Why are there no Rainbow facets for physical damage?
There are physical damage sunder charms but no way to reduce the physical resistance of enemies that were formerly immune. Only curses like amplify damage and Grim Ward can do this - no flat bonuses that can be present on items.
Physical rainbow facets would make physical damage builds a lot more viable. I mean, physical damage builds need a lot of love and this is part of it.
Also grim ward doesn’t work on bosses and uniques, making it useless.
if you can find a reaper’s toll, it casts decripify - lowering physical res AND slowing people, decripify works on ALL characters, yes even diablo, baal, and nihl. you’re welcome.
Yes, make it all work the same. I would love to get 350% dmg against Demons on my Ele chars. Not forgetting Mana and Life leech. Oh and all the extra dmg against Undeads too…delicious.
Standard Jewels come in +40% ED, this is pretty nice. The only way I’d be interested in a physical facet is if it gave on weapon base damage. That is really what is needed but I’d rather see all weapons get more base damage. The physical damage issue needs to be fixed from the bottom up. Adding 1-5 damage for normal weapons 5-10 for exceptional weapons and 10-15 for Elite weapons will help immensely. That’s being conservative, I won’t argue with more.
Physical build just need AR/Block to be modified to really shine… That and a boost in the early game for some flat damage so they get a chance to start farming by themself for items =)
Even with those things, elemental damage builds outgun physical damage builds hugely. There is no comparison. Even with dual Grief, a barb can’t compare to a sorc, paladin or even assassin in raw daimage output. Plus leech is limited in effectiveness.
A while back, I proposed a Rainbow Facet-equivalent unique jewel for the physical element, and named it “Obsidian Facet.”
Obsidian Facet
Required Level: 49
100% Chance To Cast Level 45 War Cry When You Level-Up / Die
Adds 10-25 Physical Damage
+3-5% To Physical Skill Damage
-3-5% To Enemy Physical Resistance
Exactly - the fact that endgame kit is always rune words is another problem that should be fixed. It would be fantastic if unique jewels made uniques and sets now BiS.
Letting leech take full effect, an innate 30% reduction to enemy Def stat across the board, remove immunities from the game outright and just rebalance enemy resists, and make melee skills that don’t suck to replace the current ones.
30% defense nerf would do a LOT less than you seem to think it would.
Reducing Baal’s Defense by 30% would take a typical barb from 37%-39% chance to hit, to 39%-40% (taking block into account.) Ignoring block it would go from an 83-87% chance to 87-90%.
30% monster defense reduction only adds around 4% damage. People REALLY need to stop harping on AR being the issue, the math doesn’t check out.
That said, physical facets would be basically useless. They’d be weaker than ED/IAS jewels, or runes in most of the few cases you’d have room for them, and most builds don’t have open sockets for them to begin with.
why should it? Physical damage is not very “rainbow”
It’s not useless, it’s very good. I use it all the time, especially good in Arcane Sanctuary.
TBH it wasn’t even “useless” before buffs (just too many good things on a barb to spend skill points). The only change i want for grim ward is, let me make it from more monsters (why can you corpse explode a ghost, but cannot make a grim ward from it?)
True, but to be fair it’s only on those rare cases with high block rates combined with high levels. For the most part most melee have perfectly fine hit rates 87%+ from 85 onward against everything else.
Heck in the few cases there are high levels, and block rates (mostly Diablo/Baal) they also have crushing blow, and kill faster than a lot of caster builds.
I suppose I did say all corpses which might be excessive but you should certainly be able to make a Grim Ward out of a damn skeleton haha.
Looking back at my post there’s a problem with my suggestion, the flag that allows monster corpses to be made into a Grim Ward (“soft” in monstats2.txt) is also what allows Find Potion to be used so you’d get some silly situations like making potions from a skeleton corpse. If only they weren’t tied to the same flag.
I’ve come to understand your point of view in that post, in retrospect I think GW is fine as is with the current corpse restrictions but I won’t complain if they expand it either.
Yeah you’re right I’ve gotten softer. Perhaps I was more right back then. I know one thing, when gamers are given EXACTLY what they ask for, they lose interest quickly.
But Grim Ward is still quite a rarely used thing anyway. And the worst part is that skill description doesn’t explain “soft” corpse requirement.