Online SSF Mode

“no bots” not really esp. in SC for leveling programming them for the current TZ or something like that.
“no jsp” at least this grey area bs trash scam scum site wouldn’t be present there.
So in conclusion the only “legit” way would be HC SSF like PoE, where the same problem occurs and that is “only no life unemployed welfare basement dweller gonna be at the top and streamers since they’re bascially the same”, but getting paid for doing so.

TL:DR There is basicially NEVER a even/fair playing field.

You would get bots, but they would be subjected to bans. I dont know how many get caught and how many dont - but its a big deal either way.

SSF is the best idea ever. I hope hope hope that it comes to pass.


I mean ay Blizz could literally ban 98% of D3 players, but they don’t seem to care just hop on the profiles of the top 100 guys after 2~ weeks (of a new season) everyone with 15k+ off season paragon is a botter = :hammer: bonk ban done, but nope they let them bot unless you’re so stupid like RedX who was streaming it. D2jsp literally ruined this game, but apparently they can’t do something against it even tho it’s a 3rd party site where people gather items from, which violates the ToS. And yes I :pray: for SSF too!

I dont know about that
Too restricted

Imo, ssf is about me (the player) playing alone and getting what i need
It has nothing to do with which class im playing

Solo Self Found cant have twinking - from my perspective of course. Thats what makes it great. Each character is an island which has absolutely no advantage over anyone else of the same class.

I appreciate your view though.


I see

I think ssf is about each player being the island

I cant imagine how frustating is to drop a zod and not be “able” to make an obssesion with it bc you got it with your barb

Anyway, ill be happy with any of these ssf versions when it gets implemented

I just hope it wont take too long

Well, not right then - but at the end of ladder your character may well get dumped into non ladder pool - so you can do what you want with that Zod.

Whats quite nice, is having to go ad-hoc. Sure you can plan, but you get what you get and have to adapt.

Im totally against this
Ssf is something to do for years and years
Limiting ssf to ladder is crap design
Limiting anything to ladder is equally bad

Just convert ssf ladder to ssf nl once its finished

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Fair enough. There are wrinkles to iron out perhaps - but at least we both agree that the concept is broadly speaking a good thing.

I for one will never play non ladder. Once that ladder ends ill never look at that Zod ever again.


Yeah, I also think that there should be a ssf mode for non ladder as well, in which the ladder ssf chars will be transferred after the season.

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Would be very nice if we could get a blue post about whether or not adding ssf to the game is really an option being thought about by the developers.


Ive already uninstalled completely. I wont be back unless there is SSF online. Any indication whatsoever would be nice, so at least i can stop stalking the forums like an ex lover scorned.


Same here, battlenet is as broken as it was in 2006… JSPdotnet more like it

Give us ssf!!


with jsp being a thing and the streamer’s slaves i agree that SSF mode would be quite nice.

i’m normally against that as it doesnt feel like a multiplayer game anymore but in this case i guess it’s the only short term solution.

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It really is the only solution…

The Jsp players can have bnet , ssf wont change nothing it will just bring more players in. Myself and many other veterans may actually try d2r again if we had ssf mode. It woll do nothibg but good for d2r

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I basically gave up bnet
So im playing offline now where i can mod the game the way i think its better
Wont be back to bnet before loot filter and currency tab be added

There’s some weird “loader” meta going on because of the Sunder charms. The top 2 players on HCL used loaders (aka multiboxing).

That’s where Season 3 is headed. For anyone that enjoys competing on the leaderboard, if you aren’t using loaders, you’ll be behind.

Blizzard released TZ to make the ladder race more accessible yet at the same time contradicted themselves by adding in Sunder charms

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Game is ruined. Online SSF or nothing. No more nonsense.


I wouldn’t go so far as to say it’s ruined for me, I still enjoy playing it as it is, but it would be infinitely better with SSF Mode. But I can understand why many can’t enjoy it anymore at the moment.

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