New day, new loot distribution options

ohhh so you want to isolate only one possible drop when that isnt reality. so intentionally dishonest. got it.

see most people would look at the net increase - usually a percentage as opposed to the absolute increase of one specific item only and ignoring the rest. most people. those with basic stats knowledge

there is alot of powercreep in 2.4 when people, including me, where screaming “dont do this” so i say anything can happen now and as robert said “nothing is out of table”

we will for the “fans” like you pug. the day it is brought to fruition the enjoyment on the threads will be…epic.

ok, try rising sun, a almost worthless ammy that no one cares about the number available on the market

Powercreep is nothing new really they can add as many broken items as they want and it still wouldn’t change the core mechanics of the game itself just make it less interesting. personally I think patch 1.10 was a mistake but it is what it is.

so lets say the total probability of a great item is 1/100. now its 1.4/100. that is significant

i think the only mistake was left it without proper balance, luckly we now have a dev team so we can at least give the benefit of the doubt

what item?

the complete range of usable items, not just one.

but not all items matter, so no point here

thats why i said usable not all, good reading though, /eyeroll

you try so hard but the reality is the probability of a usable unique is still increasing by 40%

so if it would have had an expectation of 100 runs now its only 71.4 runs. thats a very real difference

may i ask, 40% of what?

40% of the prior probability, may i ask you take stats 101 before coming back?

which is?


this is the type of sh*t I was referring to about superiority, No reason to add that part.

depends on how you define the range of usable items. but thats not relevant. no matter the range it will be roughly 40% increase.

no matter the expected number of runs it will decrease in teh same fashion. 100 runs to 71, 1000 runs to 710. 10 runs to 7.1

its significant no matter what range you want to assign. thats the point

there really was, when he has been lying and making ridiculous points and questions at some point ridicule of someone trying to sound smart that doesnt know basic stats is required.

how many times have i shown him math to just say “nope its .0000348 therefore you have no point”

hanz didnt make a simple mistake, i wouldnt ridicule that, he is a troll and a liar

quite frankly, ive been more patient and offering of numbers than i should have with hanz

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listen, you’re in here trying to “flex” all kinds of mental diablo superiority. You don’t have to talk to people like they’re in special Ed. Prove your point and leave it, You’re like the guy that wins the race then drives by the losers to splash them. That’s never cool.

but over what?

the only time you showed any math, it was wrong and i had to enlight you

thats a real number, not something taken out of thin air like you keep doing

like saying its 80% instead of roughly 40%?

Maybe we can drop the whole MF and percentage stuff.

In the proposal there is no change in total drops. I would suggest that we stay on topic and not get into this back and forth that is irrelevant to the proposal.

im really not. i prove my point but when someone comes in with repeated nonsense claiming im wrong and argues provable numbers THEN i will go at them. Hanz picked the fight with me, not the other way around.

im sure its get old getting splashed on but maybe if you trained harder?