People are confused on what cheating is

Well, D2R seems to be actively developed for. Here’s to hoping for a bright future of this classic remaster! :beer: :beers:


All of these people complaining about MrLlamaSC having help have clearly never researched the demands of High Warlord or Grand Marshal in vanilla WoW.

You’d stand up and someone would sit down, omitting the entire team on 24/7 to carry you and pocket heal. That’s arguably worse because it’s not separate accounts.

Welcome the the upper echelons of competitive gaming. It’s been this way for over 20 years, at least since the days of tagging out/in for spawns and drops in Everquest.

People helping a streamer get geared are no different than the thousands in tens of thousands of guilds helping their Guild Master gear up first, or the officers. Now because you can watch it, it’s upsetting?

Adapt or die.

shut up already, you never make any sense dude.

You cant tell me you actually believe what you write. you know how many people stand idle to the side in a baal game? allowing the killers to do their job? you know how many people have a friend rush them? you have any idea how many people help other players with free items they dont want or need anymore?

yes players x in the realms is a stupid idea, it will cause more issues that you seem to ignore. communism? really? you dont know what you’re saying.

…and ploot…yeah, cause that’s a really great way to solve a problem that doesnt exist. You want to sit there and do nothing then run in and pick up the free loot? maybe you want to see the value of a soj hit the floor since everyone has an entire mule full of them thanks to ploot.

we have real issues man, like spirit wolves doing poop damage. they need their damage to be half cold and half magic so they can actually make druid summoner worth taking into hell. or maybe make their damage entirely magic?

anyways, you’re wrong. I wish you would open your eyes, I can only hope though. I’m sure you will have some sort of retort, but the fact of the matter is that your are simply wrong. I’m getting tired of seeing your nonsense.

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Why do people care about other people playing with friends, family, followers or whatever…I swear to God people’s mentality of cheating lately is like “if I cannot do it or have a way to do it it’s cheating”…I have been playing this game for so long and played it solo that I do not even care about others playing with 6 more players or whatever the maximum party is.

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That won’t help them in D3 either. They are duckig delusional. Solo ladder is usualy dominated by someone who, played in a group, or bots 0-24. Now THAT is an exploit.

Players x would need balanced in some way to still encourage group play. How about using in game assets like Hellfire Torch? The item is already level 75 and perhaps could be upgraded with Standard of Heroes but gain 5 requirement levels per upgrade and max out at level 95. And of course, reduce the drop rate of SoH to make them valuable instead of hot garbage.

A solo self found ladder would solve this. The ARPG landscape has already figured a lot out that would help this game in the current age. It’s just a matter of getting the “purist” parasites off blizzard’s back. Btw, most of them are people who played a little 20 years ago and never touched it after. They’re more aptly “nostalgaist”. The real D2 player base mainly moved onto mods like PD2 and others. That’s what we want – further development in the game with industry standards.

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SSF may be the best way to launch ladder in a multiplayer game sadly, but I would rather have an alternative where everyone wins.

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Abusing? No just using. The games mechanics have been known for 2 decades.

I really just wanna know why so many people on these forums seem personally offended after realizing they are bad at ladder. I mean how are you just now figuring this out? Are most of the people on these forums just plain newbs?

I didn’t just wake up yesterday 30 years later and think to myself… I suck at basketball. No I’ve been self aware of this fact for many years.

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You’re right the game mechanics have been being abused for 2 decades. It’s crazy ain’t it.

I’m versatile. I can do both. Embrace the power of “and…”


What baffles me is UR not comprehending how group play works is how david brevik and the OG devs intended it to work this way.

It was designed this way cuz originally diablo 2 was going to have clans u could join kind like guilds in wow. That content was cut due to time. Same reason why act 4 only has 3 quest originally it was 6.

U may not agree with it. But fact is that is exactly how the OG intended it to be. It being intended by the OG means its not a cheat.

Ur crying about cheating but yet u want to add a cheat code /p8 to online. Its only on offline for a reason.

U cannot trade offline. U cannot join 7 other players. Where as online u can. /p8 online will do more dmg to the game than u actually understand.

I am sorry, but I have to disagree a little bit here. I would not use the term “cheating” because that is not cheating… I will say though, it is not a legit ladder 1st char. I used to play back in the day, and it was not how you say. Yes, there were some clans, but none of them at the start of ladder would pool resources to one player in the clan to get 99 first. They would definitely play together and try to climb the ladder together as a clan, but never pooling resources.
Also, the problem today is that these streamers are presented no challenge. The opportunity they have is well beyond any opportunity the player back in the 90’s and early 2000’s had. For instance, look at Llama’s situation. He was given all of his gear and had full lobbies of players who are passing up all the other gear as well as doing all of the leg work for him. I was watching his stream, he goes into a game and immediately starts to clear chaos sanctuary, while doing that, one guy is teleporting to Nihlathak and the other group is starting the baal run. After clearing chaos, he goes to nihlthak and kills him and then finishes out the baal run. If he is running behind the group waits for him because the last part of the baal run gives the most experience anyway. So, he is given his gear, and while clearing the chaos which never changes on the map the other group essentially acts as a “maphack” to find the rest fo the run. At this point he is no longer a “player” he is basically a human bot. Technically, it is not cheating… but I don’t see how people can look at this as a legit 99 run. Even if an average player was able to join full baal runs 100% of the time, people would still be fighting for items and not waiting for you to run chaos and nihlathak and then finish the baal run.
So while I think he is not technically cheating, I don’t see how this is recognized as an accomplishment… this goes for the other guy racing him as well. I don’t recognize this as a 99 first, I don’t even find it entertaining as well, I found the stream very boring when everything is given to you on a silver platter. None of this is comparable to D2 LOD ladder… this is just my take on the matter, som might not like it, but it is accurate.

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Because that 99 is the results of the team. U just explained the team work and effort it took to get 99 in 138 hrs. NOT possible without this team work. Even teo has to do his part he cant just stand there. Its all about efficiency.

Its always been teams working together that reach the top ten or so. Even back then. This strat is nothing new.

In today’s age ur just able to see this strat put into play live. Back then no one. Streamed ladder race.

I guess I missed the part where climbing the ladder had to be a solo endeavor.

I guess all those WoW raiders are cheating too? Playing in raid groups/teams to achieve a goal in a game designed for it. Yeah, total cheaters.

By the way, the strategy would still be the same with players x or not. The only thing that gives exp at lvl 98 is Baal, diablo, or nihilathak

Exploit - make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).

The game mechanics are being exploited and there is no denying it. Streamers are exploiting their fan base. They are literally doing the exact definition of exploit.

Just because “we been doing it for 20 years”. It does not change the definition.

Are you telling me what I have been trying to tell people like you since forever? That player 8 already exists in the game and won’t destroy it, but it’s a matter of availability so not just abusers have access to it?

Good progress.

That is actually not true. Back in the day my IRL friend got 99 first on the 2nd ladder reset. His name on ladder was Iz_Alvia he was a sorc lvl 99. Sure we played with him and we had full lobbies, BUT we did not pool him items or anything of that nature… We were also not in a clan just a few friends. The strat of playing full lobbies and such was nothing new correct, but this “strategy” if you even want to call it that is new. There was a reason lvl 99 took a while back in the day, because this was not the norm or the strategy.

Fun additional fact: baals exp reward caps out on players 3 so there’s no point spawning him higher than that.

Great info for single player.