New day, new loot distribution options

The ide just getting worse and worse… i dont think many would wait 30 sec pr item.
Chaos run 8 player. Lets say 20 items drop. thats 600 sec waiting time… Yer thats about the worst ide of them all

you wouldnt have to. are you high? if you can pick it up you won. if you cant pick it up is because someone else did. If they dont want it it becomes FFA after 30 secs

They have been discussed: You don’t understand tagging rules, the MF could be averaged, the split is inconsequential, and both you and OP could work on presentation.

Yup after 30 sec. people would have to wait 30 sec to se if it get ffa…
You must be on somthing…

lol no most people would have scooped it up well before then, it gives time for the player to get to it and decide if they want it or let it go FFA

i understand tagging rules, you dont seem to get what op said. Your argument of tagging rules is not at all what OP said. So no, when i made my counters to OP i wasnt concerned with your ideas that hadnt been mentioned yet.
OP said you only get loot if you “qualify” but you can qualify by having someone ELSE’s aura on you and nothing more. this is not a thought out system.

I was the one that said MF could be averaged, thanks

whether the split is inconsequential is debatable, but the OP said no split will occur - aka a lie.

you seem to have more disagreements with the OP than me yet here you are attempting to counter my points that you agree with?

Yer the ide is Soo bad. just like all you ides…
30 sec wait… HaHAHa…

lol where are your ideas again Bugles? you have none, and you keep your profile private and you love to antagonize pro plooters. Is this like a hobby? I’m serious

even micro tryed to help you…

30 sec hahahah… Thx for the laugh…

said up to 30 sec. the time isn’t set in stone. most agree 8 secs or less is too little and people could be bone walled away from loot or stunned and unable to get to in time

so to conclude our segment of this thread you generally agree this idea (in most of its form with some things you’d like to change) would

? yes or no ?

no, I think ploot or timed loot is a terrible idea. I think its debatable but terrible.

What I dont think was debatable were the claims made for what wouldnt happen. Those were lies. I think there are MF issues and even larger loot eligibility issues. I dont want this to happen but if it was going to those NEED to be changed

I haven’t read though the thread, but how does adding an additional role change anything? The MF would be applied as normal. If personal loot comes, I can’t imagine Blizzard invents a tagging system along the line. I think the loot distribution would just either applie to all people on a map or a certain radius nothing else would change.

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mmk thanks for playing. was good discussion for most part. could maybe tone down a little on the

part but you were at least intelligently arguing your stance. thanks for contributing. Hopefully after some PTR we can further discuss and fine tune this optional system. I need to make dinner so I will be exiting for a hour or so

because its not like you need 8 players to kill stuff fast. current rules team has to choose between MF and kill speed.

proposed rules going off max MF in group, group can go full kill and have one dummy guy to max mf and ignore any viability otherwise. The OP wants the MF used to be the max in the group which is ridiculous

I honstely don’t know how MF works in Groups right now, which gets applied the one who gets the killing blow?

If so you could simply keep it that way. Player X gets the Killing blow, his mf gets applied. Mob drops Item C system rolls and awards Items to player Z. Even if Player Z is the dummy with MF only his MF wont get applied.

→ 7 Players with Kill speed and 1 Dummy wouldn’t work.

agreed, thats my argument

If you killed a mob in FFA loot and a jah drops, it is not “my jah”. It is whoever picks it up first. Since you were busy killing and others were lurking to click the good drop without worrying about doing DPS, the odds are not necessarily in your favor to get it.

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back now for a few more hours if anyone needs clarification/discussion

This is insanely long time, its like 1/3 of one fast run.

Why this snowflake protection? It goes against spirit of game.

This is not true, it will split community, Color blind setting is only for you, others see game in their setting. Ploot of no ploot is definitely setting splititng community.

You know my opinion from previous topic. I am against it from few reasons. My position against it is not ultra strong and if it will be implemented, i will not struggle in any way, but I think it will not improve current situation at all. I even think people would stop using it eventualy. That being said you have points for making this detailed with explanation of mechanism of ot.

I would change game differently to face some issues.

Person killing boss outside of group will not get loot. Boss will not drop anything.

Better group play
Every player in groups adds 3% chance for double loot and MF of players in group is combined and used no matter who kills.

time is still being “tuned” people agree 8 is too short so maybe 15 secs? would like to actually playtest more in a PTR before “locking in” a exact amount of secs.

lol the “snowflake protection” was implemented so otherwise people could join in and go hostile and basically antagonize the plooters. several people stated they would kill plooters all day if this was instituted.(an alternate loot system) saves drama and griefing. The idea is a “team mode” basically a co- op mode but with up to 8 players. So no need to pvp, just go into FFA for that.

thats how it is basically, but a group decision. say we were in a 8 man group and you tele ahead and kill baal you would get all the loot that one time but the people could choose not to group with you again/ ignore.

[quote=“Zax-11538, post:139, topic:118876”]
the average of all team members MF is alright for most part but would decrease the group diversity and incentive the original highest MF format would provide