People are confused on what cheating is

Nah, just stating facts. You know, facts don’t care about feelings. Keep living in denial over an already dead game.

A game so dead you come repeat yourself on the forums for others to laugh at you.

That too is a fact.

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So that’s what you’re doing now, you’re laughing right? Yeah, sure buddy. Keep living in more denial.

Sorry your “friend” does not have any skill and had people play the actual game for him only to take credits, Prima Donna.

Dude literally made an [alt?] account to defend some streamer stranger and is saying he’s laughing. Failed troll.:rofl:

So that’s what you’re doing now, you’re laughing right? Yeah, sure buddy. Keep living in more denial.

Good thing I don’t care if you believe me. Your posts are entertaining to me, but if you think that’s also not true at least you can be consistent.

Sorry your “friend” does not have any skill and had people play the actual game for him only to take credits, Prima Donna.

I guess pointing out logical inconsistencies makes one a fanboy, at least according to your logic. Who knows which one is it, since I haven’t stated one or the other - but at least you can go back to the above and claim I’m lying regardless of what I say here right?

Dude literally made an [alt?] account to defend some streamer stranger and is saying he’s laughing. Failed troll.:rofl:

Touché. Oh wait, did you mean me or were you projecting your own insecurities again? Please tell me more though, I would like to make a second account for cheap.

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I know I laugh every time I read your posts


I’ll keep this in mind in my next relationship :laughing:

Lmao “hey calm down. It’s just a game… of love…”

what exploit, teaming up with others and organizing proper baal runs? are you seriously still in denial?

your jealousy is endless man, why dont you lay off the gren applejacks for a while alright? because contrary to your opinion, this is not an exploit or cheat. this is what team work looks like when people decide “ok, this guy has to make it to 99, he’s our champion” and boom, now their champion is 99.

So you and every other casual rando needs to just chill, you probably arent even lvl 95…which is doable even in pub games from 1 week of leeching and grinding out your life for the sake of lvling up. how would you know that though, when you spend all your time on the forums complaining about someone who got chosen as a champion.

there’s something you never considered, hierarchy. you werent here for clans I assume. because back then, the 2 highest lvls in the clan got boosted and baaled as they were the clans chosen champions for the ladder. people dropping tp’s at exp shrines, giving them ondals and anni with perf exp gain, making sure the lowest lvl left party and didnt damage anything during wave 2, then rejoined party after wave 2. making sure only the 2 champions were the ones to get baal exp…

man, you dont make sense alright. that’s what I’m getting at, so calm down. you have stormed off all angry in the wrong direction, and you are lost. time to get your self back on track, and play the game. next ladder, if you really want to do the climb to 99, you need to organize people for it. Competitions dont have room for casual players, and definitely not for average players either. you either go all in, or you dont bother to worry about it.

Exploit - make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

Killing Diablo 3-4 times a minute is the literal definition of exploit. And having multiple teams setting it up is very abusive. Denying it shows you are in denial. It was a exploit 20 years ago and it’s an exploit today.

The proper way to do Diablo/Baal runs is to exploit them. That is a fact.

Face the facts. If people were doing this in a modern game it would be hot fixed 100%

why should everyone win? that’s not a competition and everyone is a loser there.

ssf is, in my own opinion, silly. the whole point of online is for you to interact with other players. I feel like everyone complaining thought that ladder was supposed to be something anyone could compete in, when it’s never been that way.

Ladder has, and always will be, dominated by those who have large organized groups willing to make sure the 2 highest lvls in their group(or chosen champions of the group), make it to 99 first. This is what makes it a legit competition, the fact that not just anybody can do it…you need to be prepared and organized if you want to dominate…you cant just go lone wolf and expect greatness.

