Over a month now

Supporting evidence (a.k.a. communication) would go a long way.

You cannot prove this. While I don’t believe they are, you’re making a claim that you cannot back up with evidence.

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but guess what, it HASN’T BEEN a bad product for my group and i! guess what, the majority of players aren’t having problems!

go find some friends who are software developers and learn from them. i have several friends from college who do programming for some companies, it isn’t flipping a switch, what an utter joke…

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i can assume this because they are an established company. if you think their board would just allow these things to happen just because then you are blind. they know what the issues are. read the changelogs and patch notes. they are clearly aware. the issue for yall is for those that have problems, the fixes aren’t coming in fast enough. you want them now. you don’t care that in a couple months everything will be better.

Hmmm… Just like their current law suit? They didn’t just let those things happen over the years? Your white knighting knows no bounds.

Damn right I do. They launched an incomplete game all while ignoring the feed back of the beta players.


ok fine, so then you’re impatient and life sucks without d2r. ok.

here is the last sticky they placed:


  • Fixed a crash related to exiting the queue to play offline
  • Fixed an issue where players could crash while fighting Baal
  • Fixed performance issues in Furnace of Pain in Legacy mode
  • Fixed an issue where players could crash after playing in Legacy mode for extended periods of time
  • Other miscellaneous crash/stability fixes.

crash, crash, crash, crash…they are CLEARLY AWARE and trying to get the game more stable.

yall place them in a really bad position. delay the launch of the game to ensure it launches well, people cry that blizz sucks. launch the game when expected and then fix issues along the way, people cry that blizz sucks.

Does the process that it takes to complete a job determine whether it is done or not?

No it doesn’t. If a doctor messes up a surgery, a burger cooked wrong, a car malfunctions… the product/service is poor.

A problem doesn’t have to affect everyone to be a problem.

Stop gaslighting the community because you and your 6 amazing friends from all over the world play the game fine…that doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem.

The only joke is your attempt to construct an argument.


such senseless drivel, there’s no helping folks like you. you may proceed and continue to cry over something they are already aware of and trying to fix. good luck and i hope you can play d2r in a couple months. if you need any frees from all the downtime, im happy to hook you up with skullders and peasants cap.

Logical thought, and constructive argument = senseless drivel.

Bout sums it up folks.

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crying over problems is logical thought? damn i didn’t know

the only logic is blizz is aware of these problems and they are getting fixed.

  1. It is impossible to determine if anyone is crying, we are typing on a forum.

  2. You chronically misrepresent, and pretend there is no issue, by suggesting you and your friends aren’t experiencing issues. You further state you know people familiar with tech development, and that we are asking for too much, and shouldn’t be annoyed that a product doesn’t work.

Further, you suggest the “majority” aren’t having problems, when the forums suggest the “majority” are indeed having some sort of problems.

  1. You seem unable to understand that it doesn’t matter what sector a service or product is provided in…a bad product is a bad product. The technical knowledge to complete the task is irrelevant. Moreover, if fixing the problem takes time…that doesn’t eliminate the community’s right to complain.

  2. You seem unable to understand that just because you are not personally, or in your friend group, experiencing a problem doesn’t mean one doesn’t exist.

  3. You suggest blizzard is aware of the problems and they are getting fixed, after suggesting you aren’t having problems…and being inflammatory to folks in the community.

It has been over a month and no fixes at all to day one issues.

Are you trying to act like a troll? If so, that would clear everything up.

P.s - I would reevaluate the definition of logic. Maybe ask some of them super smart development friends.


Lol. What a clown. I never stated my “life sucks” without D2-R.

Saw that a long time ago. However, problems still exist that we haven’t had good communication from them with/about.

No, Blizzard placed their own self in the position they are in. This may come as a surprise to you; we don’t make the choices for them.

Any company who has leadership with an IQ greater than that of a dead sponge would delay the launch. They would do so for several reasons.

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You keep using that word. I don’t think you understand it’s definition. Then again, with your limited vocabulary, you might just be using that since you don’t know the word “complain”.

“triggered”. What are you 10? Maybe 12? You have some anger issues. I wonder if it stems from a mommy/daddy issue.

Lol. This clown calls people “kids” and yet acts like less than a child.

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I’m still not “triggered”. I have actual important things to worry about in life rather than some slight minded troll on the internet.

Might be best to just flag and move on folks.

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But you are proving you have no life too…by carrying on…

That’s why this is so funny lol. And yes, thanks so much for the drink, its really good

You’d have to go through the process of trepanation to understand him.

I mean…they don’t know what the term “get a life” means…

So, its kind of a tough sell lol.

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Wow. INB4 vacations are handed out. Seriously. Wow. /shakeshead


Its not broken for everyone. I’m in the same boat. Its been nothing but smooth sailing for me.

I’m well over 200 hours played. All online.