New day, new loot distribution options

So your only goal here it to be argumentative.

you dont need real data to know item quality is better with higher MF


that will result in better/more items in the trading market. If the same number of items drop but they are better quality that increases the NUMBER of items in the trading market.

This isnt an issue of forest vs trees. this is an issue of you not realizing you made claims that are demonstrably wrong. if you care as much about this loot as you seem to youd think youd want to get it right

my goal here was to point out flaws/issues that would prevent this from being implemented and discuss solutions and alternatives. isnt that the point of a forum?

if OP is going to post all these ideas and tell me 1,2,3,4 wont happen when clearly some of them will, I dont think I am the one in the wrong for saying that they will

You should take your own advice about presentation.

yes I do want to get it right. So now its my turn to attack. OK then what is your idea? where would you do something different/ better?

and you should argue against my points and not make fake arguments for me that I never made

They will say anything and make up random stuff to make them self look good. It`s a wastte of time talken to them.
when they have no arguments.,
they will tell you that you are using bots and cheats…

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well I would never do timed loot, but if I did I have told you what Id do already

qualifier requiring damage to be done every X seconds to be eligible for loot, maybe 30 seconds?

MF I think I would lean towards average MF but would be fine with average or KB

I would be honest about the impacts. this will split the player base but I would argue the net gain is worth it.

I feel like these are all obvious to anyone who even remotely wants ploot but youd rather be mad at anti ploot players than realize the flaws in your argument.

Im not worried about my argument being heard Mith*, i dont think any changes are needed

lol you have cut me down a few times but Im the mad one? :rofl:

so basically no changes and you roundaboutly agree

Sorry, are you here to argue for and against points? You said you were here to discuss solutions and alternatives.

to me those are all very significant changes in the mechanics and implementation. you not realizing how important MF calculation and who is eligible for loot mechanics are is concerning. those are probably #2 and 3 in importace beyond simply adding timed loot

  1. So that means I can possibly end up with a full inventory of trash, if someone or multiple people in the party keep picking up trash on the floor?

  2. A Jah rune dropped in front of me, I picked it up, and it doesn’t mean I will get it, right?

  3. What if my inventory is full, how can I can the item I want?

Too many questions, too flawed mechanics… don’t want, pass!

what are you here for? to argue against claims I never made?

do better

also, arguing for and against points is literally how solutions are found. do you have a job?
like it literally hurts my head to think someone thinks arguing for and against points is in conflict with looking for solutions and alternatives

yes and will need to make inventory space just like you do now. But for clarification its only on magic and above items not whites and grey non-socketed

if your able to pick it up you were the one who won the “roll” after 30 secs its FFA

you have the 30 secs to drop items to make space. which is better than 0 secs in FFA

Again, take your own advice on presentation. You want me to argue against, not discuss.

In case you don’t know, white and grey items can be very valuable

Pass… I killed the mob, I picked up my Jah, then I need to see it in my inventory

I do understand. Do you understand the current system is a hybrid of all plooters wishes and is the version that best meets everyone’s “hopes”.

you arent doing either. you are making claims I made arguments that I did not make. thats what a liar does. keep deflecting from that reality though.

either argue or “discuss” points i HAVE made or go away

if you picked it up you won, you wouldn’t be able to pick it up before 30 secs otherwise. what are you saying here?

thats cool, it doesnt make the plan any more right because it is a hybrid. the loot eligibility and mf ideas are NEVER going to happen as described in op and are not well thought out