Missing Characters / Unable to Create Games - September 26, 2021

My character went missing after playing a few hours on Friday night and still hasn’t popped back on the screen. How long is this going to take???


Account : Ghost#231119
Platform : PC
CHaracters : all
Server : EU

Failed to enter game. This character is already in a game on the server. Please try again.

Account: Blackcoffee#11633
Platform: PC
Characters: All
Server: Americas

Started during maint.

MY Character is stuck in game and new characters when joining a new game is black screen

Account : Bulldognu#1451
Platform : PC
Characters : all
Server : Americas


Been stuck for over 4 hours

I also cant create a game. Says my character is still in a game or that there is connection issues to the server.

It’s 5:15 EST and I still cannot join//create games.


This is on Xbox. I also cannot create//join with new chars. Very annoying. Please unlock. Thanks.

I could login successfully just now.
My char was DEAD and I think I only lost gold (dont remember my XP)

I’m currently playing and all my friends have been locked out all day due to either missing characters or stuck in dead games. Wtf :frowning:

Hey blizzard… you kinda wanna like hurry up… i mean come on… 4 hours to unstuck chars… i can only imagine how many refunds yall are having right now

I just finally was able to join a game, I was in act 4 up to chaos sanc and now my char is back to act 2 with gear loss and showes ive killed everything up till tal tomb… with no staff… WOW BLIZZ my char has killed meph and all the way up to diablo this is the second time I’ve had this issue with your crap in the last 24 HOURS!!! Fix my SHEET

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These devs are actual liars. They are, truth be told, too busy sexually harassing each other instead of devoting time to properly launching a game that isn’t even brand new. I’d hate to be the employee having to walk around wiping all the drool off their chins.

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Account: Dragonmaster #1693
Platform: PC
Character: All
Server: Americas

does this actually work… why is everyone doing this? lol why would they pick just random people to unlock instead of mass unlocking

Hey all,

The problem this thread was originally created to notify everybody about is resolved. If your character is stuck in game, they’re running scripts to unlock those characters. Check this post and post in this thread.

Please note that as mentioned above, some progress loss is expected for some characters any time a player disconnects instead of safely logging out. We’re sorry for the setback, but since this never saved on the server, any lost items/quest progress/levels can’t be recovered.

Locking this thread so that everybody gets to the right place for the remaining issues.