New day, new loot distribution options

yes, my argument is that if you only define a split as separate severs then your argument holds i guess. not how most would define it, but i was willing to move to the next points. you know, the ones you said youd get to about 20 posts ago and yet you keep stalling. i wont be responding to your posts until my other arguments are addressed as we are merely arguing defining “separating a community” at this point

which part now? so were specific on all points for any other readers as well

This conflicts with itself. either you have to do damage and break the pot yourself or you have to be within 100 yards. cant be both.

This will not
“Split the community, its a optional setting like choosing hell or nightmare or colorblind”

yes it will. you are further fracturing the game. colorblind does not create a separate game. hell/nm doesnt create a different game but its rather a different difficulty. If you think this analogy was valid take a step back and rethink because it is not. You can be ok with the split but it will absolutely split players.

Almost forgot to mention that MF is based on highest in the group. What this means is, the person with the highest magic find is what is applied for the items that drop.”

This would be especially broken. have one player max mf with no dmg enhancing gear while others can ignore MF. if ploot did exist it would likely need to be either an average of the mf of the killing blow

my own edit: if you have to say lets put forth more great ideas like mine you are being ridiculous. if your idea is so great it will stand up to scrutiny (which i believe these quick 3 arguments show so major flaws) and not need to be declared great by yourself. the only reason someone says their own idea is great is because they know others can see it isnt that great. like a wannabe rich person telling everyone they are rich, they usually arent.

THIS POST ^^ minus your definition of splitting a community. you know, the first post i made that you ignored

I came in with valid questions/concerns and you chose to derail this thread about what splitting a community means. you arent for pushing ploot to the community, you are for trolling and ignoring counters

yes that is the most fair setup after a lot of discussion for the people in groups using this new optional loot distribution model.

The reason for this is similar to the above. This was discussed many times and most plooters agree that if the highest Mf on the team was used it would make the most sense and would be a further incentive for less used builds to group such as item barbs.

this you’re just being judgmental and not taking into account how much work has really gone into this

May I suggest calling it an optional loot allocation system so you are not accused of doing the same thing?

ok I will try and be more clear since this is hard for you.

For a chest - who gets it? just the person who opened it or equal chance to all?

Who gets potential loot from Mob A? Those within 100 yards or only those that damaged Mob A

Regarding the MF - Its fine if thats the route you would prefer, but that 100% changes farming speed/economy and the meta. Having a group being able to farm with 1000% MF while 7/8 were 0 MF gear is an advantage over current FFA loot. So the following statement is not accurate

"This will NOT:

  • Increase the amount of loot that drops or is in the trading market"

Lastly, the amount of work that went into this can be shown by the quality of the ideas. Claiming your own idea is great is ridiculous and would set off a red flag for most people.

no you may not, we already discussed this for like 20 posts. we can use our own verbiage and we both clearly know what is being discussed in this thread. stop trolling

anyone within the 100 yards of the chest when its opened on your team has equal chance

not if the commonly used statement of this won’t be very popular holds true.
to further on that. say for ladder there will already be “pro” teams that are all 8 slots and share gear and know all the spots and already have the MF gear etc. this will only help everyday players

ignored my question about the mobs.

and your counter to the effect of MF is this wont be popular? you cant use the argument that this will both be popular and that any effects wont matter because it wont be popular. you arent even trying man. this is the most dishonest BS attempt. you are doing ploot a disservice and insulting all the hard work you claim was done coming up with this if this is how you truly plan to discuss it

I will try and make this point really straightforward. It doesnt matter if you are ok with it affecting the balance. thats an ok argument to have. You cannot however say it wont change the economy or balance and a few posts later say this will help other players and be aware that it will change the farming speed etc. Your bold statements of what it wont do in the OP are the main issue here. They are an attempt to squash counters but they ignore reality.

lol that was a jab at how people act like this is a terrible idea. it obviously isn’t. (a bad idea)


lol nice. yes I am trying to be as clear and concise as possible here

i get that it was a jab. it was a jab that ignored making any counter and instead deflected. i know what you were doing.

“Who gets potential loot from Mob A? Those within 100 yards or only those that damaged Mob A”

do i need to limit it to one question per post for you? whats the issue here?

