New day, new loot distribution options

im on topic with hanz,

Who cares? Not part of the proposal anymore. That shipped sailed.

I would suggest that you drop this since it is not part of the proposal.

You did exatly the same to Me in another thread yesterday…

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i missed your suggestion about mf…can you quote it for me?

ok lets see where this goes… 5 secs later

this is winning the race then being a d bag and driving back by to splash the “loser”

a 40% increase over the drop rate with 200 mf, how many times do i have to tell you?

the effective mf increase is over 80% from 200-1000 on unique but the resulting net probability is only roughly 40%

your .0000348 is only valid if my argument was this game is going to make it easier for 15/15 griffons to drop for ploot players (which i of course didnt) but would still be a valid complaint if that was the only item that mattered

There is no suggestion anymore. Total drops remain the same. Let’s not go down that rabbit hole.

this is going back and splashing the loser that talked smack and taunted you the whole race. not someone who was innocent and trying hard. i have no shame in doing the first

yes and was it cool? I bet you didn’t think so. But i didn’t rub your face in it like slpry seems to love to do. I reminded you of previous battles then moved on. He never moves on. hes like i won i won won won i won i won. repeat times infinity… differences

Magic Find Rare Find Set Find Unique Find
50 46 45 41
100 85 83 71
200 150 142 111
300 200 187 136
400 240 222 153
500 272 250 166
750 333 300 187
1000 375 333 200

i said 80, looks like its 89, my bad

im doing it while the loser keeps yelling they were right when they cant even see the finish line.

teh core argument is that hanz is saying there is near 0 impact on the MF issue and went as far as saying the difference between 200 and 1000 mf is like .000003578. which is completely ridiculous and a lie. and he is still making the lies

further, excala, you told me to do some pretty vile things, maybe keep your morality bs to yourself

It ditten Take offense of what you said, cause it was a lie, just like you lied in this thread.
i just like to point out you own hypocrisy.

… no lies bugles. I like to point out when you say yes to ploot as a option so I understand. we all have our hobbies eh?

its amazing he cant see his hypocrisy within his own thread. tries to tell me to take the high ground when what an hour ago he was saying i should suck a bag of dicks?

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yes, I did and I meant them.(eat the whole bag) doesn’t take away from your still acting like the best thing since sliced bread to everyone in this forum besides bugles

its the difference of rolling an andys with 200% and 1000% mf on the best trash mob it can drop

in the end, youre fighting over 0.000003578 difference

Yup that is what most of the ploot/tloot crowd does.
Some are fun trolls.
But OP , HANZ,MITH,Bodach and Waynedettais on a whole other lvl.
they say the sky is blue, and later when you say it is blue, they say. no its not blue.
when they had no arguments, they accused me of botting :slight_smile:

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complete lie. I’ve never called you a bot. also, you have used every excuse under the sun even english isn’t my first language. so no room to talk there. but its cool you guys be all buddy buddy in your little group. if the changes happen great if they don’t then guess that’s that. Until there is a PTR

finally we agree!
now im happy!

if I was only fighting trash mobs and looking for andys sure. but thats so far from reality.

just so everyone can see, we have talked about net impact the whole time and Hanz is arguing the net impact is 0 because

"its the difference of rolling an andys with 200% and 1000% mf on the best trash mob it can drop

in the end, youre fighting over 0.000003578 difference"

you either have to be so far delusional or a liar to think thats a good argument. im done wasting time now that you have made clear your intent was always dishonest. thanks for putting it in words