Luca. This is exactly the same thing they did way when LOD first came out. So yeah, its pretty much by design. It isn’t going to kill anyone to slow down a bit on the Pindle runes. You just need to make it over the 1 minute threshold. That is all.
They could add a “pindle timer” and only enable his drops after 3 minutes in game.
Add more areas to your runs to make the games last longer.
I farm Andy, Cows, Ancient Tunnels, Council, Durance 2(if no dolls), Meph, River of Flame/Chaos Sanct./Diablo, WS2/3/Baal, then Pindle. Any areas with a lot of cold immunes are skipped, except Chaos Sanctuary. (Blizz sorc)
I would make it 2 minutes to be safe. As I stated previously, I suspect they re-implemented the creating/joining 30 games/hour game limit like D2 classic has.
What they need to do is fix their game. I shouldn’t get punished because I accidentally joined a game that doesn’t exist or is full because the developers are inept.
Its the same 20 year old fix. It likely will stay this way for sometime. No matter how much people show out on the forums.
I know, everything after normal baal is optional content, no reason to do the same story but slightly harder with the same chaaracter.
The perfect solution is preferable, sure. But if all we got is a imperfect one then I’m OK with you suffering rather than other people trying to log in and play the game.
No, it is not the same 20 year old fix.
This isn’t me doing 20 Pindle runs in 10 minutes. This is literally after 3 Pindle runs. Or in playing an hour, then switching to my mule then back.
The timer is something like 60 seconds, add one or two other things to your farming runs and you’ll never see it again.
Imagine creating games and ONLY killing 1 boss pack.
Every farm run I make I clear Pindle, Nihlathak, Eldritch, Shenk, Meph, Countess, Treehead Woodfist, Tristram and then Hell Cows solo.
Why limit yourself to a single spot when so many good ones exist.
I’d do some clearing in A4 too but it has too many potentially lethal Lightning Immune spawns
Look at all these crybabies whining about a tried and true practice in D2. The Pindleskin farm has always always been considered a legitimate tactic.
Most of us didn’t say it wasn’t. We just also recall this having a hidden timer due to server issues back when LOD came out as well. So we just see it going through that same phase again.
… You think D2 is a PvP game?? Did you have a stroke? The PvP is garbage and always has been.
And yet it is a mandatory part of the game. No handshake. No option to decline hostility. This is inherently the best way to handle PvP, as giving people an option would make it garbage.
The amount of people in this thread that need to actually go read the update sticky is too dang high! They mention pindle runs. They say that the current implementation is not going to be the way it stays and they know people pindle run within 20 seconds and some of the measures in place are a band aid fix for now. All you people that post before you read need to think before you speak. Especially if you look at the very last line of one of the copy pasted bolded paragraphs and also read about pindle and educate yourselves. I’m just as frustrated as the next person about their lack of ability to get this right before launch and to know that this would and should have been an issue with what the whole point of this game is to do. Make games as fast as you can to maximize loot in the best way you personally prefer. Pindle only, meph only, andy only, cows, baals, the list goes on based on personal preference - IP farming for dclone even though that needs to be overhauled completely.
All you that say anything bad about the people doing the pindle runs and not the company that should have known this was coming and didn’t plan for it need to seriously read the full link below. Not just what I copy paste.
Rate limiting: We are limiting the number of operations to the database around creating and joining games, and we know this is being felt by a lot of you. For example, for those of you doing Pindleskin runs, you’ll be in and out of a game and creating a new one within 20 seconds. In this case, you will be rate limited at a point. When this occurs, the error message will say there is an issue communicating with game servers: this is not an indicator that game servers are down in this particular instance, it just means you have been rate limited to reduce load temporarily on the database, in the interest of keeping the game running. We can assure you this is just mitigation for now–we do not see this as a long-term fix.
Thank you, this was very helpful.
In fairness, I did search the forums for “Pindle” before posting, and for some reason that post doesn’t get returned as a result. I must have missed that portion when I skimmed it a couple of days ago.
Pindle bots on suicide watch.
Pindle runs are worst game play I can imagine. It’s so bad that I used bot back in 1.09 on separate account with single sorc that was banned at lvl 97. I changed gameplay since then. In D2R I enjoy long MF games.
- arcane for key (got Soj)
- Lower Kurast for super chests
- Mephisto
- Andarial
- Countess
- Pits
This is my current game that I play on blizzard sorc and hdin (two accounts). And it’s fun!
I should admit that I spammed Mephisto for 3 weeks to fully gear 2 characters and it was boring as hell.
I can imagine because I keep seeing this type of fanboy behavior in forums.
True. But despite this, more players engage in PvM than PvP. I understand that PvP can be fun but oh wait, they fixed WSG in d2r, which was the balancer.
Guess it’s back to farming in private games and continue murdering helpless monsters.