“I am trying to be as clear and concise as possible here”

no you arent, you are muddying the discussion on the effect of your MF idea by ranting about others saying ploot wont be popular

lol really? I was thinking same thing.

those within the 100 yards that have

as stated in original post

I guess you must just be that superior that you need to spoon feed it to me

lol oh please I’m staying on topic and trying to satisfy your every “need” on this debate

What is the answer to that question now? In FFA loot, you do not need to damage a mob at all to collect loot that drops from that mob. Moreover, you can scavenge loot from kills even if you were entirely in a different zone when that mob died.

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i dont think im superior, i gave 3 questions/arguments in my first post and it took like 20 replies to even begin to discuss

i dont think you understand my question/concern

“To qualify you need a Aura, spell, ability or other skill or under control mob/ summon/ merc to damage or open the chest/pot. Teammate within 100 yards at time of opening/kill have equal chance at the loot. The loot will drop on the ground, where everyone can see until the said person picks it up. (after up to 30 secs becomes FFA)”

Your arguments are not clear and honestly conflict. Does one need to qualify or not? You said anyone within 100yds gets chest loot potential but your qualify argument is different. Are you now saying qualifying is no longer a thing? You said everyone within 100 yards gets access. Do you have to damage mob A to get loot from mob A? yes or no? I am literally just trying to understand your argument because it is not clear.

you are not trying to satisfy every need. you are letting your frustration with those that dont want this to bleed through and you rant about unrelated things while ignoring my INITIAL questions for 20 posts. you are a dishonest poster at best

My suggestion is we simply use the pre-existing calculation for drops and item identity in current multiplayer games. Nothing changes in that regard. The loot allocation takes place after that by RNG.

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really comes off as superior just as a heads up before I address rest here

yes they need to have a active aura or some kind of contribution be it a controlled mob/merc spell etc. in regards to enemy kills. for things like a chest its whoever was 100 yards of it and based on highest MF of people applicable

lol no ranting. literally at all. you’ve been on the offensive and I’ve been still treating you nicely. I’m still trying to address any questions or concerns even after you’ve been “less than nice”

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my superior tone was after asking the mob question multiple times and no answer while being told you are being direct and concise.

i want to dive down in the mechanics so you can see why you likely need to change your plan in this theoretical world which is what i tried to do initially.

So chests/pots seem to not need to qualify? just want to make sure 100% that is clear and that is what id propose in this world

for mobs - I think your plan is beyond flawed with qualifying. Ill show with an example.

Group of 10 mobs.

Player 1 - casts blizzard hits them all
Player 2 - single target and touches 2 of them

I think we see the issue.

If you want to go the qualifying route - and im not sure you do - it would be better to do an activity timer if anything. for example, you have to make an offensive move that hits a mob every ____ seconds. Otherwise this loot is going to be a complete trainwreck.

I maintain the MF idea is broken and will be abused heavily. average of MF or MF of killing blow are the ONLY options in my opinion that do not have a large effect on farming

player 2 had might aura or some other group effect active and gets same chance at all 10 this was explained.

not sure what you are asking? anyone that was within 100 yards of the chest when it was opened get equal chance at loot. after the 30 sec or less timer all loot becomes FFA

will make many more groups for sure but won’t really affect any “pro” players. they still already have their own groups and loot share/etc

“To qualify you need a Aura, spell, ability or other skill or under control mob/ summon/ merc to damage or open the chest/pot.”

this suggests i need to “qualify” for chest/pots. maybe you should reread your OP for edits?

so if i dont have an aura - then i dont qualify if i single target? I think you are ignoring how some classes are going to be at a huge disadvantage here.

again, its fine if you like the MF idea, but its dishonest to say it doesnt change the overall loot. it 100% enhances the loot dropping in your mode with 8 people vs ffa with 8 people. You realize that right? its totally ok to not care and think the change is ok, its not ok to think it has no effect

if the wording is the hang-up then I suppose I could word differently. How would you suggest better clarification for players that see it as you do before discussion?

where is the math on this? its literally the same drops. the only difference is some increase in items from chests if they have a high mf person in the group. Even then the loot is still distributed evenly among those applicable

you would likely have 1 team member with some aura affecting the whole team making everyone in range able to get chance at loot