Nightmare act 1 selling normal act 1 pots

stop saying “do a forum search” so I can see untruthful posts from other individuals. What you are saying doesn’t make sense. Offline is stored locally, blizzard doesn’t have any control over that.

Yes that means I think you are all lying.

Now I know you’re trolling. I saved and quit to go out for an hour. Came back and my char lost everything. Go look in the bug forums and look at all those threads and posts about players losing stuff.

LOL troll harder bro :joy: :clown_face: :joy:

I’ve been there a few times, the minimap button doesn’t work unless you switch to legacy and turn on minimap, then switch back over to resurrected mode, in which case the tab key makes a minimap and the minimap key makes it move from right to left. Nothing about locally created saves being deleted, only online ones being rolled back.

So I guess you won’t mind if I come over to your place to play the game. I’ll be right there. I got your eye pea!

I have been playing offline mode since 8 am this morning pacific time.

I’ll be right over! :clown_face:

well if you want the same set-up as me, install windows 10 first fresh, update your mobo and graphics card drivers, then install d2. Should work

If it were that easy, why are 100s or 1000s of players having issues with the game?

but 100’s of thousands aren’t. 100 people out of 400,000 people is a very small minority of players.

Worst boss in the game right now.

Wait until you hear that people have already beaten Hell Baal.


I replied to one of those already, quite sketchy circumstances. Files don’t “mysteriously” go missing from peoples machines, and it isn’t Blizzard deleting them.

Uhm, when I was playing offline this morning, I was doing several countess runs for runes, absolutely no problem leaving the game and starting a new one here.

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aye, same here but I was running act 1 caves and crypts a few 10 times… zero issues here. Wife was just chain playing all the way through all their online hotfixes and never logged off once. I see some people reporting 1 character there and 1 missing which is weird… but I responded to that in bug forums.

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Played the game from 11pm EST to 7am EST, offline sorc. Got a crash, the character is gone, the save files are not there, but the stash remained completely up to date. This is after saving and exiting multiple times for countess runs, and restarting the game once after a brief AFK around 3am.
If there’s anything sketchy about these circumstances besides my complete irresponsibility as an adult playing video games all night long, let me know!

The problem is their beta was too limited. Realistically they should have had an end stage build beta session where the only thing changed for release day was wiping all the beta characters.

They sell those if your level is not high enough. It happens in D2lod too.

What is your level?

By now you’ve realized that if you go into nightmare at too low of a level, it will give you small potions. Getting rushed is not always a good thing