Online SSF Mode

Sunder charms promoted the use of loaders for Season 2. The top 99’s on HCL and the #2 on SCL used loaders.

I think it’s about time Blizzard either enables /px or creates a Solo Ladder.

When there is no SSF by Season 3 then those people over at Blizzard are completely lost.


I cannot see any reason to play this game at all as is. Should online SSF become a reality, youll have me for decades to come.

Ill pay a fiver for it even. no probs.


+1 for SSF

SSF players can interact with the rest of the player base, but they cannot trade or pick up an item that another player drops

that way it’s still an online experience but gives a sense of purpose to players who don’t want to be associated with D2:Robots

A little indicator next to your name in-game to signify you are playing SSF mode.

Making trading impossible seems easy enough to code. Hopefully there is a way to add some code that tags items when another player has picked it up, and make it so SSF players cannot pick up that item if the regular player drops it on the ground.

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That’s not SSF.

That way bots will sell you games they clear for you to follow.

Nope make it a separate mode and never let SSF into the multiplayer pool

Never gonna happen, so let’s stick with real SSF. Single player online with leaderboard.


SSF online must possess the following qualities:

  • Solo games, closed to all other players at all times.
  • Self found solo means if the gear drops on that char, only that char can use it. If you get a sorc torch as a Barbarian, you cant trade to another character, even if that is your character on the same ladder.
  • It is online with full ladder mode. This ladder should break down into classes.
  • It gets the same proctections as ladder currently does. Should someone bot or maphack, they eat the ban.

This is a level playing field for all people playing the same class. It is true a cold sorc will win the ladder, but who will win the Barbarian ladder? Or Druid ladder?

Online means live action RIP messages for Hardcore, so you can chortle at friends and enemies alike as their hard work is turned to ashes. You also get server firsts and the like, and chat channels with other players.

This is the dream. The evils of 3rd paerty websites, software and all that caper can be maintained in public play. Keep it!

Just get it done. It would be Diablo 2 at its finest.

D2R SSF ladder deserves its own forums, for those playing to share diaries of progress. I want to hear about your first Bloodletter Gladius dropping and how happy it made you, i want to hear about finally killing hell baal on your 50th attempt, and i want to hear how you wiped to ubers because you didnt ultra stack resists.


I still think it’s funny how you guys think that there would be no bots on ssf ladder xD

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If you can’t magic find for your other SFF characters, I want no part of it. It would still be solo and self found if you could.


i usually hate the idea of SSF since it kills the community feeling but in the case of d2 i would embrace it.

they apparently cant get a grip on d2jsp so SSF is the only solution for fair play i can think about.

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Hi, i loved your post but i dont think i would like this. I mean, i have lot of fun when i get some items for my other chars.
If your idea were to take place, it would be great to have some smart loot. I mean, why as an assasin would get other class-only loot if i can give it to my alters?

Hope you have a great week !

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Well at the end of ladder i assume they would be dumped in the non ladder pool? So you could trade them then.

I agree that an SSF mode should have shared stash disabled. It’s way more interesting that a Barbarian player would have to make use of the cube to craft a maul or gamble for one. Rather than everyone just starting sorc and handing items down; that dumbs down the competitive nature of the class race.

They should be dumped back to NL with some title rewards for placing.


Otherwise everyone goes cold sorc and farms a barb - which just aint SSF as i see it.


Its not about them its about you legit earning your stuff and no external market and if you stream its good for rest non pro streamers!


What would be there to trade? If shared stash is disabled, then there is one tab. How much items you can store there? Maybe your runes, keys and essences, and that’s about it.

It isnt impossible you would have the full suite of stash tabs per character, they just wouldnt be shared. Thats a minor detail, but in truth i would still play it either way.



Anything else wouldn’t be SSF and would only lead to everyone starting a Sorc/Pala first and then farming equipment for the other classes.

This would then, for example, again completely distort the picture regarding the SSF ladder.

A solution would be to do it like in PoE, where you can opt out of SSF and then switch to normal mode if you really want to trade found GG Gear. Of course, then you could never go back to SSF with that char.

Yes, I agree, otherwise you would really get space problems ^^

Here I would say that it would be nice if you could choose at the end of the ladder whether you stay SSF, but then just in normal mode. But that would not be mandatory, just nice to have.

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SSF in a game where loot drop is not assigned to players…

Sorry but they are not going to waste their time coding in personal loot for a niche.

It would be cool if you could use the “game chat” and talk to other SSF players. It would be nice to have channels for each class, so you could link your item in the chat, for example if you’re a Barb and find a nice Barb item.


I would LOVE THAT!-----