People are confused on what cheating is

Your arguments are very immature I’m not even going to engage with you. You proved that to me yesterday.

Is it not yours Vlad?

Abuse =/ cheating.

It’s like abusing the tax code. You stay well within the rules. You just use the rules to your advantage.

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communism? lol you americans are sooooo insufferable and unloved.

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If you say anything logical he will start “your jealous go play D3 kid” please don’t feed him

These arent even in the same genre. one’s a grush and the other is taking full advantage of having a group who supports you. while one is legit(the support group), the other is bypassing something the devs put there to stop low lvls from going beyond the appropriate difficulty.

out·wit - deceive or defeat by greater ingenuity - what greater ingenuity did he utilize?
deceit - the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth - who/what did he deceive?

Both examples rely on deception… where was the deception during the live stream?


you attacked first, and so i just decided you werent serious. next time dont preach to me about how I’m not logical and you are mentally superior for being logical.

I’m trying to tell you that this isnt cheating, that this is something that clans used to do and that clans would do today if the lobby wasnt a busted POS.

The main point is that average players NEVER had a chance at the top of ladder, because you had people who worked together as teams.

look at it like soccer or football, when the rest of the team gets the ball near the end and then passes it, is the one who does the touchdown or shoots the goal a cheater? no.

this is why in the OP, I state that we need a proper lobby…so people CAN get organized.

oh btw, Clans also got their guy to 99 faster…by like a day or 3.

There also used to be the ability to lvl in ubers off meph minions, they removed it unfortunately. I understood why though, because it was way too effective and not what ubers were intended for.

Of course it is not cheating to play more than others, to coordinate, group up or share items.

Using GRush on the other hand, could reasonably be considered cheating. Using stuff like FG on D2JSP clearly is cheating, and same with botting.

LOLLLL You casuals are so wild. hilarious to read this much whining. Maybe if you kids spent less time whining on a blizzard forum about the flaws of d2R and more time playing, you would have had a better ladder experience. :slight_smile:

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I heard you can pay cash for fg, and I never did like D2jsp. That site killed the economy back then. I went from trading, to everyone wanted to pay in fg or get fg. that was really upsetting, and worst of all is that it was approved of.

It’s not the same at all and I’m glad you see that because that is the point after all.

Passing ancient before intended is the definition of cheating. So when I say people abuse the mechanics I am not accusing them of cheating

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The obsession is so real, new member and like 75% at the posts towards me.

Sending you love, hope you get better soon. Good thing you won’t stay here for long because we are reporting you but hey the cesspool that is known as JSP welcomes your ilk, purist friend. :heart:

It’s even more cringey and sad when you realize the average age of D2 player and this is your behavior. Yikes, literally are their posts are toxic and inflammatory AF. Sad. Anyways, sending love. I hope you get well soon. :heart:

All the heart emojis in the world will not change how bad your takes are.

Ehm, anyways, yeah it was obvious cheating. I wonder how they got their high end gear for a whole team in like 24 hours though!

Guess what it isn’t cheating since you are all capable of finding players to work with you and everyone is allowed to have 8 players in their lobby. Maybe try harder instead of crying harder

Not cheating. Cry harder.

It is not cheating but it does illustrate the inherent limitations of how this game is setup for the ladder race.

I think this falls into a clever use of mechanics category and reaping the rewards of being a popular streamer who pushes for a week or so.

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When you have 100s of people cooperating with one another drops rates do not feel so poor.

I know if you and a close friend were playing and you found an item he needed you would just give it to him not only because he needs it but because he in return can better help you.

Take that and multiply it by a significant number

They’re not friends though. It’s a parasocial relationship of people that never met who did it just to break the game for legit/fun players. This is the difference.

If they were a team of 8 doing it, sure, no problem.

Yes and I understand that but they all walked into it with this intention and I can promise you friendships were made along the way

Yes they organized a group to specifically abuse a certain game mechanic. There is no disputing this. However it is not cheating. They are simply taking full advantage of what is available.