Characters are back, but now stuck in game !!! holy cow this is insane !!!
my characters are back. But now it says my character is already in a game on the server. I can’t win.
Everytime I use my lvl 9 pal in the rogue encampment I cant go to stash box or use the waypoint, my game just turns off and brings me back to my xbox home screen
Well, at least I can see my characters again… But now I can’t join any games because my character already exists in a game on the server? How? Why? I just want to play the game I paid for.
My characters reappeared a few minutes ago. Looks like this issue is temporary, your characters have NOT been deleted. Just be patient and you should see everything go back to normal as they finish the maintenance.
How do I know this while I was playing? Shouldn’t you prompt this message to notify the online players?
Yeah, my characters came back too, but they can’t join any games, says they exist in the world.
Same as you man. Seem someone else is playing the character.
Besides my character not showing sometimes Im receving the same message of last night
that the char is in another game?? weird
anyways here is my tag please fix it, I need to play lol
PC Platform
Around 2 PM my char went down
I lost 2 70+ characters. Hopefully this gets fixed. I also hope they don’t roll back before I got my Fire GC skiller.
You don’t need to play. Your life is not depending on it.
Didn’t you watch the live action launch trailer thing blizzard did for this. He obviously does need to play. He NEEDS to Covet Power, Succumb to Greed, and Kill. So much killing that he will bathe in the blood of Demons!
Was unblocked when I woke up, played 2 games and blocked again…
10am PDT, NA servers.
blocked again with the maint gj blizzard
- i got the same problem i was playing on my ps4 d2 and i got a huge rollback i was act2 nm, then my game got slow and a did a restart and i came back but my character was at lvl 33 and back to act 1
i need help !!! plzzzz
come on man, when can we start playing?
ok, the maintenance is over, character is back to character selection screen, but now I have the ‘character is already in a game on the server’. sigh.
Blizzard CS on Twitter says maintenance ended about 14 minutes ago. It also states they are aware of people stuck in dead games.
If they could at least give us an ETA on when we will be allowed to play again
Worst part is, watching your friends play in discord, and not being allowed to join them, as if you were two, and on timeout for misbehaving, even though you did nothing wrong…
Please answer why you lying about updates patches and so on. When it was D3 it was same story like we fix later and after few years say that problem solved later was same question when was also same answer we fix in feature… Same With D2R now a lot of maintenance and results same same same same and more bugs come like mini map bug… Any company releasing game never gives that broken UI/UX and game online is broken same as UI… Can you Just stop doing and shutdown your servers when it ready to up…