100% false, btw I was in LVL at one point…we did this on a couple occasions and boy did it work. funny how i went from die-hard dueler to flatout pvm and joining LVL. that was how I found out the people with their tag in duel games that were either getting rolled or ruining the fun were actually ex members kicked for various reasons and doing this to spite the clan. btw, everything you described is what a proper exp run looks like. you will NEVER see this in a pub game cause of randos ruining it, meaning not worth the effort. you want this in pub games? fine, follow the rules: 2 highest lvls get the exp on nihl, diablo, and baal. lowest level leaves party and does 0 dmg for wave 2 at baal. everyone waits for the 2 highest lvls. btw you’re going to need ondals, anni, and 2 people dropping tp’s at 2 exp shrines. dont forget that part.

This is so hard to read, so full disclaimer I only read few lines. Very poorly written and just a bunch of ad hominem and personal insults. Stick to topic and discuss objectively please.

They cheated, they abused game mechanics, they had other people play 98% of the game for them and get them best gear. Probably by exploits such as dupes, or $$/FGs… Enigma, infinity in about if not less than 24 hours? Those are objective facts.

I do not care about the “Leader boards”. Most healthy adults play games for fun and grind in real life, for your information. I care about the game design, what they can do to improve it and make it more fun for fair/legit players, and I care about being objective not delusional.

Calling D2 players casual is funny too because the whole game is casual. God, some people really take video games seriously and a D2 at that. Do you really believe what they did requires any skill, talent or anything other than robotic effort? :rofl:

Like seriously, people who took coding 101 used that class knowledge and made a bot for D2 that does the same thing those people did, only more efficient and smarter too, and two decades ago!

Stop feeding the trolls. Just flag zahramar. All hes/shes doing is spamming the same thing over and over in ever form post.

He/she is just a broken record at this point.

Yep. Just like they abuse checkmates in chess…

But winning isn’t fair, so I guess people shouldn’t abuse things like that.

This whole argument reminds me of people years and years ago that would swear up and down that queenside castling was cheating. People ignorant of mechanics will always call things they don’t understand “cheating.”

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By saying people abuse game mechanics is not necessarily saying they are “cheating”.

If there was a barrier to stop it and you work around the barrier then at that point you are cheating. But there is no barrier.

Turning around and saying “so winning is cheating” “so playing in a group is cheating” “checkmate in chess is cheating” all these are so far off from what I’m talking about that it is asinine.

The game was designed for old infrastructure with its unique limitations. This is what needs to be addressed! You could only create or join roughly 20 games per hour and sometimes only 1 game depending on how the internet gods were feeling that day. Since we are now free to enter a game less than a minute apart with no restrictions, let’s take full advantage!

You know what another word for abuse is? Use.

They are USING game mechanics.

Yes they are. Now tell me this. If you are in hell at act 1 at level 35 what do you consider that?

I suppose I’ll go ahead and get to the point. There is a barrier to stop you from passing NM Ancients you must be level 40. So by skipping them is that a cheat or a mechanic?

A programming oversight that has become part of the game. The most obvious reason is to let experienced players do what they do without going through the motions of questing for the millionth time. Or it could be more difficult to fix than we realize.

it never was an exploit, just because you dont got a group willing to help you do it. you never play ladder competitively? fine, cause everyone who does understands their shortcomings. you either go all the way or you sit back and relax…you dont go on the forums and cry about someone who’s actually organized and playing the game to it’s fullest for maximized gains.

btw, exploit from the dictionairy? you dont know english? by this definition, you are cheating if you combine edge with gheeds and buy pots in act 1 after doing the price reduction quest. because you are exploiting low prices. get out of here with that nonsense lol

its not “cheating”

is it fair? no…
its a completely unfair advantage for streamer.

but what i dont understand is everyone making a fuss about it as if the ladder ranking system was EVER fair and is this is suddenly “a new thing”.

im sorry anyone who EXPECTED the ladder to mean anything was living in a delusion… it never has. it never will.

complaining that “oh i thought it was going to mean something”.
wtfs did u expect it to mean? did u want to see your name on a leardboard… did u want bragging whats? do u want to tell your prospective GF that you mange to bot and reach #1… NO ONE CARES.

ladder is about having a fresh start to play with other people at the start of the ladder with no one having gg gear… thats all it is… the “leaderboard” is just there for people who think it grows thier e-peen

that is EXACTLY what it’s saying, is english not your first language?