Ith rune on armor don't seems to work [SOLVED]

Nope, its as others said:

“Damage taken goes to mana” means you gain mana when you take hits. It does not mean “you get a permanent Energy Shield for any class”

No. It means you gain 500 mana.

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Nope. It means if you take dmg, that you will gain a certain percentage of that dmg to your current mana. It doesn’t take from your current mana.

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Well, this item description is poorly explained. especially in french.

45% des dégats subis sont soustrait au mana, which litterally translate by 45% of damage taken is subtracted from mana.

So, yeah, the one who have translated that was high.


It isn’t worded very well, but you have to remember there’s limited space in the item windows (particularly back in the day when 800x600 resolution was the norm). They had to take the shortest phrases that could possibly comvey the intended meaning.

Also: The game wasn’t originally available in other languages to my knowledge, so someone did in fact drop the ball there.


Wow…. Nothing to add here….Just wow…

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Hmm, yeah if it says it like that, it seems to be worded very oddly. I would post on the Bug Report forums in case that wording needs to be adjusted.

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15% of the damage you take refill your mana.

That would have been WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY simpler :smiley:

At least for English, it is the original text, it was not changed from the original.

neither in french, that was always like that, i just never tried it before…

I will put this game in english since it’s translated like S…

It’s more clear, but it’s definitely still longer than their effect description.

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Yo it was an honest mistake just take the L and delete your griswolds.

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I can take the runes off of it?

Nevermind i find it and did it

I feel for ya OP. Translations in many games leave allot to be desired. Allot of companies will “translate” terms, but not really “localize” terms in a way that makes sense to people who speak the language.


I’m not mad though, i was just curious why the hell my mana was always full and my life played yoyo.

The proper wording would be, 50% of damage taken is returned as Mana.

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its not really even a translation error, as it’s basically the same as the English version, which also isn’t very clear.

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there’s a cube recipe to remove items from sockets, but you don’t get those items back.

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Yeah it’s really a translation error in that case.

Instead of :
“% des dégats subis sont soustrait au mana, which literally translate by % of damage taken is subtracted from mana.”

It should have been:
“% des dégats subis vont au mana, which literally translate by % damage taken goes to mana”

In this case, it’s a huge problem cause lots of french people think it’s an energy shield…
Of course the english version is poorly explained either but more understandable.

Maybe “15% damage taken adds to mana” would have been a better explanation.


You’ll be thrilled to learn about “damage reduction” and “damage reduced by X”