My thoughts about personal vs shared loot

Did we really need another new thread on this topic?

I have done this already.

D2R: Personal Loot is a MUST for this game! - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

If you make personal drops your not faithful to d2 - Diablo II: Resurrected / General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

D2R: Personal Loot is a MUST for this game! - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

I think I have right to create topic about it as others :slight_smile:

So if I understand it correctly you want to have loot distributed amongs the all players in the game randomly, which is not changing total count of items right? I have two issues with that.

  1. Players will be scared to create open games because there will be many players who will just join to grab free items. You can argue that players can do it even now, but they have to get close to actualy get the items.

  2. considering you would have to be in same room/map where kill is done , people will be exploting that, joining game to just get free loot and it will be pretty much guaranteed. Lvl 40 naked hardcore character can just use portal and stand in the corner of the room, not risking anything and then just picking up loot, having even chance to get more then players actualy fighting.

Both of these points are equally debatable now in the exact same format.

Ploot however doesn’t screw one person over if this scenario were even to take place while Ffa loot lvl 40 player can just take everything especially with a program.

In ploot you could just not party in ffa it doesn’t matter.
But in both cases if you didn’t party said lvl 40 he/she would actually have to get to you in which case you could just hostile and murder for awhile :man_shrugging:

Sry bud but you only going to see " i think" logic. Not a single fact.

Sure it does. It does screw me over, by not screwing me over.
It turns that hardcore-horror element to sunshine and rainbows.

Right, so why did you? there are multiple things in your initial post that have already been disproven in the many, many, many threads on this topic.
The least of which is that you would need to implement bind on account.

No. Just no. None of this argument makes sense. Please stop spamming the forum with this stuff.

Over dramatic but if that’s your thing.

I know lots of people that like being taken advantage of because it excites them.

Again though you could always have the ffa optional games which means you still get that feeling and all the pickits could satisfy you.

That only works when the community is separated. The thrill factor is diminished when I know other players within the same community can take the easy route. Because some players compare themselves to other players. All the effort and hard work would be diminished in comparison.

No, it’s pretty specific, it mentions the existence of similar topics, it doesn’t mean what you think it means. There are no moderators here, sometimes for the sake of the community, we have to police ourselves. There is no constructive reason to have this many threads about one topic.

You keep saying it’s the easy route.

You still literally have to kill things to get drops.

Easy route is your opinion.

What may make it easier is that people will actually play together ALOT more which makes the game easier especially if everyone’s meshing

Do you? So if you stand in corner while others kill, will you get drop?

I had to play a game of soccer to get my loot. You didn’t.

Want to log in now I’ll stand in the corner while you kill and telekinesis your drops

Good one, but it requires you to have certain hero, certain skill and most importantly there is casting time which will hardly compete with simply clicking on item.

This is not how personal loot works. To get personal loot, the character needs to be in close proximity to the killed monster. If you are NOT in close proximity, a personal loot character gets nothing.

In contrast in D2 currently with FFA, you can get to the monster kill location after the fact and get all uncollected gear. This makes FFA games worse in terms of “free items”.

Again see the point above. If you are standing in the room in close proximity, your character in hardcore is at risk irrespective of the loot system.

This is potentially worse in FFA. At most they leecher gets a binomial distribution of loot. In FFA, they can get all or a disproportionately high share.

This is not true. See:
Realm vs Game Loot Options - General Discussion - Diablo 3 Forums (

Total drops are the same in personal and global loot games. In 8 player personal loot game, each player see only on average one-eighth (12.5% of total drops +/- binomial probability variance). In a FFA game, players see 100% of the drops. Due to player stratification, it will be difficult to gear up in personal loot games. Therefore, a compelling case can be made for personal loot being more difficult and FFA less so.

Do you understand participation medals and why people think they suck? When you can understand that concept, then try to understand why people would relate that to FFA loot.

Except at least you need to participate in personal loot game by being near the monster kill. In FFA, wait in town and let others kill the map. When the danger has passed, grab all the uncollected free loot. No risk but you get rewards.

In personal loot, you wait in town you get no drops whatsoever. You want personal loot, you need to be near to monster kills. At least there is some risk.

It’s a false concept because in ffa the person not doing anything can win all the medals.

In ploot the person not doing anything has to still be around for participation and the person doing everything will still get his/her medal

You are playing a game of soccer and one player stands around the whole time, but eventually that player steals the ball and scores a goal. The whole point would be to score a goal, but everyone playing the game can do it. Some players cheat and others follow the rules.

You literally just described ffa with that analogy except that guy standing there can steal the ball every time and score while you keep running around