New day, new loot distribution options

The problem is you have some who do not want the loot drop rate to change at all. Fight one battle at a time.

Think of it from the developer perspective. The game already does the drop/no drop calculation and item identity. This would just mean adding an RNG roll pre-drop in game with the timer.

From the perspective of the drop rates are “perfect” crowd, if the loot drop rate remains unchanged, you do not need to get into the whole more/less drops argument.

See post above this.

no, you seem to misunderstand. Right now, people are clamoring for more drops, p8 online etc. The MF incentive for this group play would only use already existing stuff, just would benefit the group and would promote more build diversity.

max mf in a group is not “existing”.

other people’s wish lists dont get to be used as a baseline for what is existing. i do not misunderstand anything about what you are asking for. you are asking for both timed loot AND MF bonuses that are not currently in game.

for the longest time I have said no change to drop rates. After a million “discussions” most people want more online play but also want some kind of bonus for group play. I’m not necessarily trying to fight 2 battles but rather combine the “warfront”

yes. as I stated the “people” seem to want more group play but with some kind of bonus, the same people don’t want leechers either. To my knowledge this best addresses that. If you have a better one lets hear it

Opening multiple fronts in a “war” is bad strategy. Even if the core idea has merit, you will get knit picked to death as you have observed.

why do you think you deserve both your own loot method AND a loot bonus. if ploot is so great why does it need a group bonus? So many of your arguments and ideas conflict.

IF ploot is so popular and wanted by players - it does not need MF boosts

If ploot isnt popular and would need MF boosts to encourage anyone to play it then ploot isnt needed.

It cannot be both ploot is popular AND we need to give group bonuses to encourage people to want to play ploot

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he is getting nit picked to death because he has conflicting ideas, was at best misleading about the impact ( i maintain lying) and the loot eligibility was given little thought to how it would actually work in game and the behaviors it encouraged. He could have fought multiple fronts if they were without multiple basic and obvious flaws

That is why I edited his descriptions to overcome those things that you are complaining about in post 150 or so.

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I didn’t have the group bonus originally it was something added just like the no pvp. This is a culmination of many different peoples designs and wishes. I’m special, but not that special or that kind of special.

that’s why we need the PTR again more than just 1 “plooter” offering design input here. we need data to figure some of the smaller details out.

read above. repeat here

you dont need data to know that basing MF off the max in group boosts drop quality significantly. thats just a deflection. there is enough data and knowledge of human behaviors to have an accurate idea of how this would play out.

You keep blaming this other group for the MF idea. then take it out of your plan. They didnt post these ideas, you did, and you seem to want to defend them pretty strongly. The group wants boosted MF because it benefits them not because they think it makes things equal.

what data exactly are you looking for that you cant get? if you dont know the data you are looking for a ptr wont help you

at the end of the day you (and your group) are asking for way to much and being unrealistic and quite frankly dishonest about the impact still. take micros advice and re-evaluate your ideas

one more edit: you dont get to blame group think on conflicting ideas. its like a group of politicians and one says no new taxes on middle class and the other guy says lets raise property taxes across the board to pay for ____ and they get presented together as an idea. you havent taken enough time (or basic logic) to be the one presenting a combined plan if the plan argues with itself.

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when I saw that quote I was hoping that meant he realized his mistakes, sadly that was not the case, he’d rather deflect or rationalize it

Do you agree that optional timed loot set at game creation using the pre-existing multiplayer drop/no drop calculation and item identity system is ok then with a 2-3 second timer?

going to spell it out for you nice and slow. Yes it is a bonus this was a added thing from my original design. the PTR would give actual data as to what and how bad things are affected both good and bad. It would also allow for the variations to be tested and also test as is now but just with random assignment.

this is still a actively ongoing project as such its my descrection when and where to make changes as I did with micro with his edited proposal. Youre getting into the talking down to me phase again and you need to check yourself there

you “quite frankly” have progressed into a a*shole as this discussion has continued.

You are a piece of work, straight up annoying. you have tried to pick apart every little thing while acting like not only the smartest man in the room but the authority. get over yourself and get back to real discussion without the better than or get lost

no, i am against anything other than FFA loot


you are the one that wont back down when presented with pretty conflicting ideas.
" This will NOT:

  • Increase the amount of loot that drops or is in the trading market"

This statement is a lie. period. when you want to either remove that statement or change your MF plan im all ears. but as your OP currently sits, you are blatantly lying.

yes it is your discretion, and YOU are the one that can bear the fault for poor discretion.

I also asked for “what data” you are looking for. you dont seem to have a clue so it seems more like a lets just try it out because i want better lootz. thats not an argument based on logic. you need at least a hypothesis or the data you want. especially when its obvious with max MF loot quality will be raised and not equal to current gameplay

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this statement has been modified by this point in the thread set your beer down. micro had this edited out in his version i said we would use going forward in this discussion

so you concede you were at best misleading in your OP?

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… I concede you have actually pissed me off by this point grats. I said this is a ongoing project looking to be put into a PTR did you forget that part?

For curiosity’s sake, do you think instanced loot would lead to more good items in the trade economy oassuming that total drops remain unchanged?

Do you think timed loot would lead to more good items in the trade economy assuming that total drops remain unchanged?

yes, but you made your OP saying your idea is great and made some bold claims about what it wont do. thats what caused all this. you had this smug attitude that anyone against you was wrong and your idea was great. and you did it WHILE FLAT OUT LYING. if would be one thing to be arrogant, but to do so with so many obvious holes and lies. no. just no. you sounded like a dude trying to sell me a pyramid scheme. You pissed me off when you made blatant lies to start this OP.

This isnt going into a PTR anytime soon and Im still trying to figure out what good that PTR will do if you have no hypothesis or specific data you want?

edit: and i started this convo with 3 issues that I saw (see post 9) and it took 20+ posts of garbage before you even looked at them after being asked repeatedly. You brought this on yourself.