Now that Ladder has proven to be a total failure and majority are unhappy

Here’s a counter argument: DO YOU EVEN PLAY THIS GAME?

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ah so things i wouldn’t notice because i don’t use them… aaaaaah…

i create all my own games, and use discord… no need for their AWFUL chat system ( we already knew it was broken, nothing new there) and for the lobby, i don’t know how they haven’t brought back chat channels LIKE WE USED TO HAVE… but ya, they aren’t that important imo…

To me personally they don’t really change my gameplay either, but it is a massive failure for 90%+ of the playerbase, especially casual players, which are where they make their big dollars. Hopefully they fix it at some point.

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Bro, u fight for what u want is good which I respect u as a revolutionist but u really need to stop repeating this sales figure thingy. Ppl who like the game dont care how much copies are sold.

U basically post on other ppl thread create new thread quoting D3 sales over D2 sales which is too toxic.

Enough is enough :pray:

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Are the freaks, that always complain, this detached from reality?

Op IS that detached from reality, yes.

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Reading is extremely difficult for the projecting freaks.

people need to accept the lobby/chat wont be fixed and go to discord for sure, there are many very active discords out there this is the place to find people/games

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Nobody wants to read your bull it’s like sandpaper on the eyes.

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This 100%


One thing I agree with is the charm inventory

Nothing wrong with Ladder, stop complain or just quit the game. One less comlainer is great for Diablo II community.


I’m having fun. I like the challenge of fitting things in my storage. You have too make choices and those choices matter. That’s Diablo in a nutshell.

If all these crybabies would just admit the game is a lot of work and they can’t hack it because they’ve never had to do hark work, they might get more sympathy. But that’s how it reads. Spoiled brats that want everything handed to them on a silver platter. That is not fun and it is not rewarding. Don’t screw up the game we bought, knowing what we wanted and paid for. Go make your own game where you log on and are showered with prizes and infinite space to store them all.


a charm inventory would be great, but not the way you think probably.

D2 inventory is 4x10. Making charm work only in the half of it (4x5 on the right) would be amazing!

The list you have written up will not sell more copies. To bring new players it is not enough to shift the meta and do all these “ez game” changes you have suggested. You cannot advertise that.

D3 has sold much more because it was a NEW GAME, not a REMASTER.

To get more sales on D2R they need to make a big content release, like Act 6 (and even then it won’t sell more copies than D3, but it is not a failure because of that… because D3 was a new game, rather than an expansion)


Nah, they need to do all those changes + a new expansion.

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D3 may be a good game to some people, but it is not diablo and does not belong to be mentioned with Diablo 1 and 2 completely different games . PoE is the spiritual successor to the diablo 1 and 2 franchise whether it is too hard for people or not. A lot of D2 fans like myself want to forget D3 was ever created


So we should not make any progress at life because people would always complain? Got it.

Those changes are a necessary to lots and lots people. Only 10% purists are against them.

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Blizzard will just look at what the most popular streamers have to say about the game to dictate their changes. No one will ever be happy in the D2 community that is for sure, we got a lot of people who see the potential and want it improved and we got a lot of people who want their beloved D2 from 2001 tiny stash , no QOL , no new content and all. Cant make everyone happy, i really enjoyed D2R at launch so that was cool seeing the new graphics and all that was fun for a while. This recent ladder took me all of 2 days to be done with it, it was not enough and far far far too late. it is still a great game, and i am sure people will play D2R for years to come, it certainly will not compete with modern games like POE and LE things like that. I for one hope it gets much better and major changes happen ! I am still happy i got to see d2 with these nice graphics and enjoyed the game a lot when it launched but it got stale fast


This is almost exactly how I feel about it. Major changes are needed, not everyone is insane to do same robotic tasks for 20+ years.

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