New day, new loot distribution options

I already said it in different topic. Ploot would fail because capable players would not be interested to play with it.

I am a capable player and I would be interested in playing iloot or tloot so that is not accurate.

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WE ARE DEBATING ITS MERITS NOW. we already debated the original post. micro put this version forth to see how its “received” his version doesn’t have what you were so upset about in it. like I said the MF and the pvp parts weren’t in my original either. they were in this post but this post is the current on going version for “plooters”

:man_facepalming: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:

If you were a capable player, you would be just fine with out-clicking your coop’s to get loot. Much much more satisfying than sauntering in after others kill a pack for you and you reep the rewards of their hard work.

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I would edit your original post. Otherwise, posters will keep using that and attack it.

and its meaningless

its a increase of 0.0000010263 to 0.0000014106

im claiming its less than a cent, wanna cry for it? go ahead

Are you sure? I remember your complaining about drops chances of runes multiple times. Capable players dont do that. But sure you maybe be exception.

i would say a capable player dont try to say whos a capable player

I play a ton of solo because I do not want to deal with the multiplayer silliness. As you know in solo, you earn your loot and can not rely on anyone else.

In multiplayer if I want to ninja loot, I get way more than the number of good drops that one would expect by random chance alone. I have literally played with people for multiple runs where they started complaining that someone is using a pickit since all the drops disappeared so quickly. I had them and that was without using any cheating software.

I know though if I am getting the good stuff, others are not and that is not fair.

You will get the good stuff in ploot/tloot, and others will not. so you saying it will not change.
It`s a unforgiven world, It is not supposed to be fair.

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You would think that people would be in favor of more options. Not things that they can’t choose to use, or not, but options… but not this one.

The only reason that people are against even the option is that they KNOW that once this option exists, FFA loot is dead. Nobody is going to make a public game with FFA if this happens… and then all those “leaches” and ranged characters who “don’t contribute” will be able to get loot… and people don’t like that.


The distribution will change. If I am getting way more by ninja looting in FFA loot multiplayher games than actually playing DPS that is a problem.

I would much rather deal with “ninja looter” and other players for 100% of the loot, vs 1/8 chance I dont get to see or click on the loot, period.

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I am a realist, can calculate the odds, and have played D2 for thousands of hours.

The Survey done said 39% was for FFA 36% for ploot.
So FFA i the majority. So you are wrong.
Nobody means zero. just so you know.


youare the one that came in crying to me. you just dont know the definition of 0. you dont get to say it has zero downside and then someone shows a downside be like well its not that big so its still zero. thats logically wrong and a lie

Ok thats you. But I think majority of players with strong characters and good game knowledge will avoid ploot games because they never had issue to find stuff in current setting and ploot would only mean less drop for them.

Worst for me is idea that leechers will be picking up staff while i carry the game and I have no chance to pick it up myself. It would be really demoralizing.

you dont understand a normal curve so im not confident you can calculate odds

  1. 39% is not the majority. It is the plurality.
  2. Optional ploot was split between two responses. You only considered one pro-ploot response. What happens when you add the other implementation of optional ploot?

Hint: the two optional pro-ploot responses account for 49% if all respondents. All the pro-FFA only responses account for 39%.


so you made changes to fit my arguments but wanted to argue how wrong i was and never concede the whole time. yeah thats not logical… (like all of your other posts)