New 3Dmodel are so AWESOME itd be a waste theres no Transmog

be proud , wear your shako green cap proudly , do not hide it or make it seem like an actual helm :stuck_out_tongue:

If you want to look a certain way, go wear the gear that provides that aesthetic. Transmogs are bad, breaking immersion and ruining any semblance of accomplishment for having certain gear pieces. Quit trying to cheapen the game. Go earn the cool looking gear.

Lol “go earn the cool looking gear” says the guy that obviously didnt read the proposed system that actually requires you to have that said cool liking piece of gear in order to apply it to another item

If other people using a visual only mechanic that you yourself can toggle off break the game for you, you have other issues than transmog i fear

I don’t like full transmorg sets but the option to remove the helmet to be displayed is something i would like to see personally!

take a step back mate, take the time to relax, go outside and enjoy the small things in life

no point being enraged against people that actually want to make the game experience better so it lasts another 20 years rather than go for the statu quo and end up with a dead game after 6months

But you should not make anything better! The game is GOOD AS IT IS and if you don’t understand that then go back, playing your TRANSMOG D3
Every day there is someone who wants to destroy the whole game with his “OVERHAUL”. I’m so sick of it.
Why does everyone here think that their stupid ideas can improve the game? Just leave it the way V.V. planned it!

YOU have no idea about good gameplay. And the transmog idea strengthens this impression even more

I would rather not have transmog in diablo 2.

The game does have transmog, Play necromancer, get full trang-oul’s. Congratulations you’re now a ghoul lord. That’s all the transmog we need.

speaking of trang-oul , i hope this set transormation get fixed.
the Casting speed with it horrible.

FCR Frames
0% 15
9% 14
18% 13
30% 12
48% 11
75% 10
125% 9

Necromancer (Vampire)
FCR Frames
0% 23
6% 22
11% 21
18% 20
24% 19
35% 18
48% 17
65% 16
86% 15
120% 14
180% 13

Cool, so I am not entitled to give my opinion about transmog? I never said that I hate it, I just said that I am not a big fan of it.

while i agree it might seem like kind of a waste for never wearing good looking crap items but i dont want transmog in D2

Who said you aren’t entitled to have an opinion?

So I am not entitled to say that your opinion is useless since I especially covered the problematic part you exposed prior to you even bringing it

You’re not entitled to any opinion that differs from his. He’ll make ad-hominem insinuations against you if you do, because that’s definitely the way to win friends and influence people.

Sure why not, i would be ok with it.

Game can actualy do it already. I mean it would not be hard to code it.

How was it an ad hominem? As hominem is when you attack the person rather than the topic at hand, I didnt need to talk about the topic since I already addressed the situation and pointed out he didn’t saw it… hell people are on edge on these forums

You can attach some modeled wings like tyraels ones to your monitor.

There you have your transmog.

Case in point. 6 more characters required…

I disagree I always liked the wildly different looks of all the people online. I think it also takes away from immersion when you add in all these funky cosmetic changes. I think that’s one thing that Blizzard has really forgotten about in games is that sometimes mechanics like pets, bonus wings transmogs etc. break immersion which although not effecting gameplay still effects the experience.

I am not sure if something like an useless opinion even exists since every opinion is subjective and far away from being objective. All I did was telling you what I think about it, nothing more, no need to go in a rage mode about everyone here who doesn’t share the same opinion as you.

ya transmog will do this … lol