New day, new loot distribution options

I KNOW WHAT TIMED AND PLOOT ARE. YOU ARE NOT EDUCATING ANYONE. Timed loot is a form of ploot. learn to read

where did you do that? you just explained how games are created and suggested it was the same as colorblind option - which it clearly isnt. are you ready to walk that analogy back?

Please provide any source that timed loot is a form of ploot. I already explained the difference.

in ploot, any item that I do not pick up, no one can. That definition contrasts the definition of ploot.

  1. no it won’t, no more than level restrictions on already existing hell baal games for example
  2. anytime youre ready there “cowboy”
  3. yes why are you still struggling with understanding?

ploot - personal loot.
ffa - free for all

in timed loot - loot is attached to one PERSON initially to give that person a chance at their own assigned loot. not sure what source would help you with basic reading. hooked on phonics maybe?

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lol no. it was correctly stated first time. how are you not getting this and acting high IQ?

  1. but those already exist in the game. adding a new game option will separate. how do you not get this? i totally understand being ok with the fracture, that makes sense. but to think it wont? thats just a lie.
  2. i made my points already, so what are you waiting for?

maybe read initial post here i will highlight

right there

and what happens after that time? The loot is FFA. Hence timed loot is neither personal loot
nor FFA loot by definition.

so you think the color blind option and your loot option will separate players in the same way?

yes or no

you can believe that, but i disagree, but what we CALL it doesnt matter. at all. only a troll would think it matters

tf are you talking about? I compared it to the same splitting of games as nightmare or hell or games with level restrictions. that is all the same.

“Split the community, its a optional setting like choosing hell or nightmare or colorblind”

this you?

and this was your argument that it wont split the community. it 100% will

also wondering when you will address my other points instead of deflecting and stalling

yes I said that now try to explain how its any different. you click the box yes or no to join a ploot game just like you check yes or no for level restriction, it is the exact same

you argument was it wont split the community. my argument is it clearly will. how much and if you care that it will can be debated. that it will/wont split however can not be debated.

im very clear as to how you functionally want to implement. that has NEVER been argued once here. if you think thats what ive been trying to argue you arent reading carefully enough

how? you can still trade with any player join any game. to split the community would be to be on seperate servers like hardcore or not. is that clear enough?

so your argument is the only way a community is split is if they are forced to be on separate servers? thats certainly not how id define it but if thats the definition you want then so be it.

now the other points?

The playerbase of D2 historically was heavily split.

You had 4 regions, softcore/hardcore, classic/expansion, plus mods.

Splitting the playerbase in D2R also occurs. No more regions/ multiplayer mods but we gained consoles. At the end if the day whether the playerbade is split is relatively minor point. I think what players who pkay public multiplayer games care about is are there games or not?

Personally, I think the split in the pkayerbase that will occur vwill be offset to some degree (left vague intentionally) by more pkayers playing public games.

which is fine, but the reality is a split will 100% happen. only the degree and its importance are up for debate. some (like you) can argue the split is helpful, which is a logical argument. not one I hold but I understand it

and you thought me claiming a split was obvious, but clearly its not to the OP

lol I mean is that your counter argument. My statement holds true. if they added this option it would still allow all players to interact on same servers except hardcore and regular. they could join in any game any difficulty the only change is rooms with the box checked vs ones without