New day, new loot distribution options

i think if everything else was equal if would have a near 0 effect since the total items in the economy would be unchanged

I think the impact of instanced loot would be more than timed loot with less good items in the trade economy, thereby making the game a smidgen harder.

For instanced loot, high end players may not pick up B-tier items, resulting in them being lost while in FFA game these items likely would be grabbed by others. Timed loot overcomes the loss of these items since the unclaimed items will be FFA after a couple of seconds.

had smug attitude? lol like the one you have you mean? ok in my original post where am i personally saying I’m so great etc.
oh wait its not there. you interpreted

as some kind of self-patting on the back. it is a good idea it wouldn’t be so hotly debated if it wasn’t by so many. obvious logic

which variation is the best for optional loot systems … again you sure you are really that smart?

this wasn’t the only thread i was originally speaking in but i stopped talking to everyone else to talk with your entitled as*

your op was a pat on the back. who else says we need more great ideas like mine. thats a ridiculous thing to say and sad you want to hang on to it(especially with all the flaws) it isnt a good idea, people are sick of hearing it and there isnt much else to do and are bored. do not confuse me calling out your logical flaws with thinking this is a realistic/good/worthy idea. just hear to point out the inconsistencies and lies

when you first talked to me it was full of trolling and arguing with me trying to suggest that the colorblind option and this have the same splitting effect. which is still ridiculous.

your OP isnt a great idea, it is heavily flawed in pretty much every aspect. it almost seems you would have had to never have played the game to come to the conclusions you did without realizing obvious pitfalls.

what do you mean which system is best? how are you going to quantify that? just make a ptr with every variation and see which one “feels” better? you just seem to have given zero logical thought and 100% emotional thought on what you want here.

Two BIG lies that you want to hold on to. Liar liar
This will NOT:

**Increase the amount of loot that drops or is in the trading market**
Make several copies of each loot for each player
Make it soulbound or otherwise untradable
**Split the community, its a optional setting like choosing hell or nightmare or colorblind**

edit and lets not forget how ridiculous your “qualifying” is. you want to implement qualifying but if player B has an aura on them from someone else and does NOTHING else they still get loot. that means you havent thought about anything

Thank the gods your not a game designer. Or at least I hope…

CONGRATS SLPRYWHNWET-1269 YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON IN MY ENTIRE LIFE IM ACTUALLY TIRED OF DEBATING. You are impossible to converse with, you feel better than and superior to everything. I’m done with your talking down to. eat a bag of dix. I don’t care if i get suspended for another month over this now you are a douchebag

Op got REKT soo hard… :rofl: :rofl:
i told this many times. Op is all about Lies.

im talking down to you because you are ignoring logic and my arguments and in the face of evidence you would rather double down because you want your beloved timed loot so bad you cant admit the flaws in your OP. thats a you issue.

there was no debate. i made arguments - you made deflections, excuses and lies.

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oh please bugles. you only wish you annoyed me to that point. are you trying for 2nd place? he didnt win a thing he annoyed his way out of this convo

ive made clear and concise arguments with many direct questions that you have ignored, skirted around, lied about, said you needed data for (never said what)

if refuting your claims is annoying you must be annoyed a lot

dix…bag of them… get to scarfing as*face I’m done with your better than

answered every question for 5 hours

You got called out on you lies, as usual…
You got destroyed
30 sec… HAHAHA,

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im better than this ^

ive asked you at least 5 times now “what data” you want and have gotten zero answers.

you literally designed a system where as long as a pally is in a group anyone can leech and do nothing and double downed on that idea. like its ok to be like, oh snap i didnt realize that obvious flaw, i should change my idea. but no, you didnt do that.

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but the ploot option, as it is presented, still dont have any downside

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as presented, it encourages leeching, buffs drops due to MF methodology. making game modes uneven is a downside.


What I proposed does not make the game easier. In fact, it would maybe make the game a smidgen harder especially since one could not target specific dops and the impact on the trade economy.

My proposal would not encourage more leeching than what currently goes on now. In fact, it would eliminate scavenging where a monster is killed and you are not even in the area but still could collect a drop.

MP already encourages it, so no point here

mf post 200% is almost meaningless and any one can reach it without losing clear speed so no point here too

it wont be uneven, just different, no downside so no point again

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Any change from FFA loot makes the game easier for the leechers who will 1000000% exploit it.