People are confused on what cheating is

you have to be within 2 screens to gain exp, and back then clans did exactly this.

the reward for playing ladder was the items that are exclusive to ladder, there never was a reward for hitting 99.

The old system of locking you out if you joined too many games too fast was to combat bots, not to keep players from leveling up lol

so once again, I believe people are just jealous that they dont have a team who is willing to grind with them to 99.

back then, another thing they did…was on wave 2, the lowest lvl unpartied so they didnt get any exp and it was to help the higher lvls. they also had everyone aside from the two top lvls kill baal for the exp. they would keep you out of runs if you broke any of those rules, which meant you needed to find a new baal run. when you DID try to bypass that and steal the exp, they killed you.

so to sum it up in a nutshell…ladder is a team effort. you are either on the team and supporting the higher lvls, or you are kicked off the team and sucking your thumb on the forums.

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You got it twisted. No one is jealous about a streamer. The thing about XP is you get a boost for having more players in game despite their location as long as you can take on the monsters. This is by design but currently is horribly exploited. D2R Season 1 is the quickest anyone has ever reached lvl 99 in history of Diablo 2 and there is no arguing that.

oh that? thats not an exploit, the streamer is just fortunate that their fame is paying off. back then you would join trade games and do this…because yeah, you get more exp with more players in game(it’s the online form of players x command).

The thing I’m happy about, is now people cant just run d2loader or something and run multiple clients to get this same effect online like they did back then. where they do their baal runs and have 7 bots of theirs mf’ing in their game while they do baal runs for them self…that was stupid.

ofcoure, now you could kind of do it legitly…you would have to pay for 7 more copies of the game though, and have multiple computers if you dont have a way to run multiple bnet clients. all in all, it’s not a huge exploit, it’s just people giving their free time and support to a streamer they enjoy. so yes it boils down to jealousy. everyone envies the popular kid, because they get “carried” by their peers.

Ok so why go through all of that when a remastered game is being actively developed for? All I’m pointing out is an outdated mechanic that should be revised in some way to benefit everyone. You know as well as I that a streamer is not the average player, and their tactics are not feasible for the majority of players. This isn’t jealousy but facts.

They use currencies from outside of the game to gain items.
They have multiple people playing one account.

Thats cheating. They are cheaters.

this isnt an issue, and it’s not an outdated mechanic.

the only way around it is to remove the benefit of group play altogether, by removing the increase in exp from more players, which results in a dead game.

there is nothing to do from the dev side, but players should work together more if they want to compete with someone who has a solid team to support them

I wonder how many Pindle runs I can get in an hour. :innocent: :thinking:

hold on, streamers have other people play their guy for them? that makes their 99 non-legit then…if you are being truthful

Oh so you don’t like sharing accounts? My oh my is that a pressing issue! :roll_eyes:

That is a good way to get banned. Account sharing is a not allowed.

Not the ones at the top of the board who were competing for first 99. Those were/are under serious scrutiny and were on stream doing their gameplay, with Blizz staff usually watching.

I don’t know about others, but Blizz can tell. They track a whole lot of data about each account on login. They have done some pretty large ban waves in WoW recently for account sharing/pilots too.

back when I had friends who played, we would split into teams and go mf’ing…then share loot based on who needs what most. we helped eachother level up, and helped eachother get geared…the whole point of online is to cooperate with other players. you get punished for going solo, thats reasonable I would say…because it wouldnt be fair to grant you all the benefits of group play when you go solo. which is the whole point of players x in sp, where you cant have other players.

look, what I’m saying is that when you play on the realms, you get rewarded for playing in a game with other people. making good friendships is also extremely rewarding, as it means you have someone to go mf’ing and lvling with.

I had to buy a second computer and copy of the game, and my lady doesnt want to play this game so I just play 2 chars by my self…which sounds sad actually…but it’s what I do lol

Yes! :rofl: I wonder what is in store for these epic gamers.

oh snap, ok then…yeah figures, I remember back then your account password got scrambled by Bnet if you logged in too often from 2 different places. I lost 2 accounts from sharing with a friend, so i stopped doing it.

I said it before, if Blizzard is ok with streamers doing what they do with their IP, then that’s one thing but the rest of us average players would like some changes!

These days they lock the account for security reasons if it detects a strange login and the person has to reset the password. This security challenge does not happen as often if someone has an Authenticator on the account.

There are additional security steps that happen if a person makes a mistake typing the password, changes PCs, etc.

As for what happens? In WoW right now they did some long suspensions, but they can and have banned for it. I would expect the same in D2R. Account bans outright, but who knows. They don’t talk about it to me.

Here is the Policy article that tries to put the EULA terms in clear speech for folks.

Only you are allowed to access an account registered in your name. We don’t recognize the transfer of accounts between individuals. Activities performed on your account are your liability.

You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account. You may not use your account at the same time, and you are liable for activities conducted by the minor child.

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and the use of your user name and password. You are responsible for all uses of your information, even if you don’t authorize them. Security of your account is your responsibility.

Cheaters exposed?! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The people streaming were not account sharing, at least not the top folks who were under the microscope.

So no, nothing exposed that I know of. Are some people probably doing it though? I would guess so. Can Blizz ban them, sure.

What is not cheating though is playing as a coordinated group - as long as each person is on their own account. Coordinating group play, via LAN party, forums, ICQ, Discord, Streams, etc. is not cheating at all. It is how they wanted the game to be played and why group play has benefits.

Logging on to play with others and trade items is exactly what MP was designed for.

Exactly, and average players should not expect to be able to compete with well coordinated groups. This has been a thing since many years ago, and it will always be a thing. This isnt a broken mechanic or even an abused mechanic, it’s an intended reward for coordating efforts.


Working as intended, great!

Having people play the video game for you and you reap all the rewards doing basically nothing is cheating in all games, universally. This is not the same as “group play”. It baffles me some people can’t comprehend that.

Player x command would kill BNET, said the abusers of D2 Communism.
Drop rates are fine, said people who get people to play the game for them and find them items.
ploot should not be in d2, said the abusers of D2 Communism. :clown_face: