right out the gate, streamers who got 7 people with them all the time arent cheating.
Sure, they’re taking advantage of being well-known streamers…but thats not illegal. This is how clans worked back then really…which is something I miss. having anywhere from 50 to 500 people in a clan, you always had people to fill a game, someone to rush you, people to help get you geared up and providing for the clan. it was a community aspect that D2R has removed.
Dont be upset with streamers, be upset with Bnet for not providing the channels of old Bnet to allow for the creation of clan rooms where the leaders can set the chat filter options and ban/kick people from the channel as needed. where they can set channel bots to auto-monitor the channel.
Streamers are feeding off their success as a streamer, which is fine, they earned it. their fans are helping them, giving them stuff, and creating a fun happy environment.
So yeah, stop confusing a tight community revolving around a streamer as cheating, and understand Bnet’s shortcomings as to blame for the lack of community for the rest of us. They made a massive mistake by opening ladder before the lobby was even functional. SERIOUSLY, D2 had one of the best lobby set-ups of all time for a game(aside from the game list auto-refreshing randomly while scrolling, which was irritating).
I also miss the game name auto-populating the game name box. We still cant join games with a controller either, idk why they said they fixed it.
cmon, we need a proper lobby so we can have clans again. I miss the channels.
Actually the problem is people are incorrectly using words as an adjective instead of a noun because it suits their side of the argument. Now some would argue that what MRLLAMASC is fine because he isn’t cheating but the fact is that mrllamasc is in fact cheating because As defined by Merriam-Webster I bring your attention to #3 under transitive verb as well as #1 under intransitive verb
#3 is outwitting #1 by the use of deceit
Definition of cheat
(Entry 1 of 2)
[transitive verb]
1 : to deprive of something valuable by the use of deceit or fraud cheated the elderly couple out of their property
2 : to influence or lead by deceit, trick, or artifice a young man who cheated young women into marrying him when he was already married
3 : to elude or thwart by or as if by outwitting cheat death
[intransitive verb]
1a : to practice fraud or trickery denied the accusation that he cheated
b : to violate rules dishonestly cheat at cards cheating on a test
2 : to be sexually unfaithful —usually used with on was cheating on his wife
3 : to position oneself defensively near a particular area in anticipation of a play in that area the shortstop was cheating toward second base
Cheating in any game is an actual thing despite it has no physical attributes
Dude no he isn’t cheating lol. He’s a part of a team who is working together to help him reach #1 spot.
To remedy this imbalance, Blizzard can introduce a “solo, self found” ladder mode with a separate leaderboard from the normal one. You would simply select this play mode the same way you do “hardcore” or “ladder”, and be unable to join public games (and no one can join your games).
Now it’s a race to who can get to 99 alone with zero help. I think they will introduce this if we keep saying we want it!
Thing is, the winner will be the person who doesn’t need a job or has any commitments in life. Someone who can play 16+ hours per day. That’s a little sad.
IMO ladder is fine as it is besides bots…
There are so many topics lately from people saying “I WANT TO BE THE ONE TO PROVE I CAN PLAY 16+ HOURS A DAY !!!”
Which is exactly what #3 and #1 say is cheating.
But regardless, you’re trying to say that the definition in the dictionary which is accepted worldwide is wrong and you are right.
What a bunch of people consider, or think, is not a valid counter point, nor is it an argument.
The dictionary everyone outside the group of people that do not consider it cheating says it’s cheating, therefore it’s cheating.
A few people always try to use the argument that a dictionary definition that is used worldwide is incorrect just because they say so.
If a million people are all getting their information from one place, and that one place has incorrect information, then yes a million people are wrong because the source is wrong.
A mass agreement by a bunch of trolls, does not make what they agree upon, a fact.
I can get 1000 people to all agree with me that 1+1=25, that doesn’t make 1+1=25 just because we say it does.
So, playing an online, multiplayer game, while grouped up with OTHER PEOPLE IN SAID MULTIPLAYER GAME, is cheating? The game seems to be older than you are, come back when you turn 18.
You are a complete fool, it’s a multiplayer game, don’t be mad that he has the time to commit when you don’t, like sheesh, grow up, and stop asking for handouts.
You can plead your case for a years time and none will see eye to eye with you be cause “but everybody is doing it” “we been doing this for 20 years”. They see no issue because it’s nothing out of the ordinary.
I think most of us do, I remember playing 18 years ago when a new ladder released, staying home from school just to grind, and grind, and grind some more, before getting grounded, and not being allowed to play for a week, and now it’s work, the only difference is, I don’t get in trouble for calling in at work, but I sure do get hungry, and those bills add up quickly.
I get it, I work 12h shifts, 5 days a week, and I’m on-call for the other two due to being management, I often work 70-80 hours weekly, but I’m not here asking for handouts and massive changes because my personal life cuts into my game time like other people.
Some people, such as streamers, make money and sustain themselves by playing, I simply cannot see that as cheating, though I do feel sorry for their futures.
I see no problem with changes based on what is being asked for obviously. But as now being a casual player if I could get a game where we walk for my 2 hours-ish time I would call that a good day. But nah everyone just wants waypoints handed out and rush.
I would like for a change that encourages actually playing the game as intended not just cheese your way through
I personally prefer the walkthrough gameplay, until Hell, at that time I team up with others since I can’t solo anymore (immunities, difficult areas, etc) based on my build, I do have a fortune of JSP from selling items, yet I’ve had 0 FG out since 2012, I literally play the game for the fun.
I will agree some of the changed are very welcomed, but I still want this online multiplayer game, to involve the original intent of grouping up, and bartering for goods.
outwitting who? the fans? the ones who choose to join the streamer they enjoy watching? stay jealous, my friend.
who has been deceived? was anyone promised compensation for their time?
Streamers are not cheating…look, by this definition, right? anyone with friends or a large group/clan who can maintain full games for optimal exp gains is considered cheating.
interestingly, this means everyone who doesnt cheat, doesnt interact with the community in a positive manner, which results in them being alone.
he isnt getting a streamer XP bonus, like “oh, you’re a streamer? here, 150% extra experience gained streamer charm for you!”
So relax, and make friends, that way you can have a full game all the time…just remember friendships go both ways, which means supporting your friends when they need it too.
you could also buy 7 more copies, and run them on a seperate computer or something idk…what ever a nolifer does to get by without other players.