New day, new loot distribution options

Why this snowflake protection? It goes against spirit of game.

I agree with this. Overall, the suggested system is overly complex.

I would prefer simply taking the existing calculations in multiplayer games for drops and item identity. The game already uses physical distance in the drop/no drop calculation. Those in physical proximity are eligible for a timed (2-3 seconds) loot drop by RNG.


Why should plooters have more protection than non ploot players? Player killing is part of game, always been and should be.

That is because the new optional loot setting is about group play and interaction. Griefing other players doesn’t help facilitate that. FFA is already there in its complete form with the pvp enabled.

what are some things you feel should be different?

Back form a long laugh… 30 SEC… Ohhh wait iam still laughing… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Even worse ide then Rifts…

I would just repeat this:

everything else yes? or just a change in this area to further elaborate.

So many threads… So many posts… All just to be disappointed by the simple fact that the Devs are taking so long to do basic things with the game, they will NEVER, and I mean EVER dedicate any resources to something as complicated and resource demanding as changing the loot system in any form or crazy idea you all are suggesting.

They cant even fix the lobby, game list and add a filter, you think they are going to design and implement some form of timed loot with radius restrictions and what not?
Give all your heads a firm shake.

FFA loot is D2. You want personal loot? Pick an item up and it becomes yours.
You want loot protection? Play a private game or farm off on your own in a MP game.

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lol such faith in the devs abilities for a game you love so much. Are they fast not really, will that improve? probably, after all more people on team getting exp with working with some of the games older systems/code. They’re working thru the list so to say. I think lobbies will be next big focus then they can start to work on more optional features again.

Not really if most games will be ploot games , then you have nowhere to hunt players. I am against this. Nobody should have special protection against player killers.

So I deleted sections and the underlined parts were edited in some way.

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honestly it wasn’t even a part of the original design. It was added after like 20 plus players talked about how they were already looking forward to getting discord groups running to “plooter rooter” so to say and hunt plooters. They don’t do that already, so it was a unnecessary singling out by some haters. Hence the idea for a non pvp environment much like a pvp and normal server in other games.

There is a lot of talk on this forum. I recall several poster claiming that they would get my ear. Needless to say, I have never been killed in game or even attacked in game. I think once someone went hostile to a group of us and I just hung out in town until that person quit.

ok i see and it looks good. we can see how this version is received going forward

You need to keep in mind not to put details in that warrant citicism. The comment about splitting the playerbase or anti-hostile feature, just invite criticism to result in others missing the larger picture.

Case in point: see the post below this one…

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Yeah I definitely do not like this. It starts as guaranteed loot over time and now people also demand protection from PK. See where things like this goes? Its making game easier, less realistic. Less RPG.

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Well… I hope they prove me wrong, but until the lobby and game list work properly, the server and game overall is stable and doesnt require gating us players with que’s and restrictions, bots and cheats are under control, ect… I will not hold my breath for anything major.

my only complaint is it completely eliminated the debated increase of MF in the group setting. it didn’t choose average or highest. my only complaint in trying this “edited” version out in discussion

I am definitely going for your ear if you will play ladder :slight_smile:

the issue is that beyond wanting personal/timed loot is that you are asking for better MF bonuses as well. It’s not only do we want this alternative loot system option but we dont even want it treated equally either. That will get flamed every time by people that dont want ploot.