10x the amount of time. GO play solo game and set it to 1 then you fk.


Thanks for the enlightening response!

Keep playing, one will drop for you.

Zerg FTW buddy. :slight_smile:

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multiplayer in this game is only good for trading or for noobs such as yourself if they cant handle game solo. sorry for being honest, thats the way iam .

my sorceress pulls 13 800 blizzard dmg per tick and players 8 cows gets one shoted. why the heck am i forced to join baal games or poor ppl act II leveling to be able to farm cows ?