New day, new loot distribution options

The leechers already do that with FFA loot. Moreover, they get way more than what you expect by random chance alone so my proposal actually hurts the leechers.

No they dont. Not to the extend that protected, timed loot would.

That should not happen imo. Going hostile is an option in the game. It can exist just fine with Timed Allocation Loot. If you go hostile to take loot, you will likely lose that loot anyway.
Going to town should make any loot that player won instant FFA though, so should leaving the game or area. So you dont have to wait X seconds to loot something from players who are not in a position to loot it themselves anymore.

I agree with the rest.

Well, except this.
MF rules should be 100% the same as now.
Basing it on the highest MFer in the group would drastically change the game balance, and allow everyone to leech of a MF buffer in groups.
Since the exact same loot drops in FFA and the Timed Allocation rules, there is no need to change the MF rules, it can work just fine as it does now.

In FFA leachers has to fight for the loot. in your proposal. they get it handet to them. So no its not the same.


You seem to think little downside and no downside are the same. They are not.

Thank you. I don’t know why people don’t realize how bad that mf change would be

Imagine if I was a leecher. I do not need to worry about DPS. I just stack defensive items. While you are busy killing things I get myself in position for the good drops with my mostly empty inventory except for some defensive charms. The leecher has the advantage and can get a disproportionate share of the good loot in an FFA game.

If that leecher is using a controller, you are doubly in trouble.

Timed Allocation would be worse for leechers. Nobody in Timed Allocation would want to have a leecher in their group.
Leechers would continue to hang out in FFA in the hope of getting carried.
The whole carrier/leecher symbiosis is unaffected, since carriers would still like to have leechers in their game, to boost drop chances, believing that they can pick up loot faster than the leecher.

and they may get everything in ffa, this wont happen with Tloot
no point here

the point is, there is no downside in op suggestion

Saying it over and over again only fools liberals. There are obvious downsides and flaws in the op. Just because you don’t care about them doesn’t mean they don’t exist

If mf didn’t matter after 200 why do people use more? The mf issue would be a real one. Just because you don’t care doesn’t make it go away

They may get everything in tloot.
So no point again from you…

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Hanz is a giga troll or Ops second acc… So get ready for alot of laughs :slight_smile:


So, at worst, nothing changes. At best, leechers will be shunned from Tloot groups.
Leecher in Tloot group => Everyone else kills them
Leecher in FFA group => you accept them in the hope that you will click faster anyway

only 1 excala sorry no extras

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and you failed to show any as everyone against it in this thread
im just point it out

just show them, but dont transvest your opinions of facts

I did. The mf change. Makes ffa and ploot games uneven in item quality. Refute it. And saying it only is a small impact doesn’t make it 0.

Lol you cal me out for stating opinions as fact. Pot meet kettle. You claim no impact on things with an obvious one. Just debatable in size. You say nope. It’s 0. You are a liar

were past that part now. it isnt in the refined version that micro put forth what is now the topic of this thread. again set your beer down.

That’s not what hanz is claiming.


Why did you make changes if I was wrong?