Pindleskin farming broken

Hurry everyone lets go farm pindle for a few hours slamming the servers.

just so pindle farmers know. blizz nerfed him i believe in 1.10. Substantially at that. Dont waste your time farming him and solely him. lol

Pindle sucks. Trav strong.

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this is a completely tragic thread.

My farming route:

Act 1

Act 2
Ancient Tunnels
Arcane Sanctuary

Act 3
Travincal Council

Act 4
Chaos Sanctuary

Act 5
Dac Farren

Rinse, repeat.

So twenty years ago there were thousands of bots constantly creating new games farming single boss spots, and the servers seemed to do fine back then.


Create game
Run Pindle
Leave Game

Failed to create game
Complain about server instability.

This is gaming now.

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I would suggest you to farm 1 more thing before making a new game because the server issues they are having does not allow for creating multiple games within seconds. Servers was not this bad before they added the queue system, seems like they halved the amount of servers or something.

Considering that i got the oculus and shako from pindle inside of three days farming [mind you i also do shenk eld trav and countess on some runs } i simply wont take your brain damaged advice and nor should anyone else.

so much smh in here…

the temp ban in classic d2 was put in place after rampant botting after 1.10 was released. I figured this wouldn’t be done in d2r and some posters have claimed it wouldn’t be a thing again but it appears the delays to prevent too many games being made is slowly creeping back in.

i like farming pindle over and over especially while i’m working because he is easy to farm and drops any item in the game. no i won’t quit if temp bans become a permanent thing and admittedly there have been times this past week where i didn’t get any restrictions for creating so many games.

if blizz is qq about too many games being made then they should install a “reset all monsters” button so people don’t need to leave their games to restart their MF runs…

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If Pindleskin farming is suddenly broken, then this might all be because of the new botting and the devs trying to stop it. The Youtube video clearly shows that it is going on and somebody is selling it via Discord. Also an AI/ML expert developed his own bot that doesn’t involve anything other 5 screenshots per second. It doesn’t hack or anything, it just analyzes 5 screenshots per second and can play the game fully automated. He isn’t selling anything, but did warn that these kinds of bots are nearly impossible to stop without data analysis.

And then people show up and yell “BuT thIs Is HoW tHe gAmE iS suPposED to Be PlayEd” :smiley:

the only thing more unbalanced than the pvp in this game is any normal healthy human sitting on a seesaw with your mother.

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You will have to extend your runs to something more than just Pindle…sorry, gonna take some brain power to farm again.

Imagine that, getting banned for running something that’s been tried and true.
Pindle gives decent xp.

D2 pvp is hot garbage.

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Just so you know, there were things implemented in D2:LOD to prevent bots from completely ruining the game.

Pindle got nerfed for the same reason. It was never intended for players to just remake games every 20 seconds to farm 1 boss.

In D2:LOD you get banned for doing it. In D2R they removed the “Banning” and seem to have implemented a system to prevent you from making too many games in a short time frame (As intended to prevent bots from crashing servers 24/7).

Trust me - D2:LOD had a much stricter system in place to combat botting. Go google it sometime. A lot of players might understand why they are having so many server issues at the same time.

Biggest mistake they made - Global play. All I can say is it’s ALL Due to global play. The crashing/network issues, all of it.

If the game was Region locked - They could keep a good chunk of bots isolated to China’s servers… but nope… Because we are crammed into 1 small server structure - the game is down everyday.

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Mission accomplished. Blizzards lies and shortcomings actually have players blaming other players for their inept attempt at a cash grab


News Flash: Pindle Bot users were banned yesterday

Blame Blizzard for poor servers. This was not the fix 20 years ago by the way the realm down was to stop spam bots and general bots it had nothing to do with Pindle runs.

It amazes me the amount of stupid people in these forums


The best way to handle MF in PvP games is to hostile and head to the regular routes. Kill them over and over.

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