Now that Ladder has proven to be a total failure and majority are unhappy

No need to argue. they are two different things and no amount of cope you throw out is going to change that.


Not only is the line between remaster and remake blurry, but with all the changes especially with 2.4, D2:R clearly is on the other side of the blurry line.

Bruh you have your own thread full of replies with negative ladder experiences including your OP which states “trash EU server with disconnects”.

I doubt its only 10-20k
Last i checked before the leaderboards went down I was ranked 18k at level 71. That was starting a day late, but going almost 24 hours on it. I really think the number is quite a bit larger than you assume. Especially considering all realms.

I must have missed the poll. Thanks for speaking for everyone. :clown_face:


Never succeed? They likely profited over a hundred million bucks on d2r.

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I’d hazard to say the overwhelming majority of people aren’t playing ladder to begin with. Most people play singleplayer or NL. Ladder gets all the hype but your average D2 player really doesn’t much care about that. For the most part (no offense) but it tends to be a subset of people that feel they have something to prove. You know the type. Two weeks in they want to be all “look at this enigma I have that I totally didn’t just buy.”

Personally I’d have made some ladder characters if we had more room, but I just don’t care enough to delete 5-10 slots to play and and redo this every 4 months infinitely.

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But he talked about game balance and changes. I posted topic about something else.

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You posted topic about “how is your ladder experience” and he has posted “everywhere I look is frustration when it comes to ladder.” Your thread is full of negative ladder experiences including your own but you say “where?”

This is the truth, it’s a game for abusers (the majority of enjoyers) and non-lifers.

Imagine playing Diablo II Communism, using FGs/$$$, abusing pay-to-win (multi-clients, etc.) and then going “D2 perfect game ever, drop rates gud!!” without providing any logical counter-argument.

I have a feeling changes will be made soon. Either that, or even this dead Ladder will be the most alive Ladder ever. Shame, Hardcore never had a life in this game. It would be my last Ladder for sure.

  1. tl,dr
  2. I’m against it. Mostly because exping in party will be punished, literally killing all baal/cs runs. Just take a char that can solo p8 and enjoy the exp rain.
  3. There are support chars out there that don’t damage alot, or single target chars. AoE chars will get hands on all drops. Also i like the competition, as long as it’s legit. There might be a better way to arrange it than you described, but generally i’m against ploot.
  4. I’m for it!
  5. Hell no, that’s one of the unique fun parts of d2. I got pkd too, but that motivated me to defend myself and actually learn how to pvp.
  6. I have no opinion on this. I always play myself and i don’t get any disadvantage because someone glitch rushes.
  7. It’s not just QoL, it’s a buff. Most people don’t use full inventory for charms at pvm and would just do so with the change. I’m for it if we slightly buff monsters too.
  8. Hell yes
  9. We have gold, runes, gems, sojs
  10. hell yes
  11. Some nerfs might make sense. The community will never agree on one though.
  12. It was quite fair in my eyes. RL will cause problems for some people regardless of the time they set.
  13. Yes please. I’d suggest unlimited stash tabs that can be named. We would completely get rid of mules like that and use all char slots for actual chars.
  14. As Pre-Expansion player i don’t need this, but have my support. I know how bad crafting and rune management can get.

If a char can solo p8 then they deserve the “exp rain”. High difficulty high rewards.

There has always been useless builds and meta builds. This is not a problem with ploot it’s game design flaw.

That’s why Hardcore is dead on day 1? No one cares about PvP but 5% of players it shouldn’t be forced for griefing.

It’s QoL because people already use full charm, go town to empty up inventory pick up item, then charm up again.

Should have just left it at that, enough to tell it’s a purist.

Ok you clearly don’t want to discuss your points. People that don’t fully agree get belittled.
I opened the thread, but most things were new monsters and uniques, which i just don’t care for and replying to all his suggestions would just consume too much time and should be in his topic and not here under 1). I gave my feedback to the rest of your suggestions. Like them or not, i don’t care to discuss with you anymore.

Have fun hating your selfmade little enemy image called “purist”


This is the way. We need to stop feeding this irrelevant troll. He will slowly succumb to anonymity once again or see the error of its ways.


Just got more likes as you post this. Majority agree with me.

Keep going. But I promise I won’t read it, you’re on my ignored list now will just report your insults so you go on another ban. :wink:

Insults won’t win. Still zero logical counter-argument and still majority wants it. Can’t stop won’t stop!


Please, take care of those cognitive issues.
Elaborate please on this so called majority. You have a thread with 1.2k views, yet you only got 18 likers. Offer some clarity please.

Get well soon. dude!


I want to add that there are already enough functions that allow you to go to town safely when someone hostiles you. BS trains, Precast, quick wp usage have all been eliminated already.

You’re right, but they still ruin people’s fun and killed Hardcore mode.

It’s because trolls have weak constitutions. They bluster about for a couple weeks then give up when they see people aren’t buying it. Meanwhile the majority that are still just playing the game like always are still around.


Then I guess by your definition we are not trolls. MicroRNA, Mith, Vechain and others are here way longer than you are, and we will be here for way too long.

Can’t stop won’t stop, majority with us, insults won’t stop us. Logical counter-arguments can.

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