New day, new loot distribution options

  1. If you don’t want to play the new OPTIONAL setting, then DONT. Play EXCATLY THE SAME AS YOU ALREADY ARE.
  2. The players that choose the new setting, will be grouped with other players who choose the same setting. The loot that drops in those rooms will be randomly assigned to people in the group that qualify based on the physical proximity calculation used to determine drop/no drop chance. The loot will drop on the ground, where everyone can see until the said person picks it up. (after up to 2-3 secs becomes FFA) Note: I do not know if everyone should see all the drops or not.
  3. If a boss drops 5 items like for example Baal, THE EXACT SAME DROPS THAT WOULD HAVE DROPPED IN FFA DROP. The only difference is the auto assignment of the loot.
  4. With this system if there is 8 players, SOME WILL GET NO LOOT, because same amount of loots drop (3-5 usually)
  5. Once the loot has been picked up IT CAN THEN BE TRADED LIKE NORMAL.
  6. That means that the current trade market will be minimally affected.
  7. To choose if you want FFA like normal or resurrected you choose on THE SAME SCREEN YOU ALREADY USE TO MAKE OR JOIN A ROOM. It would literally be a box to check yes or no.

This will NOT:

  • Increase the amount of loot that drops or is in the trading market
  • Make several copies of each loot for each player
  • Make it soulbound or otherwise untradable
  • Its a optional setting like choosing hell or nightmare or colorblind

still pass
good luck tho


You’re not allowed to like things I don’t like!


If only D2 had UMS support, you could play these variations all you wanted and leave the CORE game alone.

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i did not read.

no ploot.
dont like free4all ? not our problem ^^

thank you
have a nice day


The thing is this wont be implemented. Evren if you beg for it.


This sounds like timed loot broadly speaking. As such, I would recommend the timer is set to 2-3 seconds.

When you do not read, you reach false conclusions. The suggestion is NOT ploot.

You may be right: however, you appear to ignore the head of the diablo franchises tweet on September 16.

stop. making. threads. about. this.

there’s already like 20-30 of these, why are you making another. LOCK please. this doesn’t need to be discussed any longer.


Keep making those threads

Im sure our voices were already heard but lets make sure they do not forget it


This conflicts with itself. either you have to do damage and break the pot yourself or you have to be within 100 yards. cant be both.

This will not
“Split the community, its a optional setting like choosing hell or nightmare or colorblind”

yes it will. you are further fracturing the game. colorblind does not create a separate game. hell/nm doesnt create a different game but its rather a different difficulty. If you think this analogy was valid take a step back and rethink because it is not. You can be ok with the split but it will absolutely split players.

Almost forgot to mention that MF is based on highest in the group. What this means is, the person with the highest magic find is what is applied for the items that drop.”

This would be especially broken. have one player max mf with no dmg enhancing gear while others can ignore MF. if ploot did exist it would likely need to be either an average of the mf of the killing blow

my own edit: if you have to say lets put forth more great ideas like mine you are being ridiculous. if your idea is so great it will stand up to scrutiny (which i believe these quick 3 arguments show so major flaws) and not need to be declared great by yourself. the only reason someone says their own idea is great is because they know others can see it isnt that great. like a wannabe rich person telling everyone they are rich, they usually arent.


not ? well…then i have to read it first right ?

but…if i see the word “ploot” or… “loot” in any Line in relation to this game…it gives me a Headache…so…i didn read it…

sry mate…jokin… :stuck_out_tongue:

It will split the playerbase. However how will it change the total size of the multiplayer playerbase?

My suspicion is that it would increase the total number of public multiplayer games.

thats not relevant to the argument, which is something you seem really good at doing.

every time you attempt to reply to a post i make, its always a tangential argument at best and ignores the basis for my point

It is not relevant to whether a split occurs. It is relevant to the consequences of the split. Mathematically, if optional timed loot incrrases public multiplayer game players 2 fold where these players play strictly timed loot games, the the size of the playerbase playing public multiplayer FFA games does not change at all.

thats cool, still not relevant to whether a split occurs so im not interested in your tangential argument because no one is arguing against what you are saying. its lke i said the sky is blue, and you said yeah but at night its a dark blue or even black and im like cool, but that has nothing to do with this.

A split occurs. So what?

That is beyond obvious and yet you pointed it out.

his argument was a split doesnt occur. so are you arguing with ME even though you agree there is a split? do you have a mental condition that you have to disagree with me even when you dont?

if its beyond obvious then why are you arguing it? the OP said VERY CLEARLY he believed no split will occur. check out the bullets. you are a troll and not even a good one

Ok so we both agree a split occurs. That does not invalidate the rest of the argument.

lol yes the fight continues for this potential option

i dont care about the rest of your argument, its not relevant. if i say I like baseball and you say basketball is fun, im not obligated to talk about basketball. take your tangent to another thread or someone else