Ith rune on armor don't seems to work [SOLVED]

Hmm, yeah if it says it like that, it seems to be worded very oddly. I would post on the Bug Report forums in case that wording needs to be adjusted.

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15% of the damage you take refill your mana.

That would have been WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY simpler :smiley:

At least for English, it is the original text, it was not changed from the original.

neither in french, that was always like that, i just never tried it before…

I will put this game in english since it’s translated like S…

It’s more clear, but it’s definitely still longer than their effect description.

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Yo it was an honest mistake just take the L and delete your griswolds.

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I can take the runes off of it?

Nevermind i find it and did it

I feel for ya OP. Translations in many games leave allot to be desired. Allot of companies will “translate” terms, but not really “localize” terms in a way that makes sense to people who speak the language.


I’m not mad though, i was just curious why the hell my mana was always full and my life played yoyo.

The proper wording would be, 50% of damage taken is returned as Mana.

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its not really even a translation error, as it’s basically the same as the English version, which also isn’t very clear.

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there’s a cube recipe to remove items from sockets, but you don’t get those items back.

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Yeah it’s really a translation error in that case.

Instead of :
“% des dégats subis sont soustrait au mana, which literally translate by % of damage taken is subtracted from mana.”

It should have been:
“% des dégats subis vont au mana, which literally translate by % damage taken goes to mana”

In this case, it’s a huge problem cause lots of french people think it’s an energy shield…
Of course the english version is poorly explained either but more understandable.

Maybe “15% damage taken adds to mana” would have been a better explanation.


You’ll be thrilled to learn about “damage reduction” and “damage reduced by X”


I don’t know if i really wanna even know what that’s mean… i’m afraid

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Its poorly worded to be fair.

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I mean, it does kinda say that in English too, just not quite the same way."

It should say “Gain X% of damage recieved as mana”

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Agreed, they should have worded it differently in English as well.

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And, not really related here but i wonder a thing…

IF, you spec a sorceress with energy shield (the skill), and you put max % damage taken goes to mana, you theoretically will be invincible…

I’m sure i’m wrong, because if not, everyone would play that. Can someone explain me the math for